the oliver + s stop on the moda pillow talk blog hop pt. 2

Since our pillow talk post (below) seems to have stopped taking comments, feel free to leave entry comments on this post instead. We’ll do the drawing for the jelly roll using both sets of comments. Good luck!



  1. Gee whiz, not sure if mine comments were recorded or not. So I leave this one!

  2. SewLindaAnn

    I would love to have a pillow fight with David Ferrer (professional tennis player). I could get tennis tips inbetween laughing.

  3. Bonney

    I’ll give it a try here. Fingers crossed!

  4. I just subscribed, so this is my second post for your drawing, thanks πŸ™‚

  5. Monica

    Pillow fight? Hmmmm…….with my husband and I would play to win!

  6. Robyn Brown

    Happy Valentines Day!

  7. mel

    What a great idea for a pillow! My favorite yet. I love that you still have your childhood friend and that S is able to love him too!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  8. mel

    I subscribe to your newsletter! (Shamelessly hoping I win!)

  9. carla j

    Thank you for the opportunity for a chance to win. Happy Valentines Day!

  10. Monica

    I signed up for your newsletter! Thanks!

  11. Happy Valentines Day, thanks for the chance for letting us all comete in the giveaway

  12. Tiffany

    I think I would like to have a pillow fight with a couple of my third grade students. Show ’em who’s boss!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. Elizabeth

    I would like to have a pillow fight with my kids of course. They are only 4, 2 1/2 and 1 so I think I could win even if they join forces against me! πŸ˜‰

  14. Nicole

    I would want to pillow fight with my kids. Gently, of course!

  15. I would love to have pillow fights with my two girls (age 6 and 5)…this way I think I could win. They would be giggling too hard to fight me.

  16. Awesome pillow! And I feel better about being a night owl now. πŸ™‚
    I would love to have a pillow fight with the big Mickey Mouse puppet at Disneyland. I could totally wail on him and he wouldn’t feel anything.

  17. Donna

    I would most like to have a pillow fight with my son. He turned three yesterday. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in taking care of everyone I forget to add in enough silliness. I think I’ll go grab the pillows now! Thanks!

  18. Ok I signed up for your newsletter and now I feel totally old because the captchas make me squint like mad. (I used my jellysnake address, in case you check these things!)

  19. Liz

    With my husband, of course. So much more of a stress release than passive aggressiveness! Love that man!

  20. Bonnie

    I think a pillow fight with my grand kids would be fun…

  21. Liz

    And I just signed up for the consumer newsletter! Thanks for the chance to win!

  22. I love pillow fights with my son Craig. Makes me still feel close to him and it’s just plain fun!

  23. Jen

    Signed up for the newsletter. Pillow fight… Hmm… I’d like to have a pillow fight with Jonathan Rhys Meyers. πŸ˜‰

  24. Anne

    Believe it or not I would like to have a pillow fight with my brothers. They always beat me when I was young, but now I know I am quicker and sneakier to win! Your pillow brought back warm fuzzy memories of those types of flat dolly pillows I had. Love it!

  25. SuzK

    I’d like to have another pillow fight with my old camp buddies (from 50 years ago) – I remember those pillow fights were a blast! Love your pillow and have enjoyed watching you develop your adorable patterns. Wish you had been around when my kids were little.

  26. Anne

    Ok, now I am signed up for your consumer newsletter

  27. Tonie

    I’ve found you blog via the Moda Pillow Talk. I love your clothing designs and have already made a couple for my young daughters.Worked a treat and look gorgeous.

  28. Andie

    I would have a pillow fight with the man who sped down my 25 mph residential street going 50 mph this morning. It would be a great way to release my rage!

  29. Brieanne P

    I would want to pillow fight with my kids of course! I think it would be too much fun, and since we get so caught up in “doing” everything, we forget to just have fun!

  30. Cecilia

    I love your pillow. I love to have pillow fights with my husband, it can be a lot of fun. Thanks for the giveaway.

