apparel sewing basics giveaway

A little over a week ago, we announced that Liesl’s two new video workshops, Apparel Sewing Basics and Seams, Closures + Hems, are now available for sale on our website.

Apparel Sewing BasicsSince then we’ve seen something unusual. Orders for these DVDs are coming in from a lot of men. Not that we don’t like selling things to men. It’s just that seeing a man’s name on an Oliver + S order is a bit out of the ordinary. We’re chalking this up to the upcoming holiday season and are figuring that some of you will be getting the DVDs as Christmas gifts from your lovely husbands. (And, no, we’re not giving any hints about whose husbands have been shopping with us so don’t bother asking….)

But we’re sure that not all of you will be getting the series for Christmas, even if you did ask your personal Santa Claus very nicely. So we figured we would help you out by giving away a copy of Apparel Sewing Basics.

To enter the drawing for a free copy of the DVD, leave a comment telling us what else you’ve asked Santa for this Christmas.

One entry per person, please. Comments may be subject to moderation before they are published, so don’t resubmit it if your comment doesn’t appear immediately. As long as you didn’t see an error message when submitting your comment, you entry has been accepted.

The drawing will run until 2:00PM ET on Dec. 1 at which point we will turn comments off and will ask our friends at to help us pick a winner. If your name is drawn, we’ll contact you via email to get your shipping address.

(Before you leave your comment, let me give you a warning. Whatever you do, do not check that little box below that says “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.” Trust me. You don’t want your inbox to be inundated with emails from strangers telling you what they want for Christmas.)

Interested in winning a copy of Seams, Closures + Hems? Then you’ll want to check out the post at the top of the Lisette blog today. And, while you’re there, why don’t you explore the site a bit. There’s been a lot of interesting content posted to the Lisette blog lately that you might not have seen yet.



  1. Margaret

    I’ve been dying for a sewing machine and some modpodge supplies!

    Thanks for this giveaway,

  2. Sewing and quilting supplies of course! And a pair of Tom’s shoes. 🙂

  3. Jennifer

    I can’t wait to sew your patterns, but I need a basic tutorial!! 🙂

  4. Amy in VA

    I asked Santa for a large cutting mat. It was miraculously on sale at 60%off at a big box store too… How did he know?

  5. Rose

    I’m hoping for the After School Shirt/ Pants Pattern and The Apple Picking Dress 🙂

  6. Well, so far I have not asked Santa for a thing. But if you are talking to him, I would like a D-SLR!xp

  7. Janel

    What do I want Santa to bring me? A maid and full time cook so I have more time to sew! : )

  8. KoryO

    I already got what I wanted….an iPhone. (Is there an oliver + S app coming out? 😉 )

  9. Karen

    I’ve asked for (okay, okay, ordered myself) a few new presser feet. I can’t wait to get sewing with them!

  10. I’m getting what I wanted too, a trip to Spain over Christmas! But coming home to your DVD would be added bonus.

  11. Amy

    For the second time in my life, I’ve asked Santa for a bike. Last time, it was to cruise around the neighborhood with my friends. This time, it’s to work off my post-pregnancy weight. Santa came through for me back in 1986. Let’s hope he’ll pull it off again in 2011. Come on, big guy!

  12. Having taken one of Liesl’s classes, I’m sure this DVD is amazing! I decided to ask for a new Kitchen Aid mixer for Christmas. They are workhorses, and our 15 year old one is still going strong, but it’s just a bit too small for some things that I like to make, so I decided to splurge on a bigger, more heavy duty one.

  13. Juliet

    I haven’t asked for anything yet…I would love a new pair of boots!

  14. Melissa

    If I was to want anything…it would be a trip to Oregon to see one of my really good friends. Just to have a cup of tea would suffice. I miss her!!

  15. I have really no idea for a Christmas gift this year, since I received a fantastic seger fo my birthday few weeks ago. In fact, I would like to go to NYC with my husband, just the two of us, but not during the Christmas time!

  16. A dark, dark grey cashmere fitted v-neck. Mine is so old and mothy, I wear it with my pjs. Thanks for the chance to win!

