the oliver + s stop on the moda pillow talk blog hop

Have you been following the Moda pillow talk blog hop?

At Quilt Market last fall, each Moda designer was asked to make and present a pillow that describes our creative journey, our design process, our background, or something unique about us. Now we’re each presenting our pillows on-line. And today’s the day for my pillow.

You probably already know that my background is in apparel design. I worked as a clothing designer for Ralph Lauren and for Tommy Hilfiger before S was born, and I left my job in order to stay home with her. From there, Oliver + S came to be. (If you want the whole story, you can listen to Hillary’s podcast to hear all the gory details of starting a business when you have a small child at home.)

So when Lissa, our fearless Moda leader, asked for a pillow describing this process, the design solution was fairly straightforward. My pillow should be clothing, right?

This pillow was made from a (now out-of-print)  Puppet Show tunic. This particular dress was made for a photo shoot and trunk show shortly after I launched the company. The fabric is from one Sandy Klop’s first American Jane collections. I love Sandy’s fabric and quilt designs, and it wasn’t until after I started designing fabric for Moda that we realized Sandy’s daughter and I were house-mates and friends in college! So I feel like we’ve got a special connection.

As part of the pillow talk tour, we’re supposed to answer a few specific questions. I suspect this is all more than you want to know about me, but here we go….

What is a little known fact about yourself?

Early in my career, before I returned to school to study fashion design, I worked for one of the world’s wealthiest men. One day I hand-wrote a check to the government to cover his quarterly income tax payment. The check was so many digits long that I had to stop afterward and shake myself.

How do you relax?

I like to hang out with my family, visit museums, explore New York City, read, sew, and get together with friends. Recently I’ve been doing a little sewing for myself and have been catching up on some old New Yorker magazines. I can’t seem to keep up with magazines and books simultaneously, so the magazines stack up while I’m immersed in books.

What do you sleep in –  PJ’s or nightgown?

I don’t like to have anything tangled around my legs when I’m sleeping, so I don’t really care for nightgowns or pajama pants. As a result, I usually wear a pair of my husband’s boxers with an old T-shirt. This really should change, I know. One of these days I’ll have to become a grown-up. But it gives me a good excuse to buy him funny boxers!

What kind of pillow do you like, hard or soft, foam or feather? And why?

Any pillow that’s big and fluffy, preferably down.

When you were young did you sleep with  a  stuffed animal? If so what?

Oh yes. I was very close to Teddy. Today S has Bear, and I still have my Teddy. Teddy and Bear are now very close friends, although S is rather worried about the stuffing poking out of Teddy’s nose. She takes good care of him for me. That’s him in the photo above, wearing the brown fur coat.

Do you sew in bed? Read? Watch TV? Eat?

No to all of the above. I’m not allowed! I do all my reading on the sofa before going to bed because it keeps Todd awake if I read in bed, even with my trusty headlamp. And neither of us like crumbs in the bed, so food isn’t allowed.

How many nights have you or your spouse spent on the couch?

I sometimes move out to the sofa if I can’t sleep, but it’s not a full-length sofa so it’s not really a viable option. In our tiny apartment everyone has to get along because there isn’t enough space to NOT get along. See? There really is something good about living in a small space! We’re very close–physically and emotionally.

Nighttime toddy?

Does it count that my husband’s name is Todd?

Early to bed or all-nighter?

I read somewhere that creative people are frequently night owls. This certainly holds true for me. Back in design school I was just getting started at 11:00. I still have my best ideas late at night, but I wish I was a morning person. And I don’t tolerate caffeine well, so coffee isn’t an option. I guess I’m naturally caffeinated.

Who would you most like to have a pillow fight with?

Perhaps with Lissa, once we’ve all done the pillow talk hop? (Watch out, Lissa!)

Alright, let’s do a giveaway! I’ve been paying attention to how these things are done and now know the proper way to do this.

1. Leave a comment telling me who you would most like to have a pillow fight with and you’ll be entered to win, courtesy of Moda, a Jelly Roll from this coming spring’s Oliver + S  fabric collection which is called Modern Workshop. (We’ll have more to say about this collection in coming months.) In addition to the fabric, we’ve designed a special Modern Workshop quilt which can be sewn from a Jelly Roll.

2. If you haven’t already, sign up for our consumer newsletter using the box in the upper right-hand corner of our website. If you do that, you can come back and leave a second comment saying you’ve registered which will give you a second chance to win the prize. And if you already do subscribe to the newsletter, you can leave a comment saying that for a second chance to win.

We’ll pick the winner on the afternoon of Tuesday, February 15. Comments will close down and the winner’s name will be posted once the drawing is over. If you’re the lucky winner, we’ll contact you by email to get your shipping information.

And don’t forget that pillow talk continues! Tomorrow Sandy Gervais will be showing off her pillow at Pieces from My Heart.

Note: this post does not seem to be taking any more comments. We are addressing the issue. In the meantime, feel free to leave comments in the post above. We’ll do the drawing using both sets of comments.



  1. I would most like to have pillow fights with my grandchildren – but they live several states away from me – a 14 hour drive so that doesn’t happen very often – I would love to win!

  2. I do get the newsletter for some time now.

  3. Catherine

    Greetings from Northern Saskatchewan CANADA! I have enjoyed reading our blog! I don’t like pillow fighting but does wacking the pillow on the bed to fluff it up count? Keep up the great job!

  4. Deborah

    I would just love to have a pillow fight with my old friend Kathy, the one who could make me laugh ’till I cried.
    I just signed up for your newsletter!
    many thanks!

  5. cindy

    I would have a pillow fight with my two granddaughters. Their giggles and laughter would bring me much joy. Thank you for your time to share with us and I love the pillow.

  6. Sue

    I would have a pillow fight with my daughter

  7. Sue

    I subscribed to your newsletter

  8. DebrafromMD

    I signed up for the newsletter.

  9. DebrafromMD

    I would most lie to have a pillow fight with my baby sister. She lives in San Diego and I don’t get to see her often enough.

  10. Modern Workshop – what a great name – I am totally signing up!

  11. Oh, and now I am all signed up on the newsletter list too!

  12. charlotte maxwell

    love the story of your pillow. I would have a pillow fight with my two grandsons, ages 3 & 4. they are the light of my life.
    love your patterns too.

  13. Connie F

    I would like to have a pillow fight with all of my grand kids.

  14. cindy

    I subscribed!

  15. Omajean

    I would like to have a pillow fight with my sister. We are both 50+ so it has been a long, long time. Those were fun times when we were kids!!

  16. Jackie

    So dang cute! I have granddaughters who would love to get a pillow like that in their favorite patterns and colors.

  17. Omajean

    I have been added to the newsletter mailing list. Thanks so much for doing a giveaway!!

  18. I would most like to have a pillow fight with Matthew McConaughey…I mean really!! He is sooo handsome. I hope he is as sweet in person as he appears on camera!

  19. I am registered for your newslatter

  20. What a darling pillow you made!!! I would most like to have a pillow fight with our 22 grandchildren all at the same time. Although I would be totally outnumbered, it would be great fun. I would need to enlist the aid of my husband and once he joined the fray, it would become a free for all. Maybe we should plan to do it outside when the weather warms up. Thanks for a great idea.

  21. Patricia

    Hands down…it’s a pillow fight with my 4 grandchildren!!!!!!!!
    Busy Hands…Happy Heart

  22. Jackie

    I have been admiring your new line of fabric at Fat Quarter Shop. Would love to work with it!

  23. Hi again. Just came back to let you know I registered.

  24. Patricia

    I just signed up…please enter me again in the great giveaway!
    Busy Hands…Happy Heart

  25. I would most like to have a pillow fight with my two granddaughter’s. I love to spend time with both of them!

  26. Kat

    Hi there :))

    1. I would like to make a pillow fight with my great-nieces and nephews.
    Children have more endurance! ;D


  27. Darlene B

    I think I would like to have a pillow fight with my daughters. They are in grad school and college, respectively, and have a lot of stress in their courses of study. So, I think a good pillow fight would be a great stress reliever for them!! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  28. LIssa

    Good morning,
    I will wear extra padding under my tutu next time I see all the designers in case they bring pillows.

  29. Darlene B

    I just signed up for your newsletter!