  31. Paula B

    I would love a jelly roll!!!

  32. Cecilia

    I just subscribed to your blog.

  33. Holly T.

    I would have a pillow fight with my kids, we’ve been living in apartments for so long, they don’t get tot make much noise.

  34. Holly T.

    I am a subscriber to your newsletter.

  35. Lindsi

    Wahoo! I just subscribed to your newsletter:)

  36. Lindsi

    I have 8 nieces and nephews but I would love to have a pillow fight with my 5 year old nephew Parker… He is at the perfect age where wrestling is cool and he still wants to play with his aunt!

  37. Long time follower and pattern user but I have yet to get my hands on some of your fabrics. Love your “dress” pillow!

  38. Mary F

    I am a lover not a fighter…but maybe George Clooney?

  39. With Taye Diggs….even though he is married and I am married, I still think he is dreamy. Heh.

  40. Tami Duggan

    I would most like to have a pillow fight with my 2 teen-age daughters…they would probably roll their eyeballs and think it was weird, but I still think it would be fun!

  41. Christi R

    Such cute patterns! I love them.

  42. Sian

    I love having pillowfights with my little boy. Can’t wait for my daughter to be old enough to join us!

  43. Sian

    I already receive the newsletter

  44. Leslie

    Whew. You were getting slammed last night! I love the pillow.

    PIllow fight? I’m goot for once throw… then I’d rather watch my kids and grandson go at it I will monitor.

  45. Leslie

    I signed up for your mailing list…. and I meant good, not goot. That’s what I get for rushing!

  46. I love the baby pillow. Need to make a couple of those for the newest grandchildren. Would like the jelly roll to accomplish that, though!

  47. charlotte maxwell

    love this whole pillow hop concept. I have become reinspired to sew….

  48. Beth T.

    I think it would be great fun to get together with my friends from my teen years–who are my friends to this day–and have a huge slumber party, complete with pillow fight. Although, maybe not; we each have so many aches and pains these days that we might be rather pathetic in the pillow-fighting department. πŸ˜‰

  49. Beth T.

    I am a new subscriber to your newsletter.

  50. I l-o-v-e your pillow! It’s a lovely design. As for the pillow fight, definitely with my granddaughters. I don’t see them nearly enough since they moved to Staten Island. But they absolutely love NY, especially the ferry!

  51. Sandy Muir

    Yea! I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t leave a comment.
    Sandy Muir

  52. kathleen

    I’m glad to find and read your blog. You are very clever and I love the pillow youu designed.

  53. Kathryn

    I would love to have a family pillow fight with my four children. I always imagined it would be like the movies and the feathers would fly all over.

  54. I would like to have a pillow fight with my brother, who is now geographically far from here.

  55. And I had already subscribed your newsletter πŸ˜‰

  56. Julianne

    I would have a pillow fight with my 8 year old son. Love reading your blog!!!

  57. Julianne

    Signed up for your newsletter!

  58. I think it would be funny to have a pillow fight with Justin Bieber. Not because I’m so in to him, but becuase it would be funny to hit him in the head and mess up the Bieber-do. Thanks for sharing your cute pillow and the jelly roll with us.

  59. Lindey

    I love to have pillow fights with my grandkids. We throw EVERYTHING–pillows, sofa cushions, rugs, stuffed animals, clothes, the cat….

  60. The last pillow fight I had, had me seeing stars! Who knew someone could hit that hard with a pillow?? So now, I have an aversion to even the thought of having a pillow fight. Now, who on the pillow blog, said they wanted to have a pillow fight with George Clooney? That cracked me up!

  61. I’ve signed up for your newsletter. I showed some friends, that sew for dolls, your ice cream dress about 5 months ago. They made their own patterns for their own dolls and they turned out very cute. It wasn’t for the AG dolls though that is perfect!

  62. Pam

    Wasn’t surprised to see that your pillow was in the shape of some adorable clothes. I would love to have a pillow fight with my siblings to remind me of all the times we did growing up.