  17. Lisa

    I have asked Santa (or his delegated equivalents) for most things sewing-related. I’ve asked for Sarai’s new book, gift certificates to some of my fave online fabric vendors and a new walking foot for my machine. I forgot to ask for this video though! Maybe I need to drop off a hint to the spousal unit.

  18. I’m begging hubby for a child size dress form. My two year old refuses to stand still long enough for me measure and hold patterns against. Can’t imagine why. lol

  19. Anne

    Well, if I’m asking for the moon, I’d like to move my two year old into the room with her four and six year old sisters, so that I can convert that nursery into a sewing/craft room! But if I’m asking for just something a little more realistic, I’d like a few new pots and pans.

  20. I also hoping Santa will bring me a Blentec.

  21. Sarah

    I’ve asked Santa for a gift certificate to the local fabric store, as well for a new camera! Thanks for the chance to win!

  22. Erin

    I have not asked for anything but I might have to slip the fabric I have coming under the tree.

  23. Andrea

    I hope Santa brings me a gray leather bag. Something large enough to stash swatches for fabric shopping and perhaps a small crochet project. Keeping the craftiness mobile!

  24. Alison

    I would love to ask for new bed sheets for everyone in our family! I have a hard time spending so much money on sheets, but they really only last so long.

  25. Andria

    I’d like more fabric!

  26. I haven’t asked for anything yet, but a new pair of boots would be nice…or maybe a big rug for the living room.

  27. Ashley

    Sewing labels, of course!

  28. Stephanie

    I’ve asked Santa for a cover stitch machine!

  29. I haven’t really asked for anything yet because Santas so busy (and we just got a new van), but I would really love a house. lol!

    And this DVD of course!

  30. Briony

    Love love LOVE to win this! Loving Sailboat pattern for my son and daughter right now. Xb

  31. We’re not exchanging gifts this year as times are pretty tight, but would love to be able to gift this dvd to my teenage girls for their 4-H sewing projects and my daughter-in-law for her 2-year old son projects.

  32. Nan

    I haven’t asked for anything from Santa yet, because today is my birthday and I’ve been opening presents already this morning – gardening gloves and shears from my husband (exactly what I wanted), stuffed animals from the girls (of course), a knitted chicken from my mom (it is JUST ADORABLE) and a gift certificate to our local quilt shop also from my mom. I think I am going to ask Santa for a sewing lamp or light box.

  33. Valerie

    I have asked for a gift card for fabric so that I can sew a beautiful quilt for my three daughters’ room. I also have some great fabric lined up to make dresses for my girls, so this DVD would be wonderful! Thank you!

  34. Peta

    I haven’t had time to think! More time please Santa. And a Simplicity bias maker.

  35. Dana

    I’ve asked Santa for an invisible zipper foot. Santa is a big spending in our house so hopefully I’m in luck!

  36. Maria

    I asked Santa for a serger.

  37. Kate

    I wish I dared to ask Santa for a new sewing machine, but I know Santa can’t afford that, so I’ve asked for Castle on DVD.

  38. I asked Santa to skip my chimney this year and am sure my friends and family will send him my address nevertheless…I bought Seams, Closures + Hems a month ago and would be curious to check out its twin!

  39. S. Bird

    I asked for a book on crochet borders. 🙂

  40. Stephanie W

    I would like a set of measuring cups.


  41. Anita

    A new jacket. I know kind of boring.

  42. sian

    I have asked santa for a mantle mirror, with the stipulation that he personally has to make it (no delegating to the elves!)

  43. I’m really hoping for some of those funky “toe-glove” running shoes–I suppose it would help if I knew what they were actually called–but I would settle for an area rug to replace my daughter’s playpen in the living room. Santa already forwarded me some cash (via my mom) with which I got a winter share from my CSA (local summer veggies flash-frozen and delivered in monthly installments throughout the kale-and-root-veggies months). Thanks mom!

  44. Kate

    Fabric! Of course!

  45. Lisa

    I haven’t asked Santa for anything for me just yet but, I am a mom of a 2 year old and I may just ask him for some sleep! I would love to sew some clothes for my little angel and would really love this DVD!

