sewing party for Project Hope

We’ve been so inspired by the work of Project Hope and by the many dresses that have been made and donated to the orphanages of Haiti through their efforts. We thought it would be fun to bring people together for a sewing party to create a few more items to send, and you’re invited to join us!


Project Hope Invitation


We hope you’ll join us in New York on Saturday, March 24, for a sewing party and open house. At the request of the folks at Project Hope, we’ve developed larger sizes of the Popover Sundress for the older girls and a simple shorts pattern for the boys. Moda has generously donated the fabric that we’ll be using. We’ll see how many garments we can make in a day, and we’ll be sure to have a lot of fun doing it.

I’ll bring the food and drinks for everyone. S is planning to DJ for us. And Heather Ross (who designed our adorable invitation!) will be joining us as well.  (I haven’t decided yet whether to give Heather a job or whether we should just make her tell us silly stories while we work. But either way I can guarantee that everything is more fun with Heather around.) You’ll get to work in the Oliver + S design studio, so you’ll see how things work around here and we’ll get a chance to get to know you! How can you resist?

We’re hoping you’ll come and chip in for an hour or two (or more!). If you’re interested, please send an email to, and tell us if you prefer to come in the morning or afternoon. That will help us to plan for the day and make sure that everyone has a valuable (and enjoyable!) job to do when they arrive.

I do hope you can come! Sewing is even more fun when done with friends, and we’d love to have you join us.



  1. Stephanie

    I can’t come as I live too far away, but if you post the larger dress pattern I could make a couple and ship them out.

  2. darci

    this sounds fab- would love to come, but parental duties may take priorty. Have fun!

  3. Oh I wish I could come, sounds like a bunch of fun!

  4. Adrienne

    Why does Louisiana have to be so far away?? : ) This sounds like a wonderful way to spend a day!
    Can we participate via long distance and mail some dresses to add to what is made on that day?

  5. Lesley Condon

    Are you going to post the larger size popover dress and shorts pattern? I would love to participate, but I live in Savannah, GA.


  6. nicole

    How wonderful,I wish wish wish I could come.
    Good luck and happy sewing.

  7. mel

    Wish I were close; I’d love to join in! Happy sewing to all who can make it!

  8. Diane

    What a wonderful idea. . . and how fun! I wish I could come but live too far away. I’d also love to participate long-distance and send what I sew to you to be included in your package to the children in Haiti. Can you provide info on how to best do that? Thanks a million and have a blast!!


  9. What skill level sewing do you think is necessary?

    1. Any level, including beginner is welcome!

  10. I SO wish that I could be there, but I will be there in spirit. When we were adopting our son from Haiti we were fortunate enough to be able to spend time in a few orphanages two separate times. Both times my Mother sent me with stacks of dresses that she had made. They were needed, and very appreciated!
    Thank you, and those participating, for what you are doing!

  11. Jenette Richardson

    We have dresses made with t-shirts. We would like to send them where they are needed most.

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