  63. OK Nonnie

    Just signed up for your newsletter! I would love to have a pillow fight with my kids. They are all adults with kids of their own – maybe we should add the grands to the mix! What a free-for-all that would be!! We are spread out from east coast to west coast, so getting everyone here (in the middle) for a pillow fight would be great fun!

  64. Jamie

    I would have a pillow fight with my sister…It would take us back to childhood!

  65. Kay Mc

    I would most like to have a pillow fight with my grandkids. They probably wouldn’t hit me as hard as my kids would. What a cute idea for a pillow. I’ll have to do one like it for my granddaughters.

  66. Kay Mc

    I signed up for your mailing list.

  67. I’d love to have a pillow fight with all 9 of my grandkids but I get first swing cause then I’ll down and out and I just signed up for your newsletter it will be fun to win your jellyroll

  68. craziness! getting my post in now before there’s a third thread!

  69. I would love to fight with my good friend!

  70. S Williams

    I would love to have a pillow fight with Hilary and Chelsea Clinton. I don’t know why, but I think they would be great fun!

  71. virginia

    I would have to say a pillow fight with my granddaughter Madison would be the best.

  72. my best friend. but I don’t think she’d fight back, she’s just not that way.

  73. virginia

    i also joined your mailing list. thanks.

  74. Barbara L

    What a cute pillow! I’d like to have a(nother) pillow fight with my daughter! I need revenge!

  75. Ellen Ban

    Would love to have a grown up pillow fight with my brothers for old times sake!

  76. I get the newsletter!

  77. Ellen Ban

    I just signed up! Thanks and your pillow is “you”!

  78. Pillow Fight with all the far-flung O+S Fans! Can we do a virtual one?

  79. Laine

    I signed up to be on your mailing list.

  80. Laine

    I would have a good time having a pillow fight with my 6 yr old grandson. He more than likely would beat me.

  81. Love to fight with all three kids after the bath!

  82. Already getting the newsletter thanks!

  83. Becky

    Give me a pillow fight with my husband…..(fluttering eyelashes)!

  84. Becky

    On the mailing list now.

  85. Lorraine

    I love to pillow fight with my grand kids. :O)

  86. I think I’d love to have a pillow fight with my niece – would be super fun!
    Thanks for the chance πŸ™‚

  87. Newsletter subscriber!

  88. Carrie

    I would pillow fight my two sons.

  89. Chrissi

    I would have a pillow fight with my two aunts! They lived in other parts of the country when I was young but now they have moved back and we are great friends!!

  90. Catherine

    Hmm – I’d have to choose my children for the pillow fight – they’d always be on for that!

  91. Catherine

    and now I’m signed up for the mailing list, this is comment no.2 – still choosing the children for my hypothetical pillow fight (wish i had a pillow like yours – might have to look at making one of my own!)

  92. Jansie Martin

    Hi there, Darling pillow! Just love the buttons. πŸ™‚ And loved seeing your little Teddy. So cute.
    I would probably have a pillow fight with my nieces and nephews. They live across the country and seeing them in their little pj’s throwing pillows around would be a lot of fun.

  93. Jansie Martin

    I am now signed up for the newsletter. Thanks for the awesome give away!!

  94. Heather

    I would love to have a pillow fight with any of my three grown sons. I almost lost one of them in a car accident last year so now I treasure every moment with them!

  95. Patti

    I think I would like to have a pillow fight with Mary and Barb from Me and My Sister Designs. I am still recovering from reading their post!


  96. Beth

    I would most like to have a pillow fight with my sister.

  97. Beth

    I signed up for the newsletter!

  98. Emily Brown

    George Clooney…cause that would mean he was sleeping over!

  99. this has been so fun to see everyone’s pillows and learn more about the designers!

    I’m not much of a pillow fight kinda person, so I don’t have a good answer. Although…could you imagine Jackie O loosening up and participating in a pillow fight?! Wonder what she’d wear to a pillow fight? Some covet worthy outfit I’m sure!