  46. I asked Santa to give us a manageable Hanukkah vacation. 7 days to entertain a 4-yr old don’t come easy, you know.

  47. I’ll always wish for more fabric or thread. However, this year my husband and I are building a new home…and I’d love to have the weather decent so we can frame it up before Christmas.

  48. Annette Balboa


  49. mary w

    I’d love some more crafting supplies, maybe an embroidery machine and a class on how to use my serger. Can’t seem to keep it threaded properly!

  50. Melissa

    I’m asking Santa for a copy of Oliver + S: Little things to Sew!

  51. Denise

    I’m hoping for a set of mini knitting needles and some additions to my interchangeable circulars. An Oliver + S video would be the extra candy cane on my tree.

  52. Sarah

    A new pair of scissors!

  53. I’ve asked for an espresso maker. I need the help staying awake! 🙂

  54. Al

    A trip up to Michigan to see my family.

  55. Mary

    I asked Santa for a new camera for Christmas–too many iPod pictures of my kids these days!

  56. I want time to myself! Barring that, I want a massage and some wool underwear. 🙂

  57. Bailey

    A babysitter so I can sew!

  58. I´d be happy with one day off a month just for sewing all day long.

  59. cherie

    I’m asking Santa for snow on Christmas, a mug of hot chocolate and a full day of sewing all to myself. : )

  60. Ruth Shahan

    I asked Santa for a new home office, with space for my projects.

  61. Elizabeth

    Santa came early this year with anew sewing machine!! My dream come true 🙂

  62. Mel

    I’m asking Santa for a few hard to find Modern Workshop prints for Christmas!

  63. catherine

    I have asked Santa for a new picnic rug

  64. Tracey

    I asked for uninterrupted sewing and knitting time.

  65. beth lehman

    i never ask santa for much – until it’s almost too late!! i will tell him i’d like sewing time and/or help fixing up a new sewing place just for me!

  66. DianeY

    I haven’t actually asked but I love gift certificates for my favorite fabric shops!

  67. victoria

    I’m asking Santa for a toddler who will POOP on the potty. I’ve even promised a hockey net for 5 poops. Nothing. Santa, help me!

  68. Virginia Grimsey

    I have asked Santa for a voucher from as you can never have too much fabric 🙂 and a wonderful christmas with all my family.

  69. Fabric/sewing related I’d love an industrial serger. Otherwise, a kindle would be fun.

  70. Laurel

    I would love some space for all my projects!

  71. Chloe

    We don’t do presents as such for grownups, so I have asked for more time to sew (most valuable present eve!)

  72. Hillary

    All sewing wishes aside, I’m asking for some serious mom gear like an extra large picnic blanket, beach umbrella, cooler,etc. Anything that make’s this soccer mom’s job easier.

  73. Carol Yates

    Love sewing your patterns for my granddaughters– always looking to learn more.

  74. Phyllis

    I would like to take a trip somewhere for Christmas. I think it would be great to get away and go to a cabin in the mountains for a week.

  75. Shopping sprees for fabric, and a pedicure would be nice 🙂

  76. Marlene Gibson

    I didn’t ask for anything this year, but I did treat myself to some new fabric and 2 of your patterns 🙂

  77. jenna

    I’m hoping for a coverstitch machine but it’s a long shot!

  78. I think time to sew would be great! My true wish is for something or someone who can help my son’s severe Autism but I wouldn’t mind some shoes either.

  79. Rebecca

    Some fabric, some patterns, and a couple of cookbooks. If I don’t win this then I am going to have to ask for this too!

  80. Amy

    Hoping for a new cookbook. Getting tired of the same old thing!

  81. Santa, Please, Please bring me a fancy, schmancy entry level DSLR camera. I promise I’ve been very good this year!

  82. I asked Santa for a Die cutting machine, hope he listened..

  83. Laura

    Oh what a wonderful giveaway! On my wish list is fabric (of course!!!) and Amanda Blake Soule’s new book. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  84. Hilary

    The complete alphabet from penguin and fish for emboridery as well as some beautiful pearl cotton/emboridery floss for continued projects. as well as baby/toddler patterns for boys.