  30. Kat

    I am now registered for the newsletter.
    so THANK you for the chance to win a Jelly Roll !! :))


  31. I’d most love to have a pillow fight with my children, both those with me and those I’ve lost.

  32. carol

    I would most like to pillow fight with my three grandkids. They can be ruthless!! I would definitely lose!!

  33. Hi Liesl, your Teddy is adorable! Well loved and cared for. I think I would most like to have a pillow fight with my granddaughter. She is my favorite little girl in the world. Thanks for designing for a great company like Moda and hosting a lovely giveaway.

  34. Sandy

    I signed up for the newsletter.

  35. Lisa

    I just subscribed to your newsletter .

  36. I would love to have a pillow fight with my honey!

  37. I am signed up to receive your newsletter via email now. Thanks!

  38. Lisa

    The pillow is cute. I really love the quilt on the bed too.
    Thanks for sharing.

  39. I guess I would most like to have a pillow fight with my children.

  40. Susan

    A pillow fight opponent of choice would be my dear daughter. It would be a major accomplishment as she’s in southern Mississippi and I in Pennsylvania. She fights fair!

  41. I think there is a pillow fight every night at our house because our youngest, of 3, Weimaraners, runs up to our bed takes the small pillow in her mouth and tossed it around….YES – EVERY single night !! She has never put a hole in the darned pillow. And after she tosses the pillow in the air, she jumps in the air herself and turns circles.

    It’s just SO funny. Have to see it to believe it.

  42. I love your pillow … such a cute idea! I love having pillow fights with my grandchildren (until it gets too rough … lol!). Thanks for the chance to win the jelly roll of you new Modern Workshop fabric. I can’t wait to see it, so I’m jumping over to Moda and take a peek!

  43. Susan

    OK signed up! Thanks

  44. Julee

    Would love to have a pillow fight with my 2 grandchildren..they probably would think Grandma has gone completely bonkers…Thanks for the giveaway.

  45. Love your pillow! I enjoy pillow fights with my husband! Thanks!

  46. What a simply darling pillow! I love your designs, one of my local shops is crazy about your work too! I would love to win your giveaway, thanks to you and Moda for offering it!

  47. I would love to have a pillowfight with ALL of my children at the same time. Big feathery pillows too!! So fun.. 🙂
    Love, LOVE your pillow. 🙂 What a sweet idea.

  48. Joan

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my sister. It would be like when we were little and sharing a room.

  49. Joan

    I signed up for you emails.

  50. Mary

    I would most want to have a pillow fight with my daughter. I was going to say my kids, but my boys are too big – I’d really get walloped by them.
    Love your pillow! Thanks for offering a fun giveaway!

  51. pam

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my dog. I think he would have a good time and so would I.
    I have signed up for your newsletter also.
    pam roever at yahoo dot com

  52. Mary

    I have signed up for your newsletter. Thanks!

  53. pam

    I have signed up for your newsletter also
    pam roever at yahoo dot com

  54. Tammy

    I love your pillow. It shows so much about what you love about your life and your priorities. My daughter, who is 13, and I have a game we play with her webkins stuffed animals and no its not cute. We call it war! But sometimes it’s rough on this 51 year old soul. So I’d like to have a pillow fight with just me. While I punch it to death before I lay on it and snooze!

  55. Am I the first? WOW Loved your story and would love to win a jellyroll!! Thanks

  56. Julie

    That is one of the cutest pillows I have ever seen! If that became a pattern, I would definitely buy it! I would like to have a pillow fight with my husband. 🙂

  57. I would most love to have a pillow fight with my grandchildren. Since they are 4 1/2 and almost 3 I stand a chance to win (probably not) and they can’t really hurt me (can they?)! Besides I love them and they are soooo much fun! Love your pillow and your bear! Have a terrific Sunday.

  58. I signed up for your newsletter and I am looking forward to it.

  59. I would have a pillow fight with my youngest grandson who is just one. He is the only one I think would be easy enough on me and the pillows. I really like my down pillows and would hate to lose one! I have been reading your blog since the Pillow Talk began and gone back through it and really am enjoying it. Thanks for the giveaway. I love your pillow! I LOVE little girls’ dresses!

  60. Margaret

    I think I’d have a pillow fight with my 3 year old. The older kids are vicious pillow fighters. You almost need pillow armor to protect yourself when fighting them. 🙂

  61. I couldn’t get the subscribe button to work so I put you into my Google Reader. I am looking forward to following your blog regularly! What fun ideas you have! Thank you!

  62. I would have a pillow fight with my grandchildren!

  63. Karen A

    I would most like to have a pillow fight with my grandkids and their parents. It would be mayhem (5 kids with spouses) and 8 grandchildren, but I would have them all together at once and that would be LOADS OF FUN!

  64. Leah

    Hmmm, I guess I would most like to have a pillow fight with my family.

  65. Janice M

    I would most like to have a pillow fight with my daughters, which is silly because I would lose badly. The oldest has a black belt in Tae kwon do and the youngest is on her way there. The girls are so much fun to be around though.

  66. Leah

    I am subscribed! Thanks!

  67. Grandkids and pillows sounds like fun to me.
    I pillows like this for our boys highschool grad. from there first wrestling jacket. They liked them, at that age wasn’t real sure, by the 3 son grad he was waiting for his.
    Love all the pictures. Everyday events-cool.

  68. Janice M

    I signed up for the newletter. Thanks for the giveaway.

  69. Katie

    I would love to get n a pillow fight with my husband and kids. Of course, in a big open space so I don’t worry about breaking anything! 😉 Thanks!

  70. Katie

    I subscribe to your newsletter!

  71. Erin

    I would have to pick a pillow fight with my 2 year old daughter. She does not really understand what happens but she just laughs her head off when you give her a little bop on the head!

  72. Adorable pillow… I would have a pillow fight with my husband… as a matter of fact we do ahve pillow fights. I know boring… but what can I say… 🙂

  73. Erin

    I am already signed up for the newsletter!
    Thanks so much for this giveaway, you are the best.

  74. Sandy

    I would like to have a pillow fight with my husband

  75. Sue Janowski

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my husband and children — bet I’d win!

  76. Melanie

    Your pillow is so adorable! What a clever idea!! It would look so cute on a young girls bed. I would most like to have a pillow fight with my kids. It would be so much fun and the laughter would warm our hearts. Thanks for sharing about yourself and the giveaway.

  77. Nancy

    OH, your pillow is truly adorable! I loved your post, especially when you asked if a your hubby’s name being Todd counted as a night time toddy, LOL. Also think your ‘Teddy’ is just too precious. I am surrounded in my sewing room with little stuffed animals that my daughters and grand kids have given me over the years. Special treasures! I would most like to have a pillow fight with my two youngest grand kids, a girl 10 and a boy 9 and both adorable.*smile* Thanks so much for sharing some of yourself with us today and also for the giveaway. OH…and I think you should go ahead and keep the boxers for sleeping, after all, it about being comfy, right?

  78. Susanne

    My kids make the best pillow fight opponents, hands down! I’m just waiting for my puppet show tunic pattern to arrive (yay, I found one!), so maybe I’ll make a pillow out of it… after my Miss M grows out of it, of course 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!

  79. The pillow is so adorable! And perfect to reflect you! I had to chuckle at the big check you wrote. My job entails those type of numbers. I mistyped a check once, and my boss laughingly told me I was awfully cavalier with his zeroes!

  80. Nancy

    I have subscribed to your blogs mailing list. Thanks again!

  81. I love to pillow fight with my grandson who giggles so much it’s easy to beat him – but I let him win.

  82. Sandy Muir

    I’d like to have a pillow fight with Apollo Anton Ohno. So cute!

  83. Susanne

    Just signed up for your newsletter – thanks for pointing it out!

  84. Melanie

    Just signed up for your newsletter earlier this morning. Thanks again to Moda and all the designers for such a great giveaway.

  85. Helle

    Your pillow is gorgeous!! I would like to have a pillow fight with my kids. Greetings from Seoul.

  86. Janet

    What a cute pillow. Brings back such fond memories of all the clothes my mom used to make for my sisters and me when we were children……thanks for the memories.

  87. kathy h

    I signed up for your newsletter.

