a City Weekend giveaway

To celebrate the release of City Weekend and to thank all of you who have supported the line, we decided to do a little giveaway.

Courtesy of Moda, we have a jelly roll, a layer cake, and a selection of assorted yardage to offer to three lucky winners. To enter the giveaway, simply leave a comment telling us what you plan to sew this season. We’ll pick our three winners on the morning of Wednesday, October 20. On that day, comments will close, and we’ll announce the winners in a final comment. One entry per person, please, and good luck.



  1. Janell

    For Fall, from the Oliver+S line, I’m planning on making a School Days jacket. For myself, I’m planning on making a RenFaire costume 🙂

  2. What a great giveaway. Currently I am finishing up a Tree Frog halloween costume for my daughter. I have bought the fabric to make and tailor a custom suit for myself, muslin in process right now. I also plan on Holiday dresses for my wife and daughter, this year’s color scheme is purple. And hopefully some personalized handmade gifts for friends and family.

  3. andria

    I have lots of plans for sewing. I need to find a back for a quilt, then two quilts are off to be quilted. Just started cutting out a new twin quilt.

  4. I’m planning on sewing more quilts (I have just one quilt to my name so far, loved sewing it and then neglected to sew any more for about a year), so some city weekend fabric would be perfect!

  5. Bonney

    What a fantastic giveaway!! My plan is to make a baby quilt that I hope will become a family heirloom. I think this fabric is so special and just perfect for this project!

  6. Amber

    My project is to make a quilt for my son that has all of his special clothes from his first year in it. It is a big project..and my first quilt!

  7. Staci

    The next two items on my sewing list are the School Photo Dress and the Music Box Jumper, both for my 3 year old princess. I also hope to pick up the Hopscotch Skirt pattern to try my hand at sewing with knits for the first time.

  8. hmmm, i would love to sew my girls some christmas dresses. maybe with the school photo dress pattern? i’m very tempted.

  9. Alice S

    Yea for the giveaway! I’m working on Christmas ornaments (mittens) for gifts. I hope to sew some Oliver + S clothes for my daughter.

  10. right now making lots of fall clothes for my girls…hoping to make the world’s largest picnic quilt for the family for christmas:)

  11. Jennifer

    With 5 grandkids under 5, I had better find something quick to sew! Two granddaughters are getting dresses – maybe the School Picture dress would be cute on the two little toddlers. The three rambunctious boys would be adorable in different variations of the Nature Walk Pullover.

  12. Johanna O

    I’ve got a lot on my plate for the fall… Bedtime Story P.J.’s for holiday gifts for the kids and cousins, 2 more Christmas outfits (I already have one down). I’d like to make 2-3 more Hopscotch dress/tunic and Nature Walk Pants as a “everyday” option for my daughter who has finally consented to wear pants again.

  13. Marlena

    I would love to try the new knit fabric. I just made my first knit dress for Halloween and finally tamed the serger. I would sew the new Oliver + s knit pattern for my daughter.

  14. Bobbie23nc

    We’re expecting our first grandbaby the first of the year so my list of projects is a mile long to start as soon as the Christmas sewing is finished.

  15. Jamie

    Wow! I’d love to win a giveaway! Since I’ve just gotten a new serger, I’m dying to make some knit dresses and tunic tops for my daughter. And I’d love to use some of your lovely fabrics to do it. Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. I’ a french sewer so i don’t know if i can win but it doesn’t matter 🙂
    I have lots of plans for sewing. Has to begin with 2+2 blouse for my baby ….

  17. Elaine

    I have a lot of things I would love to sew up– quilts, curtains, and baby blankets are at the top of my list… oh and I want to make some Christmas stockings!

  18. Jen

    Dresses, pjs anda few Christmas gifts.

  19. Samantha

    I already have some diaper wipes and burp cloths cut out, and a storage bag for toys. What I’m really looking forward to is the Birthday Party Dress. I have the pattern already and am determined to fit in between now and my daughter’s first birthday in March.

  20. mel

    This season I’m working on filling my daughter’s chifforobe before beginning grad school in Jan., so that throughout fall and winter (maybe even into spring?!) she can wear Mommy made goodies. I know my sewing will have to take back seat and that makes me sad.

    Thanks for the chance!!

  21. I have a ton of stuff on my “to sew” list: an ice cream blouse, jump rope dress, several skirts, and a school days coat. And that’s just the top of the list…

  22. Krystal P

    Have recently been making Mop Top hats from Bridget and Lucy patterns with the Michael Miller knits, and would love to have some City Weekend knits to make more! Currently cutting out the sailboat top to sew up today.

  23. Hi, what a wonderful giveaway, thankyou! I currently have the Tea Dress pattern and have already amassed a stash of three different fabrics I want to make the dress from. I will make one dress from two pretty cottons I have, and then another dress in flannel, and finally the playsuit in flannel too. I think a flannel playsuit will be so cute for the winter teamed with bright tights!

  24. Samantha

    This season, I’m making Christmas dresses for my girls and I’m hoping to make some doll clothes for Christmas gifts. And if I have time, I have several more casual dresses I would like to make.