  85. Jennyroo

    As a matter of fact, I asked Santa for some Cape Ann fat quarters!!! And I have been very nice this year so, fingers crossed….

  86. Aesoon Lee

    The only thing I want for Christmas this year is a Juki tl 2010Q. But sadly, it is not available here in Hong Kong, so, I’ll have to wait until we eventually move back to the states.

  87. Katherine

    A sewing machine trolly. I love taking classes (learning new techniques, and even more, the chance to sew with other people who love to sew). I’m hoping a trolly will make it a bit easier to transport my sewing machine.

  88. Melisa McCarthy

    A gutterman thread cabinet!

  89. Cricket

    I asked The Big Santa for a serger. Or at least permission to buy a serger. I asked my little santas (who actually *asked* me what I wanted!!!) for embroidery floss, pretty yarn, or something made by them. <3

    I'm amazed that all those men really know what their sewists want for Christmas!

  90. Marjorie

    I’m going to ask Santa for some books and some guaranteed weekend time to go to yoga!

  91. Jessica

    All I ask is for a couple of hours where the baby and preschooler are asleep so that I have some uninterupted time to finish the binding on the quilt I started last winter!

  92. Phyllis

    I already got it: a serger!!!!!!

  93. I wished for a sewing class at stonemountain & daughter in berkeley or at in between stiches in livermore.
    greetings. Tina

  94. Shannon

    I have dreams of fabric, knitting books and a vitamix in my head.

  95. I’ve asked Santa for a cover stitch machine but I’m not sure he is listening!

  96. amy

    Well, I haven’t asked Santa for anything — yet, but since I got a new-to-me car this month, I think he might not be in the listening mood for a while.

  97. Lauren J

    I am asking Santa for a serger 🙂

  98. Amy

    I want to win the lottery so I can afford daycare, giving me time to sew.

  99. I’d love santa to bring me an overlocker but since that is unlikely I’d settle for a sleep in!

  100. Madelaine

    I’m wishing for a planter box to start my own vegie patch! And some spare time to tend to it 🙂

  101. Kylie Rogers

    I’ve asked Santa for some gorgeous bangles because he absolutely refuses to buy me more sewing supplies 🙁

  102. Della Schenck

    Due to losing my job this past Monday, I am not asking Santa for anything, cause I feel fortunate to have all that I have! I would, however, love to have this giveaway! Now I have more sewing time! Yay!!!!

  103. We’re trying to buy a house so I won’t be asking for anything from Santa 🙂

  104. Patricia Hersl

    Same as last year, which I got but now want a better one. I told him “I want an app for that.” iPhone. I just want an iPhone.

  105. Jennifer L.

    I’ve put a request in for an amazon shop so I can finally buy some of the bookson my enormous wish list.

  106. Mel

    my Santa wouldn’t have a clue about this video so I know it’s not me getting it :). I’ve asked for a polarizing filter for my camera this year. we’ll see!

  107. db

    I didn’t ask Santa for much – new bobbins for my machine. I feel truly blessed, I have so much, good health, good family and a loving husband. Truly blessed.

  108. colette

    I have asked Santa for a gift card for fabric (so I can sew more oliver + s ;o)

    if santa is feeling really generous, a digital SLR to post my oliver + s garments to the flikr pool!

  109. Ch

    I’m asking Santa for a serger. I have asked him for this before, so he may not be listening!

  110. Alexandra W.

    I’m asking Santa for a little extra time so that I can finally learn how to sew!

  111. Thank you so much for the chance to win the DVD.

    I have asked Santa for the lovely wrist pin cushion that Susan Khalje uses! Now THAT is sewing in style! 🙂

  112. I’ve asked Santa for an overlocker (serger). No more untidy seams, and it might finally help me conquer my fear of sewing with knits!

  113. Erin

    I would love for Santa to finagle me more crafting time each week! Sure there are supplies I want, but what good are they without time!?!?! Have had my eye on this DVD and would love to get my hands on it. Thanks for the chance!

  114. Shelley

    A new camera is at the top of my list this year! Thanks for the giveaway!