  88. kathy h

    I most like to have pillow fights with my children. I love to hear them laugh. ANd they love to see mom act silly.
    Your pillow is so cute. It looks extra cuddly.

  89. Janet

    OOps….forgot to answer the question…my three kids, would be by favorite competition.

  90. Ann

    I can tell you’re young because the print on your blog is small! I’m not really into pillow fights – too messy. But def. my kids if I had to have one.

  91. Laura

    I would most like to have a pillow fight with my daughter, I so enjoy acting silly with her.

  92. Helle

    Your pillow is gorgeous! I would love to have a pillow fight with my kids. Thanks for the chance! Greetings from Seoul.

  93. Ann

    I subscribed to your newsletter.

  94. Laura

    I registered!

  95. Jill

    Would love to have a pillow fight with my husband! Your pillow is so cute. Thanks for a chance to win some of your new fabric!

  96. Lois

    What a cute idea for a pillow! I would love to have a pillow fight with my husband, but since he would probably win I think I would go with the grandchildren(when I have some). Right now we have no room to have a pillow fight.

  97. Kathleen

    A Pillow fight with (a dust mask on) ! yikes – i’m so allergic to dust etc – that I’d have a wheezing fit in a pillow fight. sad…but true. if i need to put people’s names, it would be my 3 kiddos !

  98. Sue M. in NM

    Who would I love to have a pillow fight with-grandkids of course. Grandkids give me a chance to be a kid again.

  99. Phyllis

    If I had to choose who to have a pillow fight with, it would be my daughter because we have so much fun together.

  100. Paul McCartney..haha….thanks for a chance to win!

  101. It is always interesting to hear bits & pieces of other creative people’s life – thanks for sharing! Signed up for your newletter. Thanks for the giveaway!

  102. Tiffany

    Cute pillow! I’d have a pillow fight with my daughters. They won’t hit to hard. 🙂

  103. Maxine

    What a great pillow….I would love to win your giveaway…Thanks….

  104. Lois

    I’ve signed up for your newsletter. Thanks for another opportunity to win.

  105. Tiffany

    I signed up for the newsletter.

  106. Oooh, I would love to have a pillow fight with my nephews!Unfortunately they live far away and I rarely see them. Thanks for the giveaway!

  107. Carrie

    Weekly pillow fights with my daughter on our mother-daughter date nights where the best!

  108. Kathleen

    my 2nd chance! just signed up for your newsletter via email. yippee – those drawings of your adorable children’s items are a VISION. Soooo wonderful. Thanks for the chance!

  109. Amber

    Pillow fight — with my two kids!

  110. Amber

    And I joined your list! Just got several of your patterns for some spring sewing….

  111. Dawn

    I would most like to have a pillow fight with my 2 year-old. He’s a lot of fun! 🙂

  112. Dawn

    I just signed up for your newsletter!

  113. Nancyz

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my boys, but now they are older it could be dangerous! Thanks for the giveaway.

  114. Nancyz

    I am now an email member. Thanks again!

  115. Carrie

    All signed up to receive you emails and follow your blog!! Been following pillow talk since it started. It’s been the nicest way to start my day.

  116. Phyllis

    I signed up to receive your newsletter.

  117. Pillow fights- not so much my thing:) One day, I will be a Gramma and will love to have a pillow fight with my grandson or granddaughter. Does it count if it is in the future? I used to have pillow fights with my kids when they were little and we would be exhausted from running all over the house:) Great memories!!!

  118. I am already following your blog and have signed up for the newsletter to be sure:) Thanks for hosting and I am loving getting to know a bit about the various designers:)

  119. S. Bird

    I’d love to get my siblings all together at the same time for a giant pillow fight. We’ve moved so far away from each other that it’s been years since we were in the same room at the same time.

  120. S. Bird

    I signed up for the emails too.

  121. Connie Martin

    I love your pillow. It reminds me of my Daughter’s dresses when she was small. She is all grown up now. I am not a fighter, but I could see a pillow fight with my sister when we were younger.

  122. Cute pillow! He’s alittle small now but when he’s older I want to have a pillow fight w my son and DH.

  123. Martha B

    I would most like to have a pillow fight with any or all of my grandchildren. They add such fun and happiness to my Life.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  124. Sherry

    Your pillow is just adorable! Love to pillow fight with my granddaughter Abby. Thanks for a chance to win a Modern Workshop jelly roll.

  125. I’d rather not have a pillow fight with anyone; I don’t like them! I always end up with the corner of a pillow catching me in the eye. I love your charming dress pillow. Teddy seems to like it, too!

  126. Cyn

    Cute pillow. Thanks for sharing your story. Can’t wait to see your new fabric line. My pillow fight would be with my husband!
    Thanks for a change to win!

  127. Martha B

    Okay…got signed up.
    Have a good day!

  128. Connie Martin

    I just signed up for your newsletter and look forward to more tutorials. I liked the flat-felled seams tutorial. Thanks for the chance to win!

  129. Kimberly

    A pillow fight with my two young daughters would definitely be the most fun!

  130. Kimberly

    I already am a newsletter subscriber. Love the pillow! What a wonderful idea.

  131. Best answer yet in the whole Pillow Talk Blog Hop – Hot Toddy!! Hee-hee!!! I’d most like to have a pillow fight with all of my nieces and nephews! That’s about 21 right now and we would have a blast!

  132. I have subscribed to your newsletter!

  133. I would most like to have a pillow fight with my lovely daughters. They are grown now but it would be fun to relive our younger days. Thank you for the chance to receive some of your fabric.

  134. Gina.S

    I would like to pillow fight with my grandkids!

  135. Gina.S

    I am now signed up for the newsletter.

  136. best pillow fight would surely be with small children – the more, the merrier!

  137. I would love to have a pillow fight with my 3 year old grandson, Oliver. He would do the least amount of damage compared to the older grands! ;o) Thanks for the chance to win!

  138. Gwen Windham

    I just subscribed to your newsletter. I am looking forward to keeping up to date on all your projects! Thanks for giving us an extra chance to win the Jelly Roll from your Modern Workshop Collection!!!! EXCITING! 🙂

  139. I signed up for your newsletter!

  140. Brooke

    I enjoy having pillow fights with my three little roughians. Lots of laughter! Love your website…the product is nostalgic.

  141. Gwen Windham

    Who would I like to be in a pillow fight with…??? Probably my hubby. We’ve never done that, but he loves to tickle me – and a good old-faashioned pillow fight would give me a chance to get him back! 😉

  142. I am looking forward to a future pillow fight with my first grandchild due to be born next month!

  143. I would totally pillow fight with my husband

  144. Diane R.

    I don’t even need to think about the pillow fight question — my two little granddaughters win hands down. They are ages 7 and 3 and so much fun!

  145. and I have subscribed to the newsletter

    thank you!

  146. Grandma Rita

    I’d most like to have a pillow fight with my sister.

  147. Diane R.

    I signed up for your consumer newsletter — looking forward to receiving it!

  148. Colette

    I would definitely enjoy a pillow fight with my 4 kids! Of course, I will win because everyone knows “Ain’t no one happy if mama ain’t happy!” Oh Life is Grand!! Don’t you just love Life!

  149. I love to have pillow fights with my 4 year old! I can’t even express how fun it is for me to see the absolute joy and abandon when doing something so nonsensical! Can’t wait to see the new fabric!

  150. julie love

    I’m most likely to have a pillow fight with my daughter and my sister! We’re going to a quilt retreat next weekend so the chances are pretty high! 😀

  151. Colette

    Just subscribed to your newsletter and looking forward to keeping up on your designs! Just love your look!! Thanks for your fun give away!

  152. Hi, Liesl! I have been a follower of yours since my daughter was wearing a size 6. I remember wishing that your patterns came in a larger size — and also sending you an email to ask if that would ever happen. My daughter will be 10 years old in March — so she is way too big for your patterns — but now you have fabric! 🙂 I can definitely deal with that! Pillow fighting was always too aggressive for me — so, how about if I just stay out of the way? Does that count? 🙂

  153. Deb A

    I can’t wait to have a pillow fight with my granddaughter when she gets older, since she’s only 6 months! Thanks for the chance to win.

  154. Deb A

    I have signed up for your newsletter. Thanks for the chance to win, love your fabric!

