project HOPE art homemade dress drive

Back in August, we were contacted by Kathy Barbro of an organization called Project HOPE Art. The group is devoted to providing ongoing assistance for victims of last year’s horrific earthquake in Haiti.

The group was kicking off a new project, a homemade dress drive for young girls living at an orphanage in Port-Au-Prince. Their goal was to sew and deliver 30 dresses to the orphanage, and Kathy wondered if they could use our free Popover Sundress pattern for the project.

Popover Sundress

We are always happy to have people sew from our patterns for charitable causes. We told Kathy that, of course, they could use the pattern. She put up a blog post, and we Tweeted a link to it.

Fast forward two months. Did 30 people sew and send in a Popover Sundress? Yes. And then another 30 did, and another 30, and another 30, and…. To date, Project HOPE Art has received 143 completed Popover Sundresses to deliver to Haiti!

Now Project HOPE Art is raising funds for an interesting new project in Haiti. Once the project is funded and goes forward, the dresses will be delivered by the people with the organization who travel to Haiti to facilitate the project. If you would like to find out more about the project and make a donation to help fund it, you can do so on the project’s Kickstarter page.

Thanks to all of you who have donated your time and talents to make these dresses. And thanks to Kathy for putting in all the legwork to make this wonderful project happen.




  1. Kalle

    We will be sending another 10 dresses in a few days time!

  2. Carrie

    I am working with the students at my kids’ school on 11 dresses right now. Hope to have them sent in a couple of weeks. What a great project!

  3. I have three completed that I haven’t even sent yet….hope to do at least one more.

  4. Thank you to everyone who made this project possible. We are eternally grateful!

    Right now we have 145+ dresses, what we could really use is a $5, $10 or $25 donation on our kickstarter page to help us get back to Haiti to hand deliver the dresses.


  5. Thank you Todd for your kind words and support of our drive. I am sure that the availability and quality of your popover dress pattern has a lot to do with our success, so we couldn’t have done this without you. We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the weekend can bring HOPE Art to our Kickstarter goal. Thanks again!

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