  25. I have so many things I’d like to sew this season. I’ve got plans to make some kids clothes, specifically the Sketchbook Shirt and the Sailor Shirt and Pants/Skirt. I’m also working on some baby bibs for gifts and etsy and hopefully finish up a quilt! I’d love to try out the interlock knits in your beautiful new fabric and patterns too!

  26. Belinda

    With a new grandson(my very first) I am in the throes of indecision about what to sew next. So I am concentrating on the holiday season: Halloween, Christmas, Mardi Gras, and then Easter when he will be almost a year old and I can really go all out on a linen shortall!! Oh, such fun!!!

  27. robin

    I’m soon going to be starting a twin size quilt for my daughter, using a pattern from Moda Bakeshop. First I have to finish a wallhanging I’m quilting. Last night my dog chewed (and ruined!) up my quilting thread spool and the local quilt shop was out of the right color, so no quilting for me today! I’d love to win something… :o) thanks for the opportunity!

  28. Bethany

    Some fall PJ’s for the kiddos are a must

  29. Dana F

    I am planning to sew my daughter the Sunday Brunch jacket & skirt for my daughter for the holidays. For my nieces and nephews, I will be sewing little messenger bags to carry their things in when they visit us in the new year. For myself, I would like to sew a new ruffled duvet in vibrant colors for my dream bedroom. That project may not be completed before years end though. But that’s okay – I love sewing for the littles.

  30. Right now I’m working on a Cinderella dress for my little princess! After that I want to make a couple throw quilts for Christmas gifts. I would LOVE to use a little of the City Weekend in one of them!

  31. robin

    For my nieces- I have two Music Class skirts in progress, and have the Music Box jumper lined up next!

  32. christina

    I’m making colonial and prairie girl dress up outfits. They’re on my 4 year old’s christmas wish list. Oddly enough, she declined to be either one for halloween — that’s all about the fairy costume she already has, fortunately.

  33. Betsy

    I’d love to start a new quilt soon!

  34. planning to make some holiday gifts, a couple of entries for our guild quilt show, a baby quilt for a baby due in March, and….

  35. Some baby clothes…I’m due in May!

  36. Sara

    The ice cream social dress and several Kindle covers for Christmas presents. Also, a quilt for a very special baby:)

  37. Since I just had my first baby – baby clothes! Lots and lots of baby clothes!

  38. Wonderful giveaway! This season I’m making all my Christmas presents, so I’ll be sewing lots of gifts! 🙂

  39. Max S.

    I am making over 100 cloth napkins to use at my wedding, as well as assorted experimentation in clothing for myself and my son. And maybe a quilt. Cause I have TONS of time, what with planning a wedding and all…ha!

  40. I’m thinking I would make a quilt for me with the jelly roll and layer cake. Something I could cuddle up with this winter and read a good book. And so I’m not completely selfish, I’m sure I could find something to make for my kids with the assorted yardage.

  41. I’ve been busy sewing up quillows for my kids and nieces and nephews. Also working on a twin-size quilt for my son’s 6th birthday. When that’s done (phew!) I’d like to start work on a quilt somewhat like this one– http://www.handmadebyalissa.com/land-sea-quilt-all-finished/ –for my daughter’s 4th birthday. The City Weekend fabrics would be perfect!

  42. Jamie

    Baby blankets! Also when I find the time, I’m going to make a duvet cover and pillowcases for my bed.

  43. I’ve been wanting to pick up a layer cake to make blocks for my little one. I plan to print photos of far away family members for some of the sides and oliver + s prints for the others. that’s just one of the (many) things I have planned.

  44. Angela

    There are way too many items on my sewing list! But up next are five picnic blankets to giveaway as Christmas gifts.

  45. Kimberly

    How exciting! I’m making a 2+2 blouse and skirt for my younger daughter to coordinate with her older sister’s school photo dress.

  46. Emily

    Nature walk pants and another Ice Cream Dress!

  47. Morgan

    I plan to sew more clothing for my daughter–another sailboat top in knit fabric, and maybe some knit pants. I also want to try my hand at patchwork again (it has been a long time since I’ve done any)…maybe some pillow covers to start. Love the fabric line!

  48. Charlotte

    First of all, congratulations on the City Weekend fabric. I’m excited to see some in person and am tempted by those knits! As far as my sewing plans, I just made 17 Harry Potter robes for my son’s 7th birthday party, and I’m eager to do a little sewing for myself! I have been eyeing Colette pattern’s Crepe wrap dress. My daughter is growing like a weed (she will be 3 on Friday!) and could use a new stock of simple dresses, so that’s on my radar, too. But it’s hard to work full time, raise two kids and do all the sewing I wish I could do! (as the Harry Potter robes might indicate, though, I’m not afraid to tackle ambitious projects).

  49. School clothes, school clothes, school clothes. Maybe also a cuddly girls’ robe.

  50. ali

    Maybe you should have asked me to list what I wasn’t sewing this season! I have a couple of quilts, some skirts and dresses for myself and my daughter, and the usual small projects that seep in the middle of all of that. Also, I’d like to try making one of Amy Butler’s new handbags.