  155. I just signed up for your newsletter. I thought I had done that at some point in the past — but, maybe not… Oh, well — I’ll find out!

  156. Brooke

    I am now on your mailing list:-)

  157. I would love to have a pillow fight with my little sister. We shared a room when we were growing up. She lives far enough away that I don’t see her that often, and I wish we were closer.

  158. I signed up for the newsletter. I visit the site all the time and never noticed the link before. Thanks!

  159. Jeanne

    Pillow fight with my 5 kids any night!!

  160. Pat

    A pillow fight with my grandkids would be awesome. I think most grandma’s would like this. I love your pillow – how sweet!

  161. Ladybug

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my 3 little sisters.

  162. Lynda

    I would love to have a good old fashioned pillow fight with my two daughters – one lives real close but sadly the other lives 3000 miles away and is currently being put on total bed rest as she is carrying our first grandchildren – all three of them!

  163. Ann Hudson

    I’d most like to have a pillow fight with my brother. Haven’t had a pillow fight with him in 40+ yrs – he used to win, I think I would now!! :0) Can’t wait to see the new fabric!

  164. Ann Hudson

    Just signed up for the newsletter!!

  165. Hannah

    Ha..definitely with my husband! Perhaps I could get the jump on him when he is snoring! Thanks for sharing with us today. Loved your story about the check!

  166. Syd

    Cute pillow. Love all your patterns. Thanks for sharing.

  167. Ladybug

    I’m now signed up for the newsletter.

  168. Bailey

    Right now a pillow fight with just me and the bed…I need a nap!

  169. Danielle

    A good pillow fight wold be with my nieces and my 2 kiddos! FUN

  170. Marsha Smith

    Pillow fight? My husband and our 6 yr.old granddaughter, Alana…we LOVE to do things together w/her!

  171. Bailey

    I’m on the mailing list.

  172. Marsha Smith

    I’ve done my deed and registered for your newletter. Love your designs.

  173. I think I’m past the pillow fight stage, but if I had to choose I guess I would choose my grandsons in a few years when they are old enough.

  174. I really enjoyed reading your post…it’s fun to get to know more about the special people who design our favorite fabrics! And your pillow is too, too cute!

    I think I’d most like to have a pillow fight with my sister! We are best friends, but live 1,000 miles apart and I miss her terribly.

    Thank you so much your participation in the blog tour, your generous give away, and the opportunity to win!



  175. Hannah

    I signed up for the newsletter, thanks!

  176. I’ve signed up for your mailing list, too!



  177. Lauren JH

    I don’t really want to have a pillow fight, but I would love to win your fabric. Is that okay?

  178. Lauren JH

    I have signed up for your newsletter. Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  179. I would most like to have a pillow fight with my two granddaughters. I love to spend time with them. I already receive your newsletter. Love the new line of fabric Modern Workshop.

  180. My pillow fight would be with my three great grands because they are little and wouldn’t hurt me. Love your pillow – so clever. Judy C would love to win. Awesome giveaway.

  181. I was just added to your mailing list – wonderful.

  182. I’m just beginning my journey into quilting!
    I would love to have a pillow fight with my hubby. He’s deployed and we could use a good pillow fight. 🙂

  183. Nancy D

    I would have a pillow fight with my two kiddos and hubby. I’m sure I’d lose, but the giggles would be worth it.

  184. I would love to have a pillowfight with my kids, of course!

  185. And I already am subscribed to your newsletter!

  186. susan m

    I would most like to have a pillow fight with my granddaughters and grandsons!

  187. Nancy D

    I signed up for your newsletter. Thanks for the giveaway!

  188. OH a pillow fight with my twin boys would be fun. They would win of course but it would be great for a laugh. :o)

  189. Jen

    Cute pillow! I signed up for your newsletter!

  190. Jen

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my siblings! I think that would bring back some fun memories and also lighten us up a bit!

  191. lucysmom

    I would like to have a pillow fight with my sister. I think our mom interrupted our last fight about 40 years ago. Time to finish!

  192. susan m

    I just subscribed to your list.

  193. Gwen G

    I subscribed to your blog

  194. Gali

    i think i would want to have a pillow fight with my friend who (now) lives out of the country. 🙂

  195. Phyllis

    I’d love to have a pillow fight with my sister Joan!

  196. Gwen G

    I don’t really pillow fight but if I had to I guess I would pick my big overgrown son who would probably ruin my pillow!!!

  197. If I had to have a pillow fight, it would be with my two year old granddaughter. She doesn’t hit hard!

    I LOVE your pillow!!!

  198. Phyllis

    I have signed up for your newsletter. Love ur fabrics. And patterns

  199. I subscribed!

  200. Carolyn

    A pillow fight with my grandbabies!

  201. Carolyn

    I subscribe to your newsletter. Thanks for the inspiration and giveaway.

  202. Becky S

    I love the little dress pillow you made-such a sweet idea! I would most like to have a pillow fight with my two nieces. Thanks for the chance to win!

  203. Becky S

    I signed up for your newsletter.

  204. Heartsdesire

    Joining along on this blog hop has been so enjoyable. Reading about all the designers and how they started out. And your pillow is so cute and very “you”. I think I would like to have a pillow fight with all 7 of my grandchildren. That seems to be every gramma’s dream.

  205. Mary Jean

    Love your pillow !!! I would love to have a pillow fight with any one of my 15 grandchildren. I’m looking forward to seeing your new line of fabric or winning it would be wonderful.

  206. DianeY

    I’d probably pick my youngest grandson, Finn, because he’s the littlest. But he’d probably clobber me!

  207. DianeY

    I already receive your newsletter & follow your blog!

  208. I would love to have a pillow fight with my sister!

  209. Gwen G

    I now subscribe to your blog! 🙂

  210. I would like to have a pillow fight with my family. The rule would have to be only soft hitting. No murder! LOL! Thank you for the give away.

  211. Miranda E.

    I’d most like to have a pillow fight with my son (and sometimes do!).

  212. Jennifer R.

    A new fabric line! Eeek!!! I’m so excited!!!
    Pillow fight…my (nearly) 4 year old daughter loves to “pillow bonk” which is more like pushing a pillow at someone than fight. It’s a great preschool version of what I’m certain will eventually develop into pillow fights with her younger sister.

  213. I would love to have a pillow fight with my children, but they would beat me hands down!

  214. Bethany

    I look forward to someday having kids to have pillow fights with! I just love how they get giggling and make everyone else laugh too!

  215. Bethany

    I subscribe to your newsletter

  216. Jennifer R.

    I’m also already on the newsletter list and wouldn’t mind at all if you decided to send them out more frequently.
    Oh, and my amazon pre-order of your book just shipped and should arrive at my doorstep early this week! I wanted a signed copy but I literally couldn’t wait so I might have to buy a signed one from you later. I’m hoping it arrives on Tuesday because the girls will be at the sitter all day Wednesday so I can sew. SO excited!

  217. Judy Blinkenerg

    I would have a pillow fight with my two youngest grandchildren. They would take it easy on me. Thank you

  218. Elizabeth

    Hmmmm…I think a family pillow fight would be fun. Husband and 3 kids all with pillows!

  219. Laurel W

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my sisters,we all live in different states. It is very rare that we are all together at the same time if we were a pillow fight would great fun. We would have to fit it in between all day or night sewing or fabric shopping. What fun it all would be.

  220. Elizabeth

    I already subscribe to your newsletter, of course!

  221. cathy loran

    now i know where the s comes from thanks for sharing

  222. cathy loran

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my most favorite niece but she lives in Australia 🙁

  223. Sandy Narayan

    Pillow fight with my hubby for sure!=)

  224. Sandy Narayan

    I’m now an email subscriber. Thanks for the opportunity to win!=)

  225. I am a newsletter subscriber.

  226. Cute pillow! I love Sandy’s designs too. How fun that you did find that connection. Congrats on all your successes with your own business.

    I would most like to have a pillow fight with my friend Susie, because she lives in Australia and that would mean I could visit her beautiful country again!

    Thanks for a chance to win your giveaway. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  227. My pillow fight opponent would be my hubby and kids.

  228. LeAnn H.

    I think I would most like to have a pillow fight with my husband. Or my dog if she was big enough. Yup, probably the dog. She’d enjoy it even more than I would! And we could just put my husband in the middle so he gets the brunt of the blows – tee hee!