  100. Julie T.

    I had quite a grin on my face last night when I saw your pillow! I can’t think of anyone I’d like to have a pillow fight with. Maybe when my grandson is a little older and Mommy and Daddy are out of the house so we can play (as in rough house). Thanks!

  101. Phyllis

    Not sure if my comments got published, so here is my input: I love your fabric and patterns!

  102. Kristin O

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my hubby! I might just have to do it! Thanks for a chance to win! πŸ™‚

  103. Kristin O

    I am a newsletter subscriber!

  104. katherine schaffer

    I’m looking forward to having pillow fights with my grandchildren but so far, all three are too young! I’ve signed up for your newsletter. So excited about you fabric lines; have loved (and used!) your patterns already!

  105. grace

    pillow fight? probably my younger brother whom i get to see finally in two weeks after two years!

  106. grace

    also, i do subscribe to the newsletter – which i love!

  107. Wow, so many comments your other post broke? Now that’s saying something!
    I’d love to have a pillow fight with my husband, but he’s an old poop and doesn’t play like a puppy anymore!

  108. I would have to say I’d most like to have a pillow fight with my hubby. That would be fun!

  109. bethany

    I would Love to give anything to go back to the time when I had pillow fight with my sisters.

  110. WandaFish

    Thanks for the opportunity to win such a gorgeous prize πŸ™‚
    I’ve registered to receive your consumer newsletter.

  111. Maja

    Pillow fight: Johnny Depp. I prefer ‘blanket fights’ where either the dogs or one of the kids (or both) get wrapped up, or covered, or have to escape from under the covers, or I sway them up and down on top. Pillow fights might actually hurt, blanket fights don’t. πŸ™‚

  112. Maja

    I subscribed! Yay.

  113. Celeste

    Thanks for having a giveaway! I love your patterns!

  114. Celeste

    ps: I’m already a follower.

  115. Ellen A.

    Thanks for sharing. What a cute idea for a pillow.

  116. Andra

    I would most like to have one with my kids, I might have to do that tonight! Thanks for the chance.

  117. Laura K

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my Grandmother Arline and Great Aunt Bets. Sadly they have both passed away but were some of the greatest women I have ever known. I miss them terribly and would love to see them again and have some fun!

  118. Andra

    I signed up for your newsletter too!

  119. Kim

    I would have a pillow fight with hubs and school him! hah!

  120. Natalee

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my sisters. We used to have some good ones growing up!

  121. Mary Lou

    Pillow fight? – I guess with my husband.

  122. Mary Lou

    And I’ve now signed up for the newsletter.

  123. daisy

    Hi Liesl – thanks for the chance to win your gorgeous fabric – my pillow fight would be with George Clooney – although Kathy Schmitz says she’s first in line!

  124. daisy

    Hi again Liesl – I’ve subscribed via google reader – thanks for the second chance to win !

  125. Chrysalis

    I love to have pillow fights with my daughters (3 and 18months) they end up giggling so much that we have to stop within a few minutes but it is super fun

  126. colette

    signed up for the newsletter (and I would pillow fight with my babygirl because she thinks it is hilarious!)

  127. Love, LOve Love that pillow!!

  128. Karen W

    Pillow fights with my nearly five-year old twins. My daughter loved your pillow and wants to make one out of one of her old dresses! Love your patterns by the way!

  129. Joy

    I was always a whimp when it came to pillow fighting (always the youngest and the only girl!) so I would probably pick my husband for a fight now since he’s very gentle and would probably let me win. πŸ™‚

  130. Joy

    I signed up for the newsletter!

  131. I would love to have a pillow fight with my three sisters. we are all grown now, but i have very fond memories of have girls nights, painting each others nails, braiding each other hair, and of course having pillow fights. they always broke out when someone’s feelings got hurt, but it always ended well with lots of laughs.

  132. by the way i’ve just join the newsletter, however I check your blog for new listings every day.

