introducing Holly

Not long after we launched Oliver + S,  I started noticing an adorable little girl who kept popping up in our Flickr group. She had enormous eyes, the sweetest face, and she was always wearing the cutest ensembles. (Her mother has impeccable taste in fabrics and always selects the perfect prints for each pattern.) It wasn’t long before I contacted the girl’s mother and requested permission to create a paper doll based on her.



Since then we’ve had the pleasure of getting to know this little girl, “H”, and her equally adorable younger brother. We’ve watched her grow up, we’ve spent some time playing together, we’ve mailed little gifts back and forth, and we’ve even emailed a bit.




And so S and I are especially excited to officially introduce you to our new paper doll friend: Holly!


Holly Paperdoll


We’re thrilled to feature Holly on our new spring patterns, which we’ll introduce to you starting next week. In the meantime, you can play dress-up with Holly over on the Play page of our new website. She wears the separates, so you can mix and match the various tops and bottoms to see how they work together. We’re so excited that Holly is part of the fun.




  1. What a gorgeous girl, and a gorgeous doll! I always enjoy seeing her clothing in the flickr group!

  2. Mel

    I knew she looked familiar. She’s a doll, and I do enjoy seeing her adorable clothes.

  3. As if I needed more reasons to love/buy your patterns! The fact that there is a Holly, and that I’m expecting a baby girl any day…
    I hope you and Todd and S are well!

  4. She is adorable! And I love her mother’s work.

  5. Lisa Losabia Kelsey

    I just knew that was Jeanne’s kid the minute I saw the doll! she looks a dolly come to life, and I’ve had a sewing crush on nightknitter for a while now!

  6. Love it!
    Dan did an amazing work and Holly bears a striking resemblance with the real-live H.!
    J’s work is always a great source of inspiration (love both her sewing and knitting projects). And it’s always nice to know that I’m not the only one sewing when kids go to bed 🙂

    Lovely addiction to the paper doll collection!

  7. Such a cute new doll and it’s great to know she’s based on a real girl! What a treat!

  8. An excellent choice.
    She is gorgeous and always looks so lovely in her little outfits.

  9. Sandi

    How fun, Liesl – I’ve always thought she was a cutie

  10. Wow, what an honor. She’s beautiful!

  11. Rebecca

    I love the new look and the ability to play with the paper dolls! One question though- why can’t we try the class picnic blouse and shorts or puppet show tunic and shorts on any dolls? I was sitting down with my 4 year old so we could start planning her spring/summer wardrobe and we wanted to mix and match those outfits too!

    1. Rebecca, we haven’t made every style available for the dolls. We may expand in the future, though. (The new spring patterns will go up when they are available, for example.)

  12. Love the new doll, and what a beautiful muse she is based on! So cute!

  13. M

    I love the new doll and she is very cute as are the others. However, I was hoping that you might try a brown doll as well. As the mother of an interracial child, I’m just hoping, is all. Thanks for your blog and I love your patterns and book!!

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