  229. Kathie L

    I’d pick a pillot fight with my sister. We shared a bed for many years. Kathie L in Allentown

  230. Pillow fight. Probably my husband one of the times when he won’t get out of bed 🙂

  231. Laurel W

    I now subscribe to your newsletter.

  232. Cindi

    I used a couple of your patterns in the past, I wish my daughter was little again — she’s graduating high school next year — love them. The patterns are so classic. Thanks for sharing today…..

  233. Cindi

    I subscribe to your newsletter – always look foward to receiving them.

  234. Kathy

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my husband and kids. They are so much fun to be around.

  235. Mary

    Oh, a pillow fight with my little neighbor boy (4 years old) would be such fun–he just has a real twinkle about him all the time.

  236. I would have a pillow fight with my children. Fun pillow you made.

  237. Rene'

    I would love a pillow fight with my grandson and I would probably go down laughing.

  238. Rene'

    I signed up for the newsletter

  239. vicki boschman

    I subscribed to your newsletter. Thanks

  240. LeslieBee

    Love your fabric and looking forward to your next line.

  241. bernie

    My kids, who are 25,28 & 30!

  242. vicki boschman

    I would love to have a pillow fight with the Dalai Lama

  243. I would most enjoy a pillow fight with my husband. Except he cheats, so I most likely would lose.

  244. LeslieBee

    Forgot to mention that my preferred pillow fitgh partner is my sweetheart Joe. And that I subscribed to your newsletter

  245. Susan S.

    I’d like to have a girls night with my girl friends in Ga and our children and grandchildren then we have a pillow fight.

  246. Bea

    I think I would be most likely to have a pillow fight with my sister. We disagree with each other a lot but we’d never want to actually hurt one another which makes pillow fighting perfect.

  247. Susan S.

    I added my name to list at your website. I also looked at a few of the free patterns. My granddaughter will love the lazy day skirt. As a busy YaYa (I teach second grade), I appreciate easy!
    Thank you for sharing.

  248. I’d like have a pillow fight with Obama….just cause.

  249. I subscribed, like your stuff!

  250. cathy payne

    I think I would like to have a pillow fight with my children 😉

  251. cathy payne

    I subscribed to your newsletter Nurse Payne

  252. Sherry J.

    I would have A a pillow fight with my grandchildren spencer, caroline, Kendall and Gavin. thanks for the giveaway!

  253. Sheri McDonough

    I would most like to have a pillow fight with my grandchildren Kitten, Mitzi, C note, & G.G.:) Have a great day

  254. Jennifer Dancy

    The person I love having pillow fights with? Definitely my 10 year old son! I let him hit me just so i can hear his laugh! (At 10, he’s pretty “serious” most of the time!) Thanks for the chance to win!

  255. with Mr pitt 😉 …love the pillow btw.

  256. Jennifer Dancy

    I get the newsletter! Thank you!

  257. I also subscribe to your newsletter..Karen

  258. VickiT

    I had to laugh about the nighttime Toddy question. I suppose that would have a slightly different meaning to you. LOL

    I would most like to have a pillow fight with my granddaughter. She’s just adorable at her age of 3 right now and a little giggle monster so it would be a blast.

  259. VickiT

    I think I might have been signed up already but, just to be sure, I just signed up for the newsletter as well for my 2nd entry. Thank you for the giveaway.

    I bet it would be very interesting to learn more about your job for that wealthy man was and what that was like to work for him.

  260. I would have a pillow fight with my three nieces: Kennedy, Madison and Emerson. Those girls are really a blast at 11, 8 and 6 years of age! P.S. Love your darling pillow!

  261. I am a newsletter subscriber! Whoo Hoo Oliver + S!!!!

  262. WandaFish

    I love your pillow, Liesl, so sweet! Your City Weekends fabric line was gorgeous so I can’t wait to see what you come up with for Modern Workshop 🙂
    Thank you so much for the generous (and exciting!) giveaway.
    Oh, and I love to pillow fight with my 3 year old daughter – who just loves pillows.

  263. Ashley G

    I would love to have a rematch pillow fight with my sister. I miss her, she lives in NY and I’m in WI. Thanks for the giveaway

  264. Thank for the giveaway. I would love to have a pillow fight with my husband.

  265. Janell

    I’d most like to have a pillow-fight with my husband, but he’s just not the type to like to hit or be hit by a pillow.

  266. Janell

    Ya know, I’m really surprised I haven’t noticed your mailing list! I my brain thought of it as a search box. Thanks for pointing it out, and now I’m all signed up 🙂

  267. Sue Buhler

    I love your pillow. Actually I really don’t want to have a pillow fight with anyone, two neck surgeries kind of put a stop to those kind of activities. I would rather quilt:)

  268. I only have pillow fights with Big Mickie…..grin….45 years of them.

    Billie in TX

  269. I subscribed!

  270. Rita Bright

    My choice of people to have a pillow fight with would be Tom Selleck, but I would need a time machine, so he and I could go back to the 80’s when we were both younger. Back then Tom was so popular and one day when I was at the gym and as I laid down on the bench to do some bench presses, I looked up and there was a big poster of Tom Selleck pinned to the ceiling. Wow, what an incentive to work out!!

  271. I’d love to have a pillow fight with my 6 year old son…what a cute pillow you designed for the blog hop.

  272. Olivia Drake

    Would like to have a pillow fight with my 11 year old granddaughter who lives in Japan.

    Love your pillow. SOOO Cute!!

  273. Christelle

    I would love to have a pillow fight with MAC not PC 🙂

  274. Christelle

    And I’m a happy blog follower

  275. The person I would most like to have a pillow fight with is George Clooney!

  276. I signed up for your newsletter. Can’t wait to hear more about your new fabric line.

  277. I’d most like to have a pillow fight with my husband — if I ever find one. 😉

  278. Jeni

    Pillow fight? Hm. Maybe Rachel Ray…kinda would like to pop her. Haha. You probably weren’t looking for “Who do you find annoying enough to have a pillow fight with,” huh. 🙂

  279. Alice S

    I’m now subscribed to your mailing list.

  280. Laurie

    hmmmm….we watched the movie “Red” last night so I’m thinking a pillow fight with Bruce Willis would work for me right now 🙂 thanks for a chance to win – Laurie

  281. I just signed up for your mailing list, too. 😀

  282. Wendy Parks

    I would like to have a pillow fight with my grand kids. The kind where all the feathers are flying around but, I don’t want to have to do the clean up. Thanks!

  283. Alice S

    I adore your little pillow. Very sweet and a perfect descriptor for you.

    I used to do a lot of pillow fights at slumber parties as a little girl. Now, I’d rather skip and fight and just go for the slumber.

  284. Jeni

    Signed up! Looking forward to Modern Workshop!

  285. I love your pillow. I would have a pillow fight with my two boys and Jasper (our poodle). It would have to be the pillows with the feathers though.

  286. Heather

    I’d love to have a pillow fight with my friend, Carol, because she’s the funniest person I know. It would be a laugh-fest.

    Cute pillow!

  287. Miranda

    Cute pillow, I would love to have a pillowfight with all my girlfriends from university
    Now everyone is just to busy for that kind of fun

  288. Thanks for sharing about your family and pillow talk! Love that you still have your Teddy (and your “Todd”y!). I’d have a pillow fight with my kids & husband, except he’s super strong & even with a pillow would probably knock me down!

  289. Alexis

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my little sister. She would be the most enthusiastic about it.

  290. Just signed up for the newsletter! Thank you!

  291. Alexis

    Signed up for the newsletter. Can’t wait to see what it holds.

  292. Wendy P

    I signed up!

  293. Deborah - Valparaiso, IN

    I would most love to have a pillow fight with my nephew!

  294. Shannon F

    I would love to have one more pillow fight with my Gram. I may be 30 and she may be gone 3 years now, but that’s the person. And maybe so my kids could get to know her. Anything she did, she did with her whole heart and being. She’d probably kick my butt. 🙂

  295. Shannon F

    And I signed up! I also joined your facebook page. I love your tutorials and am so glad to have found your blog.

  296. A pillow fight, hmmmmm, my grandson, Little Mister. I know it would be a huge giggle fest!

  297. Deborah - Valparaiso, IN

    I subscribed to the newsletter. yippee!

