do you pinterest?

If, like me, you think visually, you’re going to love pinterest! It’s like a virtual bulletin board where you can add images you find on-line, organize them to create different categories, and share them with other people. I’ve been using it for a few weeks now and just love it. It’s really fast to use,  and I’m able to save things I see and find them again later. It’s a fun way to gather inspiration, and I don’t have 32 browser windows open anymore–just 6 or 7 instead, which is a big improvement for me.

If you’d like to give it a try, click here to sign up. You can follow my Pinterest pins by clicking on the new Pinterest link in the sidebar of the blog. Let’s share our inspiration with each other.



  1. Devon

    How awesome is this. I requested an invite from pinterest last night and was patiently waiting for them to accept me. Thanks to your link I can now pin away!! What an amazing site!!

  2. Kaely

    I love pinterest. It a dangerous time sink for me, so I have to be careful, but it’s a great place to store all those images I love and want to keep track of.

  3. This looks great – off to try it! Thanks for sharing.

  4. This sounds like a great idea and would like to give it a try. I tried clicking the link, but it appears you have to have a facebook account to access this, would that be correct? Or, is that just how it’s been linked here?

    I laughed Liesl when I read your words “32 browsers windows open”….I thought I was the only one who did that. 🙂


  5. I am wondering the same….
    Not really interested in Facebook,is there any other way to join?

  6. tammy

    Liesl, what a great find. Thank you for sharing! I’m now a pinterest-er and one of your followers. I look forward to seeing what all catches your interest & inspires you.

    Just so you know, I’m a regular reader of your blog and admire the quality of the clothes you design and sew, and really love your overall aesthetic. As a reader, I appreciate your generosity, sharing ideas & patterns. I’ll be in line when your book is released, you’ve posted a couple of items that I would really love to make. Take care,


  7. I love Pinterest! It’s a glorious time waster and I have to make sure I don’t get stuck too long there.

    I’m concerned that all the interior decoration pictures I pin are completely different from how our house looks today and how my husband prefers to have it. That is not good.

    On a different topic: I made the School Photo Dress last night and I must say that I adore how you write your pattern instructions. It’s a joy to sew when you know that even if you tackle something a bit more complicated than what you usually sew it will end up looking good and professional if you just follow the directions.
    Can’t say that about many other designers.

    Thank you!


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