introducing Lisette

Since we first started Oliver + S, the most frequent request we’ve received is for sewing patterns in women’s sizes.

lisette sewing patterns

And so, at long last, we’re happy to announce the launch of a new brand of sewing patterns for women: Lisette. We hope you enjoy them. You can get all the details at




  1. Woohoo! I’m off to check out Lisette right now. Thanks, Liesl. I love your patterns and could use a little help making clothing to fit me. The main pattern companies always lose me halfway through and I end up winging it.

  2. beth lehman

    AAAAAAAAAACKKC!!! SO excited – off to check it out – I have held off buying and Oliver + S b/c my kids are too big – but I’ve wanted to try a pattern for so long!!!

  3. Oh YES!!! I love these! Thank you so much!!

  4. oh my gosh! I literally dropped my jaws when I read your post! so so so excited!!

  5. awesome! awesome! awesome!!!

  6. and you’re gonna have fabrics too?! yay!!

  7. Awesome! My you’ve been busy! Thank you!

  8. … congratulations liesl … that’s fantastic news … sweet cardis and sweaters to go with 😉 … some day! cheers!

  9. hooray! they look adorable 🙂

    are the fabric selections your own designs?

  10. sarah

    Thank you so much! Love them and can’t wait to get started on one!

  11. Really, really, REALLY excited about these!! Can’t wait to make these! Congratulations Liesl!

  12. Mel

    Fantastic! Congratulations on your continuous achievements and best wishes for continued future success!

  13. OMG!!! So excited!

  14. AD

    Congratulations, Liesl! So proud of you, sis.

  15. This is the most exciting news! What a great way to keep off the weekend. 🙂

  16. I saw these the other day on the Simplicity site. They look fabulous! Can’t wait to make one.

  17. buying! I’m so excited to see a pullover blouse pattern for woven material!!

  18. I am so excited to see these available in adult sizes.

  19. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! *cartwheels**cartwheels**cartwheels*

  20. christina

    They’re cute, for a tiny young thing that is.

  21. Heather

    You are the best!! Thank you, thank you. I didn’t even know how much I wanted these until I saw the patterns. Beautiful work!

  22. Erin Waters

    These are awesome! I saw them on the Simplicity site last week & actually thought of Oliver+S, but didn’t connect the dots. Thank You!

  23. robin

    yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much! your new patterns are, not suprisingly, beautiful. i can’t wait to try them! hope your new line is super successful. 🙂

  24. so exciting!! I actually saw those patterns on the Simplicity site yesterday and didn’t even realize they were Oliver + S! Should have known. Beautiful, Liesl! Am very excited to get my hands on these patterns. 🙂

  25. They are gorgeous! Now I just need an excuse to dress up! 🙂

  26. Amelia

    Oh my goodness! YES!

  27. Eeeeeek!!! I’m so excited! How could my favorite possibly get any better? But you did!

  28. Meg

    I have to tell you, since I stumbled across your blog a few months ago, I have fallen in love with your patterns. I am all set to make my kids several things from your book, and my little boy is getting your sailboat pants for his Easter outfit. Now, for the first time since I started sewing, I actually want to sew for MYSELF! I LOVE these patterns — they are so stylish but classic! THANK YOU!

  29. YAY! I can’t wait!

  30. Allison

    All I can say is HELL YEAH! I’m so excited about this!

  31. dora

    Oh My goodness!!! I was looking for some simple patterns for me and my older daughter
    at our local fabric store and they had these, I should have known they were by Mrs. Liesl! Thank you, Mrs. Liesl, these patterns are so great and very clean and classic. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! Luv you and your talent! To know that I just discovered you for my baby girl was great enough but this is a cherry on top ( jumping joyfully) wohoooo!!!!

  32. According to tracking, my first two (of many, I’m sure) Lisette patterns is out for delivery. Oh, wait! I just saw the mail truck. Gotta go!

  33. That’s fabulous! Congratulations.

  34. Yay! My daughter is too big for your small patterns but I would love to make something for her, and for me from your beautiful designs. I’m very excited to read this news 🙂

  35. Melanie

    This is really exciting. These designs are classy and feature the interesting details we’ve come to love in Oliver +s patterns. I can’t wait to see try the passport jacket. Or to see what the fabric looks like!

  36. Eva

    Wow! Congratulations! This is really great and the patterns look gorgeous!

  37. I just love what you do and create for all of us!
    By the way, I’m doing a sew along with a friend through your book – we began today with the bucket hat and in 2 weeks will make the red riding hood cape. I took my 6 year old daughter to the fabric store and let her since of style go wild. Her cape will be in a garish hot pink baby corduroy with an sparkly dragon fly lining – I can’t wait to see how it comes together!

  38. Fantastic! Going to look right now!

  39. Jen

    Well! This is exciting; I’m exercising great restraint in not waking my husband up to tell him! Congrats, Liesl (and Todd)!

  40. Teresa

    Wahoooooooooooooo! Thank you!!!!

  41. Ana

    I love the styles, especially the dresses!! Can’t wait to try my hand at them.

  42. Wow, this is great new! What an awesome surprise.

  43. congratulations to you, Todd + S !!! i am so incredibly excited for you!!! First a book, now this…you guys are rockin’ it. xxoo

  44. Tracy

    Yea!!! I’m so excited to make something for myself AND enjoy the amazing pattern details that I have come to love about your children’s patterns.

  45. Wow – What exciting news! Congratulations on your latest business venture, I’m sure it will be an amazing success!

  46. Elizabeth

    This makes me so happy! I’m so glad you’re launching this line! P.S. – I heart your new book sooo much! It’s precious and so well done. Congratulations!

  47. Angela B

    Congratulations!!! I am excited for you…and me!

  48. thank you for listening! I can’t wait to make these. xo

  49. Lucinda

    I so love visiting your blog, especially when you post wonderful surprises like this! Congrats on the new pattern line – what a treat for all of us!

  50. Mary Margaret

    I Just squealed with glee!! Thank you so much, Liesl!! I might be brave enough to sew for myself now because I know how brilliantly these will be written. Thank you!!

  51. susanne

    Finally! And yipee!

  52. So great!! I can’t believe they are finally out!!

  53. I saw these recently, but I didn’t realize that they were from you. I can’t wait to buy these patterns. And then have fun sewing!! Thank you, Liesl!

  54. I’m so very excited!!! woooooo hoooo 😉

  55. Anne H

    Love, love, love this! I MUST have that Portfolio dress pattern – just gorgeous! Congratulations – I’m sure these will be a fantastic success!

  56. Amazing! Congratulations!!!!

  57. Courtney

    So glad to see this! This is great news. I was going to make this same request when I first came to your blog via the Moda Pillow Hop. I love your children’s patterns, but my girls are 14. Your new patterns are perfect. Keep ’em comin’! 🙂

  58. Very cute dresses! It’s nice to know there are some patterns out there that I can make for myself and actually fit me. All four of those dresses will be a new addition to my closet for the Spring. Thanks!

  59. wow, i was just admiring these in a pattern book at joann yesterday and did not know they were associated with oliver + s. fabulous!

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