  298. Okay, signed up for your newsletter. Can’t wait to get the latest & greatest from oliver + s!

  299. Alda

    What a cute pillow. I would like to have a pillow fight with my kids. Thank you for sharing and keep having those night time Todd-ies 😉
    Alda, Fl

  300. Deb

    Enjoyed learning about you and your company.

  301. Sharon

    Cute pillow — would love that jelly roll, they are my favorites. Thanks for the give-away.

  302. Sally

    I used to have pillow fights with my younger brother. Sadly we lost him last summer…one more pillow fight would be fun.

  303. Sharon

    Whoops — forgot who I’d like a pillow fight with — that would be my seven grandkids. They’d probably completely overwhelm me but it’d be a lot of fun.

  304. Jane R

    I loe this idea of blog hopping as I get to visit and get to know alittle about each of you.I have saved a Polly Flander’s dress from my daughter {36} and I think I will make her dress into a pillow for her first daughter and my first grandchild.Great idea.
    I would like to have a pillow bop with my dearest friend so we could fall down laughing,How fun,maybe Ill try this at our next quilt getaway.

  305. Shari

    After telling them time after time NOT to fight with their pillows, I’d have to join in with my two sons!

  306. Shari

    Subscribe to the newsletter. Looking forward to Modern Workshop!

  307. Jill Hicks

    I would most want to have a pillow fight with my sister Joy. She is such a good friend and a good sport. I am sure she would let me win.

  308. Jill Hicks

    I have just signed up for your newsletter.

  309. I can’t wait until my granddaughter Lilie is old enough to have pillow fight with me!

  310. i would love to have a fun pillow fight with my husband, the kids be with a sitter, and enjoy a fun, relaxing, night away from home :O}

  311. i subscribed to your email newsletter thing.

  312. I would like to have a pillow fight with Johnny Depp!!! My favorite actor!

  313. I have signed up!

  314. Your pillow is sooo cute! I think if I could have a pillow fight it would be with my 4 grown children. We rarely are all together at the same time – so it would be special to have one with them.

  315. Janet

    What a cute pillow! And I was wowed by the quilt in the crib …happy me that there was a download!

    Of course my husband is who I’d most like to have a pillow fight with, and of course the dogs would want to play too!

    Thank you for the opportunity, and the great pattern!

  316. Janet

    And I’ve signed up for the consumer newsletter – thank you.

  317. A pillow fight with my children.thanks for a fascinating post.

  318. Have also signed up for the newsletter.

  319. I think I would like to have a pillow fight with all my new blogging buddies. It would be so much fun to meet them all.

  320. I have signed up for the newsletter.

  321. Pillow fight with my daughter maybe. I want it to be with someone who will pull punches!

  322. Subscribed to your blog.

  323. hollyefox

    would (and do) prefer to pillow fight my kids! my boys are getting pretty good, though, so i better watch out!

  324. hollyefox

    also… i get your newsletter! can’t wait to see the new fabric!

  325. This is such a fun blog hop. I love having pillow fights with my 3 kids.

  326. I am a new follower, been having a good time reading your blog! Can’t wait to see your new book, it looks fabulous.

  327. MarciaW

    I’ve never had a pillow fight with the two grandnieces that are large enough – and think that would be fun. The dress pillow is perfect for what you create.

  328. Annette

    Your pillow is adorable! I would most likely have a pillow fight with my daughter….my granddaughter is only 4 months old, so that will have to wait!

  329. I would have (and do have) a pillow fight with my youngest kiddo, N. He wants to cuddle after pillow fights and I love it!

  330. Annette

    I already subscribe to your newsletter and look forward to reading it!

  331. I think I’d really like to have a pillow fight with my hubby!

  332. Kim

    I did join your mailing list……love your little pillow….too cute….I might have to make one from one of my granddaughters favorite dresses.
    Thanks so much for a chance to win your new fabric line!

    Happy Sewing

  333. Amanda

    I would have a pillow fight with my best friend from childhood. Probably followed by dancing to Beat It.

  334. Amanda

    I subscribed to the newsletter!

  335. Annnd I’m a new blog follower! Can’t wait to take a look at the rest of your blog posts!

  336. Kim

    I’d like to have a pillow fight with my mother and I want it so we are the same age at the same time then we can talk about how it feels to be this age together :0)

    Thanks for the chance to win a jelly roll of our new fabric line!

    Happy sewing

  337. Whitney

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my hubby! I may just start one after I type this!

  338. janet

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my grandchildren they are all so awesome!!!!

  339. Great pillow! It’s interesting to see what each person makes and their reasons for it.
    I think I’d like to have a pillow fight with Robert Redford, if I win you’re going to arrange that, right? 😀

  340. Linda


  341. Linda


  342. Amy

    Pillow fights are always fun with our puppy Ginger. She plays tug-of-war with her own stuffed toys. Then, at night, she tries to take over MY pillow, so I have to “fight” for my rights.

  343. Sue Bennett

    I love your pillow. We always had pillow fights growing up there were 8 of us. Feathers would be every where and Mom just a laughing. Thanks for being in the pillow blog hop.

  344. Sarah

    hmmm… I’ve been watching Season 1 of Glee, so I’d have to say that I’d choose Matthew Morrison to have a pillow fight with.
    By the way, I love your pillow.

  345. Amy

    I just signed up for your newsletter. Thanks!

  346. If there was someone else to clean it all up, I’d love to have a feather pillow fight with my children. 🙂

  347. I already love to see your newsletter in my inbox. Thank you!

  348. db

    I would most likely have a pillow fight with my sister. She has Down Syndrome and she is the only person that I know that would have a pillow fight with no evil intent – she would do it for the pure joy of having fun and giggling. Thanks for the give-away

  349. Sarah

    and I’m now a subscriber… this is so inspiring to see the blogs of people who design and sew!

  350. kathy in nc

    Cute pillow,adorable little dress- thanks for sharing your story.

  351. db

    I am already signed up for the newsletter. Love it when it comes and also love your patterns. Have made bunches of things form them. Now just need the grand kids to dress them with my creations !

  352. Melissa

    Liesl, I’ve been following your blog for about a year (since I discovered your patterns when my sister made my daughter a Lazy Days Skirt). I’m already a subscriber to your newsletter, so there’s my 2nd entry, right? I guess to get my 1st entry I think I’d have most fun having a pillow fight with my 2 kids. I should probably let them win b/c they’re little. I’m looking forward to hearing more about your new fabric line, especially because of a possibility of laminated cottons?!?!?!

  353. laura huffman

    i love your quilt from a previous post. so perfect, colours are amazing.
    very cute pillow too.
    i would like to have a pillow fight with my kids (18, and 17). thanks so much for sharing.

  354. I would love to have a pillow fight with my good friend from high school, who I don’t see nearly often enough.

  355. ellen

    I’ve often wondered who were Oliver + S. Now that you’ve introduced yourself, I’m very pleased to meet you. Your pillow gave me an idea! I have my daughter’s favorite dress which I made when she was not quite a year old and walking. Lots of ruffles to go with her ruffled big girl pantie. I’ve tried to incorporate it into a quilt; no lights bulbs flashed. Now, I’m going to make it into a pillow for her. What an excellent idea! Thank you!

  356. I just signed up for your newsletter. 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!

  357. ellen

    Guess what? I’ve just signed up and I’m looking forward to your news.

  358. Carol M

    I would like to have a pillow fight with my 3 grandsons. They are so much fun! Thanks!

  359. Jeanne

    I would like to have a pillow fight with my grandkids who
    are the joy of my life. Love your pillow and the shape
    you chose.

  360. Jeanne

    I have just joined your newsletter and look forward to them.

  361. I’d most enjoy a pillow fight with my girls – 12 & 15. Thanks for the chance to win!

  362. Most likely my husband now. But my sister and I used to have pillow fights when we were younger..

  363. kate

    Pillow fight with my kids & I subscribed today.

  364. Cheryl

    So great to read about you. Thanks for sharing! I would like to have a pillow fight with…???…I’m a bit of a chicken so this is hard for me…probably my husband. I’d like to think that he would be gentle with me.