  115. Lauren C.

    I’m hoping Santa will bring me some new things for my kitchen! We just moved into our first home, so I’m hoping to get some fresh pot holders, towels, oven mitts from Anthropologie!

  116. Kristin O

    I would like an Ipad or a Kindle Fire for Christmas. Thanks for a chance to win!

  117. Heather Armstrong

    I just got two used sewing machines for my 6 year old grand daughter and my soon to be 22 year old daughter in law. Neither one knows anything about sewing , but they are both very interested ! They could really use this book.

  118. I actually told my husband I didn’t want anything for Christmas…and I meant it. He’s so great about letting me buy books and other goodies that I want (but don’t really need) throughout the year that I told him that is gift enough for me this year…plus, he gave me a little person…who will be about 9 m.o. at Christmas…and we’re just looking forward to enjoying her first Christmas.
    Thanks so much for the chance to win…love LOVE all your tutorials and patterns!

  119. Chris Ransom

    Santa has been asked for fabric from my locally owned fabric store in Saskatoon…and for a little babysitting (kids 3 & 5), so I can sew! Or perhaps a little quiet time and egg nog is what I really need to sit back and look at my fabric stash and dream of all the wonderful outfits and events we can wear them at in 2012 (-;

  120. Katja Magus

    Yarn is always what fills my stocking!

  121. Lesley Condon

    I asked Santa for the Oliver + S book Little Things to Sew and a serger. I would love to get the videos also.

  122. I really need a new computer, but that may happen a few months later than Christmas. It’s really bad when you iPhone has more memory than your computer.

  123. Lisa M.


    This year I have’nt asked Santa for anything. My focus is to enjoy spending time with family and to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. Thanks. Lisa M.

  124. Judy P

    I have asked for a gift certificate from my LQS or fabric store. I am getting back into sewing after having not thought about sewing for decades. The DVD would be a good refresher. Thanks for the chance to win.

  125. grace

    a yarn swift and winder is what i’m hoping for. happy merry making!

  126. G

    I doubt my husband placed an order so put my name in the hat please!
    ghainskom at yahoo dot com

  127. Emily

    An iphone and FABRIC….a few patterns would work too!

  128. Myssie

    I guess I haven’t made an official request yet, but I do have a running list of CD’s I’d like. I am sure I’ll get to cross a few of them off my list.

  129. Susanne

    All I want for Christmas is some time to myself to sleep in, drink a nice cup of tea, and get some sewing done. That would be heaven. I have more projects rolling around in my head than I’ll ever have time for! I’d love a copy of this video – thanks for the chance to win!

  130. donna

    i asked santa for a serger and that special little book. it would be great to receive that dvd!

  131. tara

    I know it’s cheesy, but my life has been so hectic lately (and is forecasted to be so through April, when I’ll welcome my fourth little one), that all I really want is some quiet time to sew, knit, and read with my kids. 🙂

  132. Melissa

    I’d like to have my husband home from Afghanistan, but I’ll settle for some new sewing supplies:)

  133. Kerri

    I asked for fat quarters!

  134. Melissa

    I’ve asked for some new boots and a couple of sewing books I’ve had my eye on. Thanks for the giveaway!

  135. Val Browning

    Hoping for a new pair of sewing scissors – and actually asked for both dvd’s for xmas!

  136. Deb Cameron

    I have ordered a custom made handbag in cherry red leather from Santa and I have a feeling he may also be dropping me off an Apple something…fingers crossed it is an IPad and not an ITouch…ha ha, trying not to get tooo excited. Would love a copy of your DVD, your instructions and tips are always on the money. Thanks for the chance. What do you hope Santa is brining you for Christmas Liesl??

  137. Jennifer Potter

    I would like, no, LOVE a silhouette cameo for Christmas. I just found out about it and the possibilities are endless with it…

  138. I have not asked for anything. I am always in need of more time to sew. 🙂 Or, perhaps, a lovely trip to a country where I can go examine beautiful garments in museums and be inspired. 🙂

  139. Peggy Mead

    I’m not asking. Santa likes to surprise me…besides, we just had our big Christmas gift. A weekend with our two kids and their families. Priceless!

