join me in welcoming Tricia Waddell

Over the years I’ve done a few projects with Stitch magazine. That’s where our free Ruffled Halter pattern originally appeared, and most recently I filmed my two instructional videos with the team from Stitch. There are two reasons why it’s always a pleasure to work with Stitch: the quality of the product they produce is always so high, and working with Stitch‘s founding editor Tricia Waddell is always a great experience.

That’s why I’m especially pleased to announce that Tricia has recently joined the growing staff of Liesl and Co., the parent company of the Oliver + S and Lisette brands.

Tricia Waddell

Tricia will be leading development of an exciting new brand which we will launch next year. I also expect that you’ll see her blogging here occasionally and posting  in the discussion forums as well.

So please join me in giving her a warm welcome. As you get to know her here (if you don’t already), I’m sure you’ll come to like and respect her as much as I do.



  1. betz

    Holy Smokes! That is huge! Congratulations to both of you! Wow, I can’t wait to see what’s next 🙂

  2. That’s great news! I too admire Tricia and love her energy and enthusiasm. Congratulations Tricia!

  3. Debi

    Good luck and congrats to Tricia.

  4. Wow! So nice to see this upwards growth and the merging of talents! Can’t wait to see what you’ll be whipping up.

  5. emily

    Welcome! Can’t wait to see what’s next! 🙂

  6. autumn

    how exciting! and new developments????

  7. Lisa

    Very cool! I’m a new sewist and found Tricia via Stitch and Sew Daily emails. I need to get my hands on the videos too! Congrats to all 🙂

  8. What a wonderful match! Can’t wait for Tricia to get that @oliverands email address up 🙂 I am very excited to see what you this team creates but am quite confident it will be flawless!

  9. Tamara

    Congratulations and welcome to the team Tricia. I’ll be looking forward to getting to know you better. Exciting new brand? How wonderful!

  10. Cotton1221

    Welcome to the club 🙂

  11. Welcome Tricia! Can’t wait to hear what the “exciting new brand” will be!

  12. Oh! Exciting news, indeed! I’m thrilled for Oliver + S and Tricia; what a great match. Looking forward to everything to come from the combo.

  13. Sandi

    This is wonderful news! I always enjoy reading Tricia’s sew daily emails. Welcome, welcome!

  14. C

    I miss the Sew Daily emails that you used to write, Tricia. So what a nice surprise to hear that you are with Oliver + S. Can’t wait to find out what is coming out that is new!

  15. Marion

    I missed your Sew Daily emails and googled to find out where you had gone. This is wonderful and I can’t wait to follow you at Wliver+S next year.

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