  365. kathy in nc

    just signed up for the newletter & pillow fight with my dog & bunny – they ar etoo funny & run are the house like crazy circling each other doing the happy dance with toys.

  366. Kathy

    Thanks for sharing. I would enjoy a pillow fight with my kids!

  367. Barbara

    Very cute pillow!
    I’m new follower and i’d like to have a pillow fight with my boys (12, 7, 1).
    Thanks for the chance!

  368. I’d most like to have a pillow fight with my fellow blogger over the Tasman, The Dreamstress.

  369. Meredith

    Thanks for sharing! I would love to have a pillow fight with my two and a half year old niece!

  370. Meredith

    I signed up for the newsletter! Thanks!

  371. Sweet pillow! Thanks for sharing!

  372. Joanne

    pillow fight? well, with my daughter…although she would hit to win…so maybe I would chose my husband who would be nicer about it!
    really enjoy your fabrics…and the little pillow is too sweet.

  373. Rachel H

    I would have a pillow fight with my hubby but he probably wouldn’t like that right now b/c he is sick!

  374. kate

    Cute blog ~Thanks for sharing your story , adorable pillow.

  375. Amy

    Your pattens are so cute. I would love to have a pillow fight with my kids.

  376. Elizabeth

    I would like to have a pillow fight with my great niece. That would be fun!! Thanks for sharing a little bit about yourself and also for the chance to win your great giveaway.

  377. My daughter just came in to give me a hug and as she left she said, “Oh! Cute pillow dress!” Maybe I should attempt making one for her. 😀 I love the quilt as well! I enjoy pillow fighting with my husband…it’s a great stress reliever.

  378. I’ve subscribed. It was nice to ‘meet’ you. 🙂

  379. Alaina

    I would love to get in a pillow fight with my younger brother! But I’d have to attack him when he’s sleeping and then run away because he is much larger would kill me.

  380. Ann Storlie

    I have pillow fights with my grandchildren occasionally. We have 3 girls and 3 boys. A fight with George Clooney might be fun!

  381. Alaina

    I’m recieving your newletter.

  382. Jeanne Langston

    Loved hearing about you. Loved your pillow! I would like to have a pillow fight with John Travolta. One can always dream…..
    Thank you for a chance to win this give-a-way.

  383. Your pillow is SO cute! I guess I would most like a pillow fight with my kids.
    Karen in Breezy Point

  384. I’ve signed on for your newsletter, Thanks!

  385. My pillow fighting partner would be my honey.

  386. Jeanne Langston

    I just joined your newsletter! Yay!

  387. I just signed signed up for your newsletter–I will be watching for it!
    Karen in Breezy Point

  388. Linda

    I love the dress pillow– great idea……

  389. Cindi P.

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my grandkids…thanks for the give away!!!

  390. Linda

    Hi–I subscribed—–I hope I win…..

  391. Julie in WA

    O.k. I’m a spoil-sport: I would not enjoy a pillow fight. I don’t like getting hit with anything. I would probably enjoy watching my husband and daughter pillow it out!

  392. Cindi P.

    I signed up for your newsletter 🙂

  393. Kate

    I would love a pillow fight with my nieces and nephew 🙂

    I’m looking forward to your new line coming out! Exciting!!

  394. Kate

    And I’ve just signed up for your newsletter. Looking forward to receiving it!

  395. Samantha

    I’d like to have a pillow fight with my nieces and nephew, who are very far away.

  396. My first comment didn’t go through…so yes I would LOVE to whack my husband with a pillow…he has been a Royal Pain in the &*@ today…!! Please throw my name into your give away pot!! Thanks so much!

  397. Hi,
    I’m new to your blog but I’ve seen your fabric designs on the Moda website and they’re lovely. I also like your sewing tutorials and it’s been like a “refresher course” for me. After a 15 year hiatus I’m returning to sewing and quilting. I’ve taken many classes sewing with knits and for children.

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I’m a lucky winner in your give-away too.

    Gail 🙂

  398. Oh, btw I forgot to add my pillow fight comment.

    I’d like to have a pillow fight with Keanu Reeves–but please don’t tell him, LOL.

    Gail 🙂

  399. Love the pillow! Would love to have a pillow fight with Sawyer from Lost. Meeeowwww! Rrrrrrr. 😉

  400. Ann Storlie

    I signed up for the newletter. Thanks

  401. Cynthia


    I always enjoy having pillow fights with my kids. Now that they are almost grown, dear son is a lot bigger than I am and I’m not short, I have to remind them to be gentle with dear old Mom. LOL!!!



    I’d love to have a pillow fight with my son Evan and my hubby Josh! :o)

  403. Caralee

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my children(although we already do from time to time) Thanks I love your patterns and your fabric.

  404. Caralee

    I am already signed up for your newsletter.


    I just signed up for your newsletter!

  406. I probably should just make something up, but really, I don’t like pillow fights. I know, weird. Maybe it was a bad slumber party growing up or something, but I just don’t find them fun. Can I just pretend to have one with my husband?

  407. Joyce

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my grandchild, Sami. And I would love to win the fabric!

  408. Judy S.

    I would most like to have a pillow fight with any of my 16 grandchildren!!!!

  409. Aileen

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my husband because he is the goofiest guy I know.–Love your pillow 😉

  410. JennyG

    Pillow fights with my husband and our two little boys are my favorite!!!

    Can’t wait to see the next fabric line!!

  411. Pillow fight with my sister–just like old times. Perfect pillow for both Bear, Teddy and S to share…looks fluffy and cuddly and great in the red print.

  412. Becky

    Hello! Who would I most like to have a pillow fight with? My husband. I’m sure I owe him one — he’s the great-if-a-bit-wacky sense of humor one, and I’m always the (too) serious one!

    Thanks for the chance at a great give-away!

  413. Joyce

    Pillow fight? We’ll with all the Moda designers of course!

  414. I’d like to have a pillow fight with that rich guy you used to work for! I love that your husband is your nighttime Toddy. Too funny!

  415. Becky

    And I just subscribed — so thanks for the second chance!

  416. Tanya

    I’d have a pillow fight with my daughter because she laughs and laughs, love it!

  417. jenne

    The people I love having pillow fights with the most are my kids. Although it is starting to get a little rough!!!!!! Your pillow is great.

  418. Mary Burn

    I would like to have a pillow fight with my daughter. She is going through some difficult times and I believe it would relieve a lot of tension. Thanks for including me in your giveaway.

  419. Maeve Mitchell

    I would love to be able to have a pillow fight with my baby sister! She is facing back surgery right now and can barely move so if we were able to have a pillow fight it would mean she was well again!

  420. Maeve Mitchell

    I have registered to get your newsletter.

  421. johanna

    I would like to have a pillow fight with my husband and kids. With big fluffy down pillows that would rip open during the fight so that we would end up covered in feathers (that someone else would clean up).
    Thanks for the double chance to win (I already get your newsletter). And I am looking forward to getting my hands on a copy of your book.

  422. I’d most like to have a pillow fight with my dear hubby:) It could lead to more fun:)

  423. nerida

    I would love to have a pillow fight with George Clooney, He probably would win because I’d be awestruck with his handsomeness.

  424. nerida

    I have subscribed to your email.


  425. bea

    adoraaaable. You are so Brillantly Authentic to incorporate a little dress for a pillow. 🙂 pillows to pillow fight fight with? hmmmm…MY best friend I have not `seen’ in 17 years & Nette & cousin Laurel who lives across the country. that would be the very best!!!

  426. Penny

    Your pillow is too cute to have a pillow fight with but I would like to use a reg old pillow or 2,3 or even 4 to have a pillow fight w/ me grandchildren!! There’s 3 of them so who do you think would win?

  427. Kelli

    I’d most like to have a pillow fight with my husband of nine months! Thanks for sharing with us!

  428. Kathlyn

    I’d love to smash feathers with my 3 grandchildren because I just realized we haven’t done that together yet!

  429. Kristal

    Looking forward to someday having pillows fights with grandchildren!

  430. I’d like to have a pillow fight with my husband. 😉

  431. I’ve also signed up to receive your newsletter. Thanks!

  432. I’d love to have a pillow fight with my granddaughter. As a matter of fact, I think I’ll make that happen. Very cute idea for a pillow. I may turn a favorite outfit into one!

