sew it all tv

Last spring I had the pleasure of traveling to Colorado to film an episode of Sew It All TV with host Ellen March. Ellen was pregnant at the time, so she was interested in sewing a project for children. We had a great time making the bucket hat from Oliver + S Little Things to Sew. Here we are together on the set.

Bucket Hats on Sew It All TV

My segment of the show (episode 202)  is just starting to air on PBS stations in selected markets. (Thanks to @sewhappytosew on Twitter for letting us know that the show aired in Las Vegas last weekend.) If you want to catch the episode, check with your local PBS station to see if they carry the show and when it will air. Air dates will vary by market.




  1. Reader

    FYI, I couldn’t find a listing. My PBS channel’s schedule website froze twice and as far as I can tell there was no link on the “Sew It All” program’s site. I clicked on “Episodes” and got a bum link.

    I don’t really need to watch the show, but readers appreciate specific information. It takes time to look stuff up and it’s frustrating to come up short. This isn’t the first time that a blog announced a PBS series that I couldn’t locate.

  2. autumn

    ooh, i’d love to be able to watch this, too, but is the link supposed to also show the clip, or no? i can’t wait to see it! thanks!

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