if it’s october, halloween must be right around the corner

And it is!

For the last several weeks on the  Oliver + S Facebook page, we have been highlighting Halloween costumes that some of our most adventurous customers have sewn by customizing Oliver + S patterns. And what wonderful things we’ve found!

If you’re interested in making something special for this year’s Halloween costume, we’ve assembled some wonderful inspiration for you.




OK, before I go further, let me make this clear so no one feels guilty. I’m a working parent, too, and understand the attractiveness of a costume assembled, last-minute, from the contents of the dress-up box. Believe me. If that’s your chosen method of costume construction, you have my full approval. And that may be what I end up doing this year, too.

That said, some of the costumes I’ve seen recently are simply astounding. They go way above and beyond anything I would ever have dreamed of making. And I certainly didn’t envision anything like them when I was designing the sewing patterns themselves, so you’re a creative bunch. And I want to share what all of you have done. So take a look!

You can click through to see the past updates one-by-one on the Facebook page, or you can view all of these great creations (and more) on an Oliver + S Halloween Pinterest board that I have assembled. I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I have!

What are your Halloween costume plans?



  1. Judy Swift

    Fabulous costumes! What fun it would be to have these adorable trick-or-treaters at our door this year. I really love that owl!

  2. I love using your patterns for Halloween costumes. Last year I made a bat hat from your Cozy Winter Hood pattern and Parenting magazine contacted me to make one for their October 2012 issue! I haven’t seen the magazine in person yet but here’s a link to see the cover


    Love your designs and fabulous instructions. Can’t go wrong with Oliver + S.

    1. Sascha, how wonderful! The hat looks great. Congratulations!

  3. Bailey

    I am currently working on turning your puppet show tunic pattern into an Izzy (from Jake and the Neverland pirates) top for my daughter’s pirate themed birthday party!

  4. Becky

    So my daughter wants to be a rainbow…seems like that should be something I could do with one of the Oliver & S patterns. Any creative ideas?

    1. I wonder if you could use the Ice cream Dress for this? If you added stripes for all the different colors you could get the full spectrum, and maybe you could attach “wings” to the sides of the dress to continue the stripes and get the rainbow shape? Or maybe the Red Riding Hood from the Little Things to Sew book, which would have the right shape of the rainbow?

  5. Bailey

    Popover sundress with graduating tiers of color over a long sleeved blue shirt painted with white clouds.

  6. Becky

    Both great ideas – thank you!

  7. pollywog

    I used the art smock and bucket hat from LLTS to make Blueberry Muffin last year. Maybe the art smock wasn’t the perfect dress choice but it worked and it was such a simple pattern. I felt really good about the hat in comparison to the doll costume – it was as close as I think I could have come without sculpting something with foam.


  8. Leisl,

    The Parenting Magazine cover outfit of the bat hat is scheduled to be on Access Hollywood on October 29th. I don’t really watch t.v. so not sure what the show is. They asked me for my info for the pattern design but I just gave the Little Things to Sew book as credit. Hope that’s ok. The alterations I made were so simple I think almost anyone can alter the pattern to create the same look.

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