  433. Jackie Menard

    If I could pick a person to have a pillow fight with it would be my best friend and husband of 28+ years, Roland. We have shared so many wonderful memories over the years, but I would like to get him back for all the times he always thought he was right! I love your children’s patterns and can not wait for my granddaughter to grow a bit more so I can sew for her! I am looking forward to your new fabric line!
    Thanks and keep up the good work!

  434. Sarah

    Mmmm dream person to have a pillow fight with – Matthew McConaghey!! Realistically it’s going to be with my kids! I love your pillow the best so far – its uniqueness and reflection of your career.

  435. I’ve registered for the consumer newsletter!
    Thank you!

  436. Pillow fight with our kiddos, definitely. Of course it would probably devolve into some kind of wrestling match. All in good fun of course. Can’t wait to see your new fabric line.

  437. Janelle J

    Cute pillow! I’d probably pillow fight with my husband and our 2 year old son. We do a lot of romping and wrestling anyway!

  438. Del

    I think that I would like to have a pillow fight with my husband. I love the your little skirt pattern. I made 2 for my daughter. Thank you for sharing yourself!

  439. Maureen

    I love having pillow fights with my Granddaughter, Kaitlyn.

  440. Lisa LeBlanc

    Hi, pillow fight with someone at Moda??? Hmmmm..just about anyone, don’t think there is any Moda designer that isn’t super cool! Lisa in Texas

  441. Maureen

    I’ve registered for the consumer newsletter

  442. I always want to pillow fight with my little boys. They are the best pillow fighters.

    I love your oliver + s fabrics and would love to win a jelly roll!

  443. Lisa LeBlanc

    I know subscribe to your consumer mailing list. I just love your patterns and wish my twins were still little…I needed this about 14 years ago. Lisa in Texas

  444. Cindy

    I would love to have a pillow fight with Mark Lipinski! He is waiting for his kidney transplant, which has to be enormously stressful, and I just think it would be fun to wallop the tar out of each other with pillows! (I just love a good pillow fight!) 😀

  445. I would most want to have a pillow fight with my husband =)

    I can’t wait to see your new line! =) Thanks for the giveaway!

  446. I’m all signed up for your awesome newsletter! Yay! =)

  447. MoeWest

    I would like to have a pillow fight with my grandson. That dress makes a cute pillow. Thanks for the giveaway.

  448. MoeWest

    I’ve subscribed to your consumer newsletter.

  449. Deb

    Pillow fight with my husband…a fun one!

  450. Deb

    Just signed up for the newsletter.

  451. Jean

    I’d like to have a pillow fight with the current Governor of Wisconsin. He’s trying to destroy the labor unions of Wisconsin’s public employees. Shame on him!

  452. Tara

    I would love to have a pillow fight with all three of my kids at once!

  453. Tara

    I also subscribed to the consumer newsletter.

  454. Jean

    And I’ve registered for the newsletter. BTW, lovely patterns, lovely fabric lines!

  455. Probably with my daughter, but she would probably win 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  456. Angie

    awww. so cute Dress Pillow. I’m most likely to have a pillow fight with my best friend first thing in the morning after lots of tickles.

  457. I guess I would most like to have a pillow fight with my daughters, they are just too fun to be around. So are my boys but they are so big, I am afraid they would hurt me. Your children’s patterns are amazing. I love the pillow, thanks for sharing.

  458. I’d love to have a pillow fight with my sisters – I live overseas so it would be a great reunion with them ;).

  459. Laura

    What a great giveaway! I think it would be fun to be in a pillow fight with my six year old, Lily…..she would have a ball! 🙂

  460. Nancy B from Many LA

    I’d like to have a pillow fight with my sister, brother, cousins Barb and Carol and all of our kids.

  461. Laura

    I already get your newsletter…love it!

  462. Nancy B from Many LA

    I signed up for the consumer newsletter.

  463. I think if I was going to do a pillow fight it would be one of my sisters, and most likely my youngest sister, because we butt heads a lot, and also because I love her a lot.

  464. Penny

    Thanks for the cute idea about turning a baby’s dress into a pillow. So simple and yet so personal. Looking forward to seeing your new fabric designs. Went to the top and signed up for your newsletter also.

  465. I just registered for your newsletter.

  466. I’m definitely most likely to have a pillow fight with my two kiddos! We do it almost every night 😉

  467. Liz

    Love the pillow. I would most like to have a pillow fight with my grandkids. I just know all four would think having a pillow fight with grandma would be great fun!

  468. Kristy

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my dad…he died when I was eight years old. I miss him and oh what fun we would have.

  469. Ginger P.

    My little boys, definately!

  470. Cathy M

    I would most like to have a pillow fight with my daughter. She lives in Washington, DC and I live in Houston. I miss her terribly.

  471. Ginger P.

    My boys would be most fun to fight with.

  472. CJ

    Cute little pillow. OF COURSE it had to be clothing!

  473. Rose

    I’ve registered for the consumer newsletter.

  474. Rose

    I would have to have a pillow fight with my 5 grandkids and it would be awesome! Love the pillow hops and all the info.

  475. Marcyne

    I would like to have a pillow fight with my kids.

  476. robin

    I’d love a pillow fight with my best friend from girl-hood, Ginny! 🙂

  477. Danette Miller

    The 3 Stooges. Loved them as a kid!

  478. Lissa

    I think I would have to have one with my kiddos! Girl and boy and they would just laugh and laugh!

  479. robin

    I signed up for your newsletter. Thanks for the giveaway!

  480. Marcyne

    I’m signed up to receive your newsletters. 🙂

  481. Lissa

    I joined your newsletter!!

  482. I would most like to have a pillow fight with my husband!

  483. kate C.

    I would like to have one with my husband. I love him! Maybe I’ll go do that right now…

  484. Theresa

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my sister, just like we did when we were growing up. She has not spoken to me in eight years, which is very sad in my opinion, and just to have one more pillow fight would be the greatest blessing to me.

  485. Theresa

    I signed up for your newsletter and am looking forward to receiving it.

  486. Meri

    The pillow is adorable! I love having pillowfights with my 4 grandkids…they’re so much fun!

  487. Right now at this moment, I’d like to have a pillow fight with Pierce Brosnan!

  488. Meri

    I’m a follower!

  489. Briawna

    Call me cheesy but I love having pillow fights with my kids. As lame as it sounds, no fantasy pillow fight beats my kids’ laughter. Thanks for the chance to win. I love your designs.

  490. Briawna

    following in my reader and subscribed to the newsletter. Thanks.

  491. I would have a pillow fight with my daughter. She would laugh uncontrollably the whole time and would be so fun to pillow fight with!! Thanks for the chance to win

  492. Karen

    Probably my hubby, although he is so much stronger that I would get clobbered pretty badly. Last week, a lady said George Clooney…and I think that would be a lot of fun! That Channing Tatum would probably be pretty fun to fight with too…LOL!

  493. Karen

    Yes, I signed up for your newsletter..I’ll never get housework done again! Ha!

  494. Amy

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my son and 2 nephews. Love your cute pillow!!

  495. Amy

    I subscribed to your e-mail list and look forward to be kept up-to-date!!

  496. My 2 wonderful grandchildren Seth 1. Izzy 4. Izzy is already a quilter at heart. She can’t understand why I can’t make her a new quilt everyday.

  497. dewana

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my husband, oh yeah, I don’t have one. Soooo, my neice and nephew would be my choice for a fun pillow fight. They are a blast! They are 5 and 11 and absolutely the best!

  498. Joined the mailing list. Hope I win

  499. dewana

    I signed up!

  500. Marianne

    Pillow fight?!? Growing up they were big in our house. I think I should continue that with my grandkids. (Love the bears, My oldest son still has his first bear)

  501. Marianne

    I joined the email. Thank you for the invite!

  502. Sue

    All 5 of my grandkids, at the same time, but they all live too far away for that to happen.

  503. Jennifer

    All 5 of my girls! Or at least the 4 old enough to understand the concept. : )

  504. Erin

    I’d have a pillow fight with my two daughters – they don’t know about them yet! 🙂
    A chance to win a jelly roll of your fabric sounds wonderful – thank you!

  505. Leslie

    I think I’d just like to watch a pillow fight… maybe between my grandson and sons. They like to rough house.

    Very cute pillow!

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