wallet-sized measurement chart: a little holiday gift for you

This year has been fun, and we’re a little sorry to see it go so soon. We’re very glad that you have been a part of it!

To thank you for being a member of our little sewing family, we made you each a little gift.


Oliver + S Measurement Chart


We know how helpful it can be to have the measurements of your little one handy, so we’ve made up a wallet-sized measurement chart that you can print out, trim down, and fold up.



When folded in half, it’s the same size as a credit card, so it will fit neatly in your wallet and will be handy the next time you’re shopping and can’t recall the shoe size for your 2-year-old. Or when you’re shopping for tights and need to know the height and weight of a certain 6-year-old.



I’m planning to complete one for S (those aren’t her real measurement in the photo, but it will be fun to see how close I came when I estimated!) and save each one when I replace it with a new one as she grows. I think it will be fun for us to look back at the charts as she gets older, and maybe she’ll be curious about how her growth and development when she has children of her own.

You can download your own measurement chart from our website. Happy holidays!



  1. donna

    perfect! i needed that! thank you!

  2. Thank you so much!

  3. Melanie

    That is a nice idea! What a sweet keepsake. Thanks and Merry Christmas!

  4. cherie

    So cute! Thanks!

  5. This is perfect! I was making a skirt for my daughter the other day and couldn’t remember her measurements! I was so surprised, considering I’ve made her so many skirts…I had to go measure her in the bath tub! 🙂

  6. mel

    How thoughtful and perfectly handy! Thank you!

  7. Jennifer O.

    Thanks! I usually have a giant chart with measurements for my seven nieces and nephews (they all now know to line up to be measured at family gatherings) but this is much cuter!

  8. Oh my, these are fabulous! And just what I needed! Thank you for the lovely gift.

  9. This is such a nice idea! Thank you!

  10. Sarvi

    This is brilliant, one of those simple ideas that makes so much sense and is so obvious once somebody else has thought of it!

  11. This is fabulous! I love it. Thank you so very much!

  12. Nancy Pultorak

    These are terrific! I’m constantly bugging my daughters for the kids measurements.

  13. Thank you so much.

  14. Devon

    Hecks yes. Yes Yes Yes. How many scattered places do I have my girls measurements around my house and yet I still seem to have to take a new set every time I want to make something? Now if only you could make a card with microscopic yardage requirements for all your patterns so I won’t go wracking my brain while fabric shopping…I think we need an app for that. 😉

  15. Immediately sent this to the local copy shop to have them print me one on cardstock – I could not wait… THANK YOU! Brilliant idea, Liesl!

  16. Excllent idea! I can never remember my own measurements so this will be very helpful!

  17. Erin Waters

    How adorable…thanks so much!

  18. Sammi

    This is perfect! Thank you so much ive sewn sence I was a kid, but im just now getting into making cloths for my girls, this is so handy thank you soo soo much

  19. Tamara

    Brilliant idea Liesl! Thanks so much they are just too adorable NOT to have.

  20. Angela B

    Thank you!

  21. Meg

    Oh, thank you!! These are wonderful and adorable! mwah!!

  22. Cheryl Jung

    Unbelievably adorable! What a great idea. My mother has also been hounding me for these measurements, so she’ll be thrilled as well.

  23. jaya

    thank you!

  24. It has been some time since sewing clothing for me or anyone else, for that matter. Maybe, I will give it a try. Some of your patterns and ideas are right up my alley. Thanks for this opportunity.

  25. Kim

    Thank you, I have been writing my granddaughter’s measurements down on little pieces of paper every month. These are so cute I know she will love to look at the card while I measure her then I will save them for her.

  26. julie

    So cute. Really glad I found this today. I want to shop for my grandson soon and I’d like to have my daughter give me his measurements. I may also print this out annually and save with my Christmas decorations to see my boy grow!!

  27. Ingrid

    Just what I need! Thank you, and happy holidays!

  28. Lucinda

    So sweet of you to share this with us! Thank you so much:) Off to go print . . .

  29. Gab

    I was sent over from Sarah Jane Studio’s and I am so glad I popped over, these cards are SUCH a great idea!! LOVE LOVE LOVE them! xx

  30. Martha

    Thank you for the measurement cards! I sew long distance for my grandkids and now I have an adorable card to pin up in my sewing room:) I also follow Sarah Jane Studio and she sent readers to visit your blog:) Merry Christmas:):)

  31. Thank you!

  32. Andrea

    These are so cute and super useful. Thanks! 🙂

  33. Gwen

    A wonderful wee giftie indeed. Thanks so much.

  34. Emilie

    Ow would love to have these but download doesn’t work on my computer, very strange….
    Could someone please email these cards to me?? Would be very much appreciated…
    Thank you, best wishes Emilie (memverbeek@gmail.com)

  35. Gina S.

    This is great! My grandkids are a 100 miles from me and this will help a lot when i go see them to up date their measurement and i can leave one for my daughter so she will know what mesaurements i need.

  36. I absolutely love this! I keep taking my kids measurements and writing them down on random pieces of paper and then losing them and then doing it again. This COULD NOT BE CUTER and practical.

  37. e butler

    this is far too perfect. thanks for sharing. can’t wait to download and fill out and keep in my wallet. AGAIN……. THANK YOU!!!!!!

  38. Thank u so much. Wonderful Idea I will use over and over

  39. S Baer

    I love this! It’s very cute! I went to print some, but hate to waste paper/cardstock with there only being one card (actually 2, but I have 2 girls) per sheet. It would be super fantastic to have one for boys and one for girls with 4 per sheet so you could print and have 4 at a time for the required/preferred gender and not have to waste any paper. Thank you for this and hopefully a modification will come out. I’m not savvy with adobe or I would try to make one for myself. I’m going to go check out the rest of your website.

  40. Ada

    This is so helpful for creating a particular size for a child – Thank you Dear!

  41. Stacy

    Thank you! These beautiful cards are truly a gift.

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