  133. Bonnie Nyquist

    I love the little pillow dress, I have made pillows from their outgrown t-shirts. I would love a pillow fight with my husband, he is very prim and proper! I did subscribe to your newsletter. Your background is so interesting! Your patterns are wonderful!

  134. Catherine

    I hate objects flying at me, but I love to watch my two 4 year olds deck it out with pillows–so much happy giggling! Thanks!

  135. Mel

    thanks for the chance at the giveaway! I just made my daughter a 2+2 skirt and she loves it — I see more of them in my future!

  136. Mel

    I just joined your newsletter

  137. i’d love to have a pillow fight with my 3 grown children, and hubby too! although i think i’d probably lose!!
    i just signed up for your newsletter.
    thanks so much for your wonderful giveaway

  138. MarciaW

    A pillow fight with my two grandnieces (2 and 5) would be sew much fun – we’ve not had one yet! Please enter me into the giveaway. Glad you did this because was I was beating my head against the wall attempting to enter the giveaway on the first post.

  139. I am really enjoying Pillow Talk. It is fun to learn about each designer. A pillow fight with my husband and 2 bed sleeping dogs would be really fun!

  140. Sarah P

    I would have a pillow fight with my girls, or maybe my three year old boy.

  141. I’d have to have a pillow fight with Colin Firth – he’s delicious!!

  142. I also receive subscribe to your email newsletter – and really enjoy reading it when it arrives in my inbox.

  143. donna

    A pillow fight with my family.

  144. MarciaW

    Thank you for the lovely stop on the moda pillow talk blog hop. I signed up for your email consumer newsletter.

  145. A pillow fight with my nieces would be the best, for sure. At least until I have my own kids. Pillow fights are best with little girls. Their giggles warm my heart.

  146. I signed up for your newsletter, as well. By the way, super excited about the new fabric line and the new book!

  147. Laura Tawney

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my grandmother. I miss her every day and she has been gone since 1998. She loved to sew, knit and crochet and I could use her help now with knitting and crocheting:) We had a really close relationship:) The pillow is so you!
    Laura T

  148. Laura Tawney

    I’ve registered for your newsletter:)
    Laura T

  149. Kay

    I’d like to have a pillow fight with my husband – who else! He’s the best! By the way, I LOVE the “travel quilt” in your book!!!!!

  150. Loralee

    Since I’m always the ‘safe mom’ saying “No pillow fights!” or “Don’t Jump on your Bed!,” just once I’d like to throw caution (along with my worry radar) to the wind and have a good pillow fight romp with my kids.

  151. Loralee

    I already subscribe to your newsletter and love it! Thank you. πŸ™‚

  152. Louise

    My first time on your blog. It has been a lot of fun hopping around the various blogs and reading the getting to know you section.

  153. June

    Hmm? I don’t think I’ve ever been in a pillow fight. I’d give it a try with my hubby though…should I attack while he’s asleep?

  154. kay G

    Love your new patterns. I’d love to have a pillow fight with my grandchildren if I ever have any!

  155. glenda

    It would be fun to have a pillow fight with my 3 yr old grandson.

  156. glenda

    I signed up for your newsletter yesterday but couldn’t get it to post. Happy Valentine’s Day

  157. Limbania

    Your pillow is so darling, what a great idea to use my DD favorite dress! A family pillow fight will be great when my DS gets a little older (He’s 2). Thanks for the giveaway.

  158. Limbania

    Signed up for your newsletter. Looking forward to get it!

  159. I can’t wait to have a pillow fight with my 3 month old daughter but since she can’t pick up a pillow yet, I’ll say my niece. She’s 13 and only occasionally reverts back to being a little kid. usually she’s too cool to be silly.

  160. I realized after reading your question that my almost-two-year-old doesn’t know what a pillow fight is! So my pillow fight partner would be my daughter.

    Although I think it will be so hard for her to understand that it’s okay to whack people on the head and body only with certain things and only at certain times. We’ve had trouble with throwing balls vs. throwing tableware recently.