  51. Anita

    I love your fabric and patterns! I’d love make a coat for my daughter and I’m finishing up a quilt for my husband. thanks!

  52. My daughter is finishing the GCSE this summer, so she asked me to make her a dress. It’s going to be an elegant, 50ties dress with three quarter long sleeves and a skirt with lots of volume.
    We have decided to make a test dress which will be done before Christmas.
    I’m so thrilled that she asked me to make it. :))

    And then I simply have to sew the Music Box dress – I have seen so many lovely versions of it, and now I have to make my own.

  53. I’ve been sewing some school clothes for my 4 year old niece who just started preschool. I already made a little corderoy school photo dress for her to wear to class, which she loves- so probably that pattern will be coming out again soon. 🙂

  54. FP Wear

    I’ve been loving Noodlehead’s Runaround Bag pattern, so I’ve got another one of those on the cutting table. With 3 babies due in our circle of friends in December (including ours) and another 2 in February, I think that some baby gift sewing will be in order. Tops will be a circus quilt for our kidlet, but I think that I’d like to do another crib size quilt or two and possibly a few diaper bags. We’ll have to see!

  55. I can’t wait to sew clothes and a quilt for my daughter, who is turning one in just a few weeks. And then there are quilts to be made for arriving babies, and gifts for the family (potholders, tote bags, pajama bottoms, oh my!).

  56. I plan to make a floor cushion for my daughter – and then for my sons too!

  57. Iris

    I would like to start working my way through the Oliver + S “sewing lessons” (i.e., easiest to hardest).

  58. I plan on sewing all my daughters summer clothes (NZ) but in reality maybe a couple of carefree dresses.

  59. sue

    I have a hundred and one things to sew!!! Dizzy Dinos for the boys, a new doll for my baby girl, Playdate dresses for my neices, curtains for the bedroom… it’s never ending but i love it!!

  60. My project pile overflows already, mostly with clothes for my daughter (almost 7)–some Ottobre blouses and skirts, a Japanese sewing book dress, and two jumprope dresses. I also have three of the new patterns O+S and need to figure out how to incorporate those into my plans! Oh and DD is getting an American Girl doll for her birthday next week and I am hoping to teach her to sew for it a bit!

  61. Claire

    I’m sewing dolls for my baby girl and my niece, a backpack and pants for my nephew, a dress or two for my girl and maybe a dress for me.

  62. I have nightgowns, shirts, and pants, oh my!

  63. I have nightgowns, shirts, and pants, oh my!

  64. Janet McG

    I am not the matchy matchy type, but now that I have two girls ages 3 and 2 months I want to sew two of everything. One big. One small. I am starting with the Ice Cream Social Dress.

  65. Becky

    I plan on sewing 2 quilts – ome for my daughter in college, and a matching one for her little cousin, who will be 18 months old at Christmas. I think the pictures will be a lot of fun!

  66. lou

    hm…. on the *make list* currently: an advent calendar of some sort, slippers for as many people as i can, i’ve got another ice cream dress cut out for my daughter, and once i’ve finished making sailboat top & pants, i’ll get another oliver + s pattern – they are my favourites!

  67. Phoebe

    I’m sewing a dog bed cover for my new puppy, is that pathetic? She’s sleeping on an old towel right now and it’s breaking my heart. After that, I plan on finishing up my “fall” quilt and then a Lady Grey jacket.

  68. chandra

    My mother spoiled me by buying some gorgeous fabric to make myself a maternity top. I never sew for myself, so hopefully it works out.

  69. I have a purse for a swap I need to make. When that is done, I have a couple quilts that I’m really hoping to work on. They will both require handwork, which I’m kind of looking foward to. When I’m months into the project, we’ll see if I’m still enjoying it! 🙂

  70. I’ve got a quilt I’m working on. As well as some pillow slipcovers and baby crib sheets.

  71. I have just finished a candle mat swap, in the middle of a hexagon quilt, have four half finished projects for ModaBakeShop, three other unfinished bed quilts for relatives and two birthday quilts to make this month. I just love the City Weekend range and have a great project planned for the fabric.

  72. After one successful attempt, I’ll be making more hooded fleece tops for my little girl.

  73. Great giveaway! I’m doing skirts, dresses and PJ’s!!! LOTS of them!

  74. I owe my 4 year old a quilt, and she asks me if I have made it almost daily. So yeah, I am making a twin sized quilt!

  75. heidi

    On my sewing to-do list: a cheerleader costume for little girls halloween costume, lots of hopscotch dresses, fleece pullovers for adults and kids (nature walk) on my Christmas list, a jumprope (view b) dress made from a lovely brown cord with horses embroidered on it, matching neckties for my boys to wear at Christmas and a matching dress for their sister, music box maybe??? Love your new fabric line, especially the yellows and blue/greens!

