“stitch home alabama” fundraiser for tornado relief efforts

Angel and Jenny from Stumbles and Stitches are holding an on-line fund-raising raffle to support relief efforts for the devastating tornadoes that recently ravaged several states in the southern United States.

For every $10 donated to The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services, participants receive one virtual raffle ticket which puts them in the running for one of four prize packages ranging in value from $100 to $350. (Prize package number 2 contains two Oliver + S patterns of the winner’s choice.)

You can see the prize packages and get all the details about how you can make your donation count at this page.



  1. Thank you so much for helping us spread the word (and for your contribution to the prizes!!).

  2. mel

    Thanks for the heads up. Donated.

  3. What a great idea for a fundraiser.

  4. Elizabeth

    That is so, so nice! I live in Alabama, very near to the affected areas and it is really just a lovely thing you are doing!

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