  161. I’ve subscribed to your newsletter and can’t fathom why I haven’t before!

  162. bruinbr

    Thanks for opening this post up! I thought I was going crazy with the other one! πŸ™‚ I would probably choose to have a pillow fight with my husband. We always seem to be so busy with the day to day and work that we often forget to just have fun πŸ™‚ Thanks for the giveaway and love the pillow!

  163. Michele Dickinson

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my 3 grandkids; Jack, Sadie & Madison.

  164. Michele Dickinson

    I signed up for your newsletter.

  165. Eva

    I’ve subscribed to your newsletter! I’m really looking forward to your book and the new fabric line!!!

  166. Eva

    I’d like to have a sleepover with all my girlfriends, especially those living abroad and then we’d have a pillow fight and a Jane Austen DVD marathon. πŸ™‚

  167. Selina

    What a cute interview. I’d most love to have a pillow fight with my 3-year-old. She has the best laugh!


    I would have a pillow fight with my son and hubby! :o) I am signed up for your newsletter too! Thanks :o)

  169. I would love to have another pillow fight with my sister and brother, we haven’t had one since we were kids but now we all live too far apart.

  170. Lois Martin

    Yeah! I was afraid I had missed out and it was closed. And a pillow fight with my grandkids is always awesome.

  171. Lois Martin

    I also signed up for the newsletter

  172. Suzie

    i would have a pillow fight with my 5 year old nephew. i think it would have to involve water as well.

  173. Melissa H

    Oh thank you so much for opening more space to comment! Well, I would most like to have a pillow fight with my best friend. We used to live in the same hounse now there are a couple thousand kilometers between us, so I would choose her to pillow fight with. By the way I can’t wait to see your new line!!! I love city weekend.

  174. Hi Liesl,
    Just wanted to tell you how much I love your pillow and your blog! It has been
    so much fun to learn more about everyone. Your work is wonderful!!

  175. I would love to do a pillow fight with my upgrown kids. This would be so much fun!

  176. I did sign up for yor newsletter! Thanks so much!

  177. A pillow fight with my girls would be amazingly fun! =) Thanks for the great giveaway!

  178. I would like to have a pillow fight with my grandkids! They are the only ones that would still be nice to this old lady!

  179. I like having a pillow fight with my children. They get giggling so hard it makes me giggle along πŸ™‚

  180. I am on your mailing list and excited to get your updates πŸ™‚

  181. I love pillow fights with my kids. And that little dress pillow is adorable! I loved reading your post. Thanks so much.

  182. Thanks for opening up more space! πŸ™‚

    I think my kids would love to have a pillow fight!

  183. I’m already subscribed to your newsletter!

  184. Lacey

    Such a fun and fitting pillow design!! I would have to say that after watching my favorite Monday night show- Hawaii 5-O- last night I would LOVE to have a pillow fight with Steve McGarrett (aka: Alex O’Loughlin) Thanks for the fun post and for the chance at your give away πŸ™‚

  185. Nancy L

    I’d have a pillow fight with my grandkids!! Way fun!! Thanks for the extra link for comments!

  186. Nancy L

    Just subscribed to your newsletter! Looking forward to receiving it!

  187. I wouldn’t mind winging a few pillows at my 3 sons and my husband, ’cause they’re constantly throwing my chouch pillows at each other and breaking plants, knick-knacks, etc…..

  188. I apparently have already subscribed to your newsletter.

  189. Jeanne H

    I would love to have a pillow fight with my kid’s and grandkids.

  190. Peggy

    What a great pillow! Love it! Aren’t pillow fights fun!

  191. The giveaway has ended. Thanks to everyone who entered. We’re sorry we don’t have a prize to offer each and every one of you.

    Congratulations to our lucky winner (selected with the help of Alaina who said, “I would love to get in a pillow fight with my younger brother! But I’d have to attack him when he’s sleeping and then run away because he is much larger would kill me.”

Comments are closed.