  76. Heather J.

    I’m knee-deep in Halloween costumes at the moment (a ninja and Wendy Darling), but after that I am planning to dig into a sewing with knits e-course that I’m taking, and I’m anxious to get some of the CW knits to try out with those projects. Plus, I just picked up a copy of the sandbox pants pattern and some brown corduroy, so that’s on the fall list as well. And my kids are quickly outrowing all of their pajamas. And I want to try out some long skirts for myself. Yikes!

  77. Lotta

    I hope to make a dress or two for my girls. The School Photo dress is growing on me and I really would like to make one for my big girl.
    The Birthday Dress is a must for the little one. I’ve been planning on making that for months.

  78. I’ve got oodles of dresses to make for my little one… and maybe some more sketchbook shirts for my big boy too..

  79. table runners. i’m all about table runners these days.

  80. Jenny

    OH!!! I’m excited about this one. I have several of your patterns so I was planning on making a Hopscotch skirt in a woven and the Hopscotch top in one of the new knits. I love the fabric and the new patterns!

  81. Oh what a fab giveaway! I’m halfway through making the lovely school days coat for my little nephew and a trench coat for myself.

  82. N. Monnette

    I’ve been wanting to sew an Advent calendar of some sort!

  83. Annette

    Hi, I am busy sewing the Ice Cream Dress and I have plans for the Jump Rope dress next. Luckily, I have three daughters who love homemade dresses!

  84. Courtney

    I’m planning to sew every new fall pattern that came out this year. I love Oliver and S!

  85. I am still working on the School Days jacket for Ahnalin and plan to purchase the Music Lessons pattern to make up for her. I LOVE your patterns!

  86. I plan to sew pretties for my baby girl!

  87. I just purchased the school photo dress pattern, so that’s my next sewing project. I’m making a go-go style dress for my daughter for Halloween.

  88. On my immediate to do list are: Hopskoct Skirt and Top, a market bag, and a big everyday tote.

  89. Alison

    My plan is to sew dresses (jump rope) for my girls and slippers for Christmas gifts.

  90. Kim

    Oh there are so many projects that I have lined up… I’m a newbie to sewing–but am feeling rather ambitious. I am planning to sew the ruffle top halter & the tea party dress for my little one. (That’s at the top of my list!). I also need to finish sewing her baby quilt… while she’s still a baby… and then there’s the Christmas projects (flax seed pillows and embroidered buckwheat hull pillows). GAH! So many projects, so little time.

  91. Zoe

    My next project is the Sunday Brunch jacket in wool. Also finishing up a quilt for my daughter.

  92. Oh, how lovely! Hmmm, where to start. I’m currently making a black knit shift dress for myself, but I’d love to make some more clothes for my daughter…and I’d also really love to have a go at making a shirt for my husband.

  93. polly

    Small, bite-sized, do-able projects are my favorite right now. With three pre-schoolers that is about all I can manage. Simple doll clothes, shooting stars, little pouches & baggies…and whatever else the kids ask for! That is what I will be making. Always looking for lovely bits of fabric for these lovely babes of mine.

  94. I’m making a ton of hoilday related things. Starting with Christmas stockings and Music Box Jumpers.

  95. DianeY

    I just took some of your knits out of the dryer & am ready to start a Hopscotch top. The knits are so soft I could cry! Can’t wait to get some quilting cotton-I have a charm pack so I could see all the designs, but I’m having a hard time narrowing it down-all so cute!

  96. doll clothes and a school photo dress are on the list and a few quilts

  97. beth lehman

    i’m making quilts for my college friends who turn 40 this year! one left to go! love these fabrics – wondering – will you ever do patterns for big girls or grown-ups??

  98. Amy

    I’m working on some Christmas presents this year – small things like a doll quilt, potholders. I’ll also keep working on my City Weekend hexagons – love the line so much!

  99. jen

    mmmm, plans 😉 cutomer orders, burp cloths, bags, holey socks… id love to do a quilt. the list is endless… the time and energy, not so much.

  100. Here in Australia we are into Spring now and I’ve been making her new clothes including the new Oliver & S patterns, Hopscotch knit top twice and a dress version, Music Box jumper, Ice Cream dress and Puppet Show shorts. Last night I cut out the Hopscotch skirt while she helped me. She’s going to be one well dressed little girl this Summer!

  101. Heather L

    I would love to sew a school photo dress for my 3.5 year old…the only thing stopping me is her pickiness! Sometimes she refuses to wear the things I make and it’s driving me crazy! I may stick to something for myself…we’ll see! Lovely fabrics!

  102. I would sew a lovely quilt for my new daughter Clementine!

  103. sy

    i want to sew a lot of coasters and giftbags. thanks for the awesome giveaway!
    songyueyu at gmail

  104. I plan on making a new purse, some clutches, and something for my niece due to arrive in a little over a month!

  105. I have two boys and I am definitely making the nature walk ensemble and the sailorboat top and pants, I would love to use the new city weekend fabrics. I particularly love this colourway http://www.etsy.com/listing/58486073/city-weekend-2-yard-set-turquoise-by?ref=sr_gallery_30&ga_search_query=city+weekend+fabric&ga_search_type=supplies&ga_page=&order=&includes%5B0%5D=tags&includes%5B1%5D=title
    AND I love all the grid and stripe patterns for boys. If ONLY I had a little girl to sew for. Oh well, your boy patterns are gorgeous.

