welcome to the new oliver + s

If you’re viewing this blog post in an RSS reader, you might want to click through to visit our website. What you’ll find there is completely new.

We have redesigned and rebuilt the website from the ground up to make it easier and more fun for you to use.

There are many new features that you’ll discover as you wander around. Here are some of the more interesting ones:

  • Our free patterns are now prominently displayed on the site so they’re easier to find.
  • You’re now able to purchase all Liesl and Co. patterns (Oliver + S, Lisette, and in a few short weeks a new brand we’ll be unveiling) from the shop section of the site. This allows you to combine orders and save on shipping.
  • There’s a fun new play section of the site where you can, well, play!
  • Last, but definitely not least, the site is smarter than your average website. It figures out what sort of device you are using to view it (computer? iPad? smartphone?) and automatically reconfigures itself to give you the optimal viewing experience for that device. Have an iPhone? Take a look at the site on your computer, and then look at it on your phone.

We hope you enjoy using the new site as much as we’ve enjoyed putting it together for you.




  1. Lools great!

  2. Oh it looks great, Liesl! Congratulations!

  3. nicole

    Its great Todd,clear and bright and very easy to use.
    The paper dolls are a great idea!

  4. Love the new clean look.

  5. Congratulations O+S team!
    Love, love the new look of the website!
    And the new paper doll is amazing (I recognized that sweet girl, as well 😉
    Now, I really can’t wait for the upcoming spring pattern releases!

  6. The new look is fabulous! Well done O+S team.:)

  7. christina

    So nice to have ‘you’ all in one place now, Liesl!

  8. Mel

    Wow! I was completely shocked when I opened the page this morning. Looks fantastic!

  9. Love the new site. Especially nice to see details and fabric requirements in the main window. The old way was a little tedious. I also like seeing the lisette patterns here. Nice job.

  10. mum

    like the new website. 🙂

  11. Jen

    Beautiful! And I’m thrilled with the concept of one stop shopping, thanks!

  12. Katie

    It is fantastic! You must have worked very hard on this – I love it and had to fight my 2 year old for the iPad this afternoon after she discovered the ‘paper’ dolls section. Beautiful!

  13. I think what I like best about the site, is how it looks like a pattern sleeve on the pattern envelope! Love the new look, Todd & Liesl… great flow, too!

  14. New site is wonderful. Really fun, like you said! Beautifully done!!!

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