a post sandy update

Thanks to those of you who have emailed in asking how Oliver + S weathered (pun fully intended) the storm. In short, we’re fine.

Last night was not without some drama as the East River came to within 20 feet of our building’s front door, but we’re feeling very lucky that the only impact to us will be the loss of power at home for a few days. Many of our neighbors and the small business owners in our community were not so fortunate.

Our studio suffered no effects from the storm, and we have power and communications there. The website remains open for business as usual. You’ll experience no delays with your orders as our technology and warehouse operations did not see any impact from the storm.




  1. Sharonk

    I am very glad to hear that eveyone is alright!

  2. Glad that Oliver + S “weathered” the storm with no problems!

  3. Thankful you are safe!

  4. ali

    SO glad all is okay & thanks so much for letting us know! Sending love to you & the East Coast! ~x

  5. Kate

    Thank you for the update! We are so glad that you are all okay and safe.

  6. Dora

    I’m so happy for your safety. I’m sorry about everyone else, my thoughts and prayers to all. Have a nice week

  7. So glad you’re all okay over there! What a scary situation – the photos I’ve seen have just been mindblowing. Hope your power is back very soon and you can move on with your lives!

  8. I’m so happy to hear this. I’m on the West Coast of Canada, and watching the news with horror, so glad you and your family are safe…hang in there!!

  9. Glad to hear you are all safe. I was wondering.

  10. Lucinda

    Thanks for posting an update – so glad to hear your inconveniences have been minimal. What a lifetime experience!

  11. Fiona

    Glad to know that O + S is ok, and I hope your neighbours are too. Just wanted to say a special thank you for the wonderful pictures posted to illustrate/introduce the patterns. I hadn’t realised the extent of the detail offered by patterns until I really paid attention to your pictures in your past blogs. Sometimes, I find it hard to see all the details ( and therefore the potential) on the shop section of the site. Thank you; it’s whetting my appetite for more patterns. Keep up the brilliant work!!

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