  106. What a fun giveaway! I’m working on lots a Christmas gifts, mostly bags and zipper pouches. 🙂

  107. On the list: puppet show shirt in red gingham with linen shorts. 2+2 skirt in duck egg blue corduroy with a white dot. Hopscotch top in white bamboo jersey. Self-drafted suntop in Liberty tana lawn for me. Finish quilt top. Make another quilt for my sister from Little Folks voile. Various Christmas presents inc dolls clothes. Various refashionings of too untrendy, tight or otherwise unsuitable garments. And now I want all the new patterns and all the City Weekend line to play with.

    Oh, and start new childcare business, clean house, look after 3 year old, cook dinner, try to be a nice wife 🙂

    Liesl – I don’t know how you do it!

  108. Sarah

    I’m in the process of making two School Days Coats for my 4 year old twin boys and next up I’d love to make the School Photo dress for my 6 year old daugther. Thanks for the chance to win!

  109. Mel

    Besides Halloween costumes, my list of projects currently includes finishing a quilt for my new niece and starting a Sunday Brunch jacket and skirt for my five year old. Thanks for the giveaway! I’d love to try some of the knits.

  110. so many things…bedtime story christmas pj’s, school photo dress, hopscotch skirt, and my very first quilt, if my 3 month old will allow it.

  111. Elizabeth

    This year I decided to sew all the clothes for my 3 girls (2,4 and 5) and myself. So far so good! I’m working on a wool school days coat for the eldest now. Their wardrobes are about 80% Oliver+s and 20% ottobre. My sewing list is never finished! Next are halloween costumes, a SWAP for me, and christmas gifts.

  112. Dana

    I’m working on some sailboat pants, and a brunch jacket. And an overambitious circle quilt! Aack. But it’s all fun!

  113. Peta

    My list is endless. Each morning I wake up and my head is buzzing and my list is longer. However at the top of this tabulation are presents for teachers (bags, bags, bags), more Sandbox shorts for my boys, a Birthday dress for my daughter, a School Days raincoat, more Ruffle Halters, and, and, and……..

  114. S. Bird

    This season it’s more little girl clothes and some pajamas for Christmas.

  115. Erin

    I’m currently making a quilt, but I’d love to win a jelly roll for another one! 🙂
    Thank you for a chance to win!

  116. It feels like I always have a million things I am planning to do.

    Right now I am thinking of soem Christmas decorations and gifts I’d like to sew, some Oliver + S clothing I recently bought the patterns for and I have a stack of quilts that are basted and waiting to be quilted…

  117. Mary Kay Knight

    Maybe I really cute little grow chart for my granddaughter! I would put it to GOOD use…promise!

  118. How lovely! I’ve been waiting for my local shops to get it in, and I’d love to win!

    I’m finishing a sunday brunch jacket and some skirts for my daughter; and then it’s on to a baptism gown and some pieces for our new niece – arriving in January. Perhaps I’ll have the time to squeeze in a new dress or skirt for myself.

    Thanks for the chance — I LOVE the fabrics 🙂

  119. Katja Magus

    We are moving soon, as you know, so I still have two wool coats to finish (luckily for the larger boys, that grow slower!) and then a new wardrobe for my youngest as the last one I made (earlier this fall- 5 shirts, 5 pants, a vest, jacket and three pairs of pjs!) is too big for this season…back to the “sewing” board!

  120. I am working on a Tinkerbell Halloween costume and various other little fall/winter clothes for my kids.

  121. Karen

    How lovely! How ever did you know that I needed one more layer cake to make a quilt for my baby daughter? The very sight of the patterns and colors of this collection make my heart flutter.

  122. I hope to make quilts for my kids…and of course an Oliver and S outfit or two.

  123. With a new baby on the way, together with two boys, I have heaps of sewing planned. I have shirts and shorts and quilts to do. I have a cradle to get ready for a newborn, a couple of bedrooms to redecorate and bags and Christmas presents and clothes for me as well!

  124. It is spring here and I have just made a Jump Rope Dress for one daughter and I am planning 2 more for my other daughters.

  125. Nicole

    I plan on sewing the Music Box dress for a uniform in khaki and the School Photo dress also for a uniform and in a shantung silk for Christmas (maybe I can find an eggplant color). Oh yes, I want to make some sort of bubble hem skirt to go with a crisp white Music Class collarless blouse for thanksgiving. For myself, if I can just find something to go with knee high boots I’d be cool. You’ll see them all on burdastyle.com. I’m Morphomixstress!!

  126. Hilary

    Right now I am working on a mermaid costume, but as soon as I finish that I will be back to making Ice Cream dresses. I have completed one and have plans for two more I think. Then I was thinking of trying a Jump Rope dress, oh, and I also am thinking about trying my hand at a quilt.

  127. michelle in fl

    I would love to start a new quilt, but the stress of putting fabrics together has kept me away….until this opportunity! I would love to turn these lovelies into a spread for my 3-yr-old little girl’s bed. Thanks!