  140. blue_yellow

    what a lovely offer. I am yet to ask for something actually. But this year has been hard for a variety of personal reasons, and I feel that if i can learn to accept what comes my way with patience I shall consider myself grateful. So, in short patience and a new DVD would be perfectly nice!

  141. N. Monnette

    Believe it or not, I don’t own a pair of pinking shears & would love to get one for Christmas!

  142. I just hope Santa brings me a lovely Christmas holiday with my hubby!

  143. Leigh

    I’ve asked Santa for a book to help me use my new overlocker…

  144. liz

    Fabric! I asked for a gift certificate for fabric.

  145. autumn

    can i say that i desperately want my bernina NOW – and not months from now?? 🙁

  146. Kerri

    I asked for new scissors and some japanese dress books.

  147. I asked for this, for sure, but I also begged for a nicer iPhone cover than my current one and a easy delivery for my next baby. I’m guessing my husband can’t get me the second item, so I expect two or three iPhone covers. 🙂

  148. Denise Boyle

    No that I don’t have a sweet husband, but I can guarantee he has no idea how much I would enjoy this DVD. I’ll keep my fingers and toes crossed.

  149. martha

    I asked Santa for a new craft/sewing table with lots of storage:)Thanks for the giveaway:)

  150. I’ve asked Santa for the apple picking dress. I missed the small business day deal and would love to pick up this pattern! And the reunion dress, and the puppet show tunic … I could go on 🙂 I’d love to win this sewing series too. I’d love to learn more!

  151. bruinbr

    I asked Santa for a new vacuum cleaner! 🙂 Although I would be just as happy with a little free time to sew!

  152. Jenny

    I asked Santa for these DVD actually (really!). But mostly I am just grateful for my family and my health. What more do I need?!

  153. virginia

    i’ve asked santa for somewhere to live!!… we had to move out of the house we were living in (the owners decided to sell- we were just renting) and need to find somewhere to rent asap (which is not so easy to find at christmas time!) fingers crossed something comes up quickly!

  154. Some fabric!

  155. Isabelle

    Hope I’m not late… I asked for accessories for my sewing machine, like an invisible zipper foot attachment…

  156. I asked for a serger!

  157. Jennifer

    I am Santa so I am asking for nothing.

  158. Carolyn

    I’m always so happy to receive gift cards to my favorite quality fabric shop.

  159. Aly S

    I’ve been eyeing a Japanese paper punch for a couple of years now. Oh, and a heavy-duty paper cutter!

  160. My Christmas present was delivered by a few elves yesterday– all new living room furniture! Of course, Santa knows to leave some sewing supplies in my stocking. 🙂

  161. Rebecca

    I asked for a adjustable binder foot and a flat felled seam foot since my old one bit the dust. Of course money is always good! 🙂

  162. Helz

    Santa Request ‘One Red Sew Easy ABS Dream Case Medium Size’ Nothing in particular Really 🙂 Oh & #1 Apparel Sewing Basics DVD would be a blessing too as I’m yet to learn how to sew… Working on that !

  163. Erin Waters

    Have asked for multiple patterns & sewing books (Little Things to Sew is in there) and a new pair of slippers

  164. Lucinda

    Besides this lovely book, I am longing for more Japanese pattern books. A bit pricey, but so much fun to look through!

  165. Heather

    Fabric, fabric, and more fabric, I just can’t help myself. Oh, and maybe time to actually sew too!

  166. Ana

    I have asked for some new software for my sewing machine and already got it! 🙂

  167. I’ve asked for all kinds of sewing notions and some additional feet for my machine.

  168. Jenny

    I have no idea what to ask for this Christmas. Lots of ideas though on what to make for others.

  169. My personal santa is in his first year of law school. I gave him the year off of gift giving because he is lacking in time to shop, money to buy, and brainpower to think of creative gifts. So this would be a fun gift. 🙂

  170. Heidi Crouch

    a sewing machine of my own! I’m borrowing one from my MIL. I’m a newbie!

    1. And with that we’ll close down comments and run the drawing. Good luck to all!

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