  128. I’m sewing up several versions of the Hopscotch Skirt and Top, and a Tea Party Sundress to go with my grown-up sized Colette Parfait.

  129. KristenA

    I just received an order of two O&S patterns from Pink Chalk Studios–the Jumprope Dress and the School Photo Dress. Can wait to make them both for my girls!

  130. I’m currently finishing up a Sleeping Beauty costume. Then it’s on to a bed quilt for my 4-year-old, and then lots of baby things for the baby on the way!

  131. I am nearly finished with my daughters’ Halloween costumes (a dragon and a viking!) and then will move on to Christmas presents! Lots of bags and a quilt or two!

  132. I plan to sew baby gifts, does anyone else feel like everyone they know is pregnant?!

  133. I have many quilts planned, including a City Weekend string quilt!

  134. I plan to sew more dresses for my daughter, a gift for a pregnant friend, and some new nursing shirts for me!

  135. Lisa Michelle

    Thank-you so much for a chance at your lovely fabric! I am currently finishing off new pillow/cushion covers for our livingroom. A first for me as I sewed the front in patchwork and knit the back. Once they are completed I will be cross-stitching & sewing a linen stocking for my Mom for Christmas. Oh, and I have a quilt in the works and I just bought some of your lovely knits for yet another project (still be to determined) and my dog needs a sleeping jacket (he shivers at night…poor thing)and….you get the picture!

    BTW I love love your patterns and the new line did not disappoint! Congratulation!

  136. I want to start tackling clothes and especally ones using knit fabric. I’m sure it’s not as hard as I think it is.

  137. I have four nieces so lots of dresses (icecream and school photo in particular) and dolls. Plus some other ‘cool dude’ toys for my son and nephew. I also have 3 baby blankets to make for unborn bubs plus a big girl blanket for one niece and a blanket for my son. Hmmm – over committing myself perhaps, especially when due to return to work in 3 weeks!

    @ Caitlin – yes, it does seem as though everyone is pregnant!

  138. I have a first birthday quilt to work on but first a princess dress for halloween.

  139. nicole keller

    Goodness, where do I start…. Swing Set’s for Little and Small One, Tea Parties and Puppet Show’s for the two youngest as well.
    Another casual School Photo dress for the twins, Hopscotch skirts and tops for all the girls. Ditto Music Box, new Bedtime pj’s….
    The Son would like the Nature Walk outfit.
    Thats for starters…..

  140. Thank you for doing this!

    I just got the sail boat pattern, and I’ll be making bottoms in corduroy. I have City Weekend tree top and cafe dots in turquoise, and street stripe in river blue. I’ll be making assorted tops and dresses with these. I’ll be using up my stash to make tea party, ice cream and bubble dresses. That’s the plan!

  141. I have been sewing hats like crazy this week for our team to wear in the Buddy Walk this weekend {our team name is Mari’s MAD HATTERS} and I have tried a few bags and simple blankets and need to get going on some more of those soon. But what I *really* need to get started on are the matching PJ pants for the family for Christmas. 🙂

  142. I have a few quilts on my list, and I definitely plan on making a few hopscotch dresses in your wonderful city weekend knits. And now that I have seen those pants on S, my S and her little sister are going to need some.

  143. Melissa

    So many projects come to mind. . .Definitely a few cute dresses for my little lovlies and probable some new pjs too. Can’t wait to get me hands on the new fabrics!

  144. Melissa

    So many projects come to mind. . . definitely a few dresses for my little lovelies, new pjs and maybe a new winter coat. Can’t wait to get my hands on the new fabrics!

  145. Kim

    Dresses and dolls for my nieces!

  146. MJ

    I am working on sewing as much of my children’s wardrobes as possible. I am appalled at what passes as age appropriate clothing for little girls these days! So glad I can just make my own like my Mom did for me! 🙂

  147. I would like to make a few bedtime story pj’s in flannel and perhaps a school days jacket. Oh and a bunch of tiny cute things for the soon-to-be-born boy…

  148. I plan to sew an entire wardrobe for my 7 year old son, all his old clothes don’t fit anymore!

  149. kylie

    Im planning on sewing a few pairs of the short version of the sanbox pants for my boys to muck around the house in. Then a few special pieces from my prized ottobre collection for them. Then it will be on to me,a nice new dress and a skirt or two is needed for this summer.

  150. amisha

    i am planning to sew dresses, and perhaps a coat… and some quilts for wee new arrivals!

  151. How exciting–that fabric is lovely!! I plan on sewing a few knot dresses and skirts and ruffle pants this fall and through the winter. I would love to try the music class skirt!

  152. Jeni

    Hm, funny you should ask… The Music Box Jumper, of course!

  153. Lea

    I’d like to use up some scraps I accumulated. I’m thinking placemats, coasters and maybe a small quilt if I feel ambitious. Also, I want to try and make some clothes for myself.

  154. Jackie H

    Welp, the one thing that I’m going to sew for sure is my grandma’s quilt…I have the fabric all laid out for it…that counts as a start, eh? 🙂

  155. I am going to finish two Ice Cream Dresses, attempt the School Photo Dress and make a few pairs of the Sandbox pants.

    I need to sew a Ming-Ming duckling costume for Halloween.

    I am also going to squee when I get the City Weekend fabric I ordered from Hancock’s of Paducah tomorrow!

    Kate S

  156. I’ve got quilts and quilts on my mind for this fall. I have many different softies to sew up for kids and friends.

  157. Catherine

    I’m working on kimono pajamas for kids and dolls for Christmas, stocking advent calendars, sleeping bags for kids and dolls, and lots of clothes, including ice cream and music box dresses. Can’t wait to see the new fabric in person. Congratulations!

  158. Margy Sansbury

    I am helping GD Sophia (6) make a quilt for her sister Lucy’s (2) baby for Christmas. Precut MODA squares have made the work more enjoyable to us both 🙂

  159. Jenny L

    I’m tackling Christmas dresses for my girls this year – they’re both getting School Photo Dresses in deep jewel tones of fine wale corduroy. If I get my act together and actually finish them by Christmas, I’ll be a happy camper!

  160. Elizabeth G

    I plan to sew some nursing covers for some friends who are expecting babies and to finish up two quilts I’m currently working on. Thanks so much for the giveaway – I love the City Weekend line!

  161. Heather

    Hoping to sew a lot of baby items, lots of friends expecting in the next two months!

  162. In line for sewing: a mummy costume, a princess cape, ruffle butt overalls, a hoodie to toddler dress recon, three flower girl dresses, several toddler sized cloth napkins, a 2+2 shirt to go with ruffle butt overalls, and three reconned hoodies that are cut out and are waiting to be magically sewn by elves in the night.

  163. I am in a crazy dressmaking mood; sewing lots of prim women’s dresses. Inspired by details on old children’s clothing.

  164. Barbara Brown

    Some items for the craft fair in November, and maybe some Christmas presents if time permits.

  165. Isabella

    I plan to sew a couple Halloween costumes (for the husband and I since the kid’s costume is already done), some placemats for Thanksgiving, and a few stuffed animals. This should get me through the end of October…lots more in the works through the holiday season. 🙂

  166. Kate Conley

    I’m looking forward to making pajamas with the nature walk pants and hopscotch dress pattern, as illustrated in the blog post from last week. I’d like to make matching sets for my daughter and her older cousin and give them as Christmas gifts. So cuite!

  167. markywmurray

    I just ordered four O&S patterns to sew for my grand daughter for school this year. 2+2,School Photo dress, Ice Cream Dress and Sailboat set.

    Love your patterns and fabric.


  168. Wendy

    I plan to sew 1780s dresses for my daughter and myself. And possibly a christening gown for my baby due this winter.

  169. So much to sew this fall! Sandbox pants, a new School Days coat, Bedtime pajamas, Sketchbook shirts! My plan is to make most of my son’s fall/winter wardrobe and supplement with a few store-bought things.

  170. Holly

    I plan to sew, in addition to the hopscotch knit top, a kimono for each of my daughters. They and my husband have been into learning about Japan lately and made a pair of “geta” (wooden slippers) for them to wear.

  171. Mandy

    I am another Aussie sewer. I have just purchased my first Oliver + S pattern, the Hopscotch skirt, online & can’t wait for it to arrive. I sew a lot using the 100% cotton quilting fabrics, but my daughter is definitely more a knit girl. She also loves a good dress & skirt, so the Hopscotch pattern is just perfect really. Did I say that I can’t wait for my pattern to arrive (ha, ha!!)

  172. Patty Creel

    Made School Photo Dress last week and DD loves the kangaroo pocket! Binding a Wee Woodland baby quilt: Moda Bake Shop boy twin quilt recipe. Waiting for Hopscotch Skirt and Knit Top patterns to arrive by mail. Local Quilt Shop hasn’t gotten City Weekend in yet, so may have to order online. Thanks for Flicr photos and forum comments, everyone.

  173. audrey

    this fall i will sew:

    1 bubble dress for a friends new baby
    1 wool coat for myself

  174. Stephanie

    I am going to be sewing some clothes for my daughter and trying to sew a quilt for the first time. I will also be making doll clothes for christmas.

  175. I’m working on my 3 year old’s clothing. Each year, I have been able to increase the amount of clothes that I make for her and I am so happy about that!

  176. Ana

    Thank you so much for this giveaway!!

  177. I plan to sew lots of little mini quilts and two big ones this fall and winter

  178. Debra

    I plan to make at least one quilt for my sister-in-law and maybe another for my father-in-law. I’d love to make a dress with some City Weekend fabrics as well for my daughter! It’s now a tradition for both my kids to get new pjs at Christmas as well made with your wonderful pattern. They love them, and so do I!

  179. Jennifer Liebmann

    I plan to sew the hopscotch dress for my three daughters.

  180. I have many things to sew, 2 quilts, a few more jumpers for the girls, halloween costumes, christmas dresses and we will see what time that leaves.

  181. Stephanie

    I have on my sewing agenda a pair of lounge pants for my two nieces, nephew and my daughter. I also plan on making my daughter a blanket with mitered corners. I would also like to make a jumper or two and pillowcase dress for my daughter.

  182. Angela

    Yeah! I love city weekend. This fall I plan to sew some small waisted pants for my skinny little 2 year old. A quilt. Some skinny little skirts. A corduroy Sunday Brunch jacket.

  183. Jenny B

    I plan on making the Sunday Brunch jacket and skirt for fall and am trying to figure out a design for a Christmas dress based off of an Oliver & S pattern.

  184. I have 2 halloween costumes still to make and I will also make a few winter dresses for my daughters.

  185. I still have 2 halloween costumes to make and am planning on making my daughters some winter dresses.

  186. darci

    uggh, i lost my comments when my little ‘code word’ wasnt properly typed in!
    anyhow, i basically have lots of plans for stuff for my kids and a couple of gifts. I have fabric all ready for 2 OS patterns, but who knows when i will get to them. i hate tracing off patterns in my teeny 1 bdrm apt. I end up on my hands and knees on the floor. All my prep work for sewing is back breaking

  187. Because I am such a slow seamstress, I want to start on a bunch of Christmas presents. Also, my first baby will be celebrating his first birthday on Christmas Eve so I have a little “honey do” list addressed to myself for that event, as well 🙂

    (I love your patterns and I am excited to go and see your fabrics!)

  188. Lori K.

    Corduroy dresses for my granddaughter. Pincushions for Christmas gifts. Taggie blankets. And much more.

  189. Tricia

    This season I am going to make an ice cream dress, puppet show top and a pair of sail boat pants lengthened into full length pants. I also hope to make a jump rope dress for the spring!

  190. This winter I am going to sew my first quilt! Wish me luck;)

  191. I plan to make some Sunday coats for my girls as well as a dress for my middle girl. I have a couple of quilts to finish up too.

  192. A Christmas tradition for our family is giving our children pajamas on Christmas Eve. I’m planning on four sets of PJ bottoms, and robes, and embellishing t-shirts for the tops.

  193. I’m planning on making a tea party sundress for my little second cousin (soooo cute!) to wear as a jumper in the winter/spring and a dress in the summer. I’m also trying to get a lap quilt for me finished. I’d really like to make a fabric block set for the little girl too 🙂

  194. Caralee

    Will try to finish christmas pajamas and a jump rope dress for my daughter that I have cut out already. And finish up this semester of school…

  195. Katie

    I am planning to sew a little boy’s quilt in soft blues, aquas and greys. Then I’d like to make one for myself!

  196. I’m hoping to sew my daughter some shirts and a sweatsuit, and maybe squeeze in a skirt for myself. Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  197. I’m just about to start sewing two stuffies, one for each of our kids. Since this is really my first year sewing, I’d like to make something Christmas-y for our house but I haven’t figured out exactly what yet.
    And I picked up your pj pattern in the fabric store today – I’m thinking Christmas pj’s for our oldest.

  198. Ive been dying to sew a lovely quilt for my baby girl. These colors would be delightful!!! I do hope i win.

  199. I am planning – as soon as I have 2 seconds free to make a new (oliver + s of course) dress for my 3yo daughter, a skirt and cullots for myself and maybe another quilt! Thanks for the giveaway!

  200. I just received my musicbox jumper pattern in the mail and can’t wait to try it out in one of your new fabrics! I’m going to be making a first birthday dress for my daughter, I’m going with view B.

  201. Melissa S

    Ooh, what an exciting giveaway!!
    I’m backlogged about 5 dresses/outfits for my daughter, (including Ice-Cream dress, Bubble dress, and the 2+2 blouse and skirt), and what better fabric to use than City Weekend! I have also been puttering my feet about making a quilt, which has been on my list for a very long time, so that is something I would like to move up on my list as well.

  202. I’d love to make a quilt for my new baby cousin due March ’11.

  203. I’m halfway through cutting out a School Days Jacket in Heather Ross FFA II. I can’t wait to make it for my six year old. I’m smart though. I’m making it in a 7 because that’s how old she’ll be by the time I get around to sewing it.

  204. Dasha W.

    What a wonderful giveaway!!! I have too many things to sew in my plans, but my first priority – Ice cream dress for my older daughter and a 2+2 blouse… still deciding on fabrics 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway, i hope i win 🙂

  205. Rachel Moncur

    Oh man.. i have so many projects I want to start. I want to start and finish a quilt, I have some friends that are expecting and so many other things for my little kiddo’s!!

  206. I am… as usual… planning on sewing for my adorable daughter. I love these colors and really hope I win!! Thank you

  207. Carolyn

    I’m just learning to sew with knits. I’m super excited about the City Weekend knits and can’t wait to sew with them. I have the Nature Walk pattern and plan to make pants for sons. Right now I’m making a long version of the sail boat trousers in corduroy. When I get a bit more comfortable with knits, I plan to try the sail boat top in a knit.

  208. I am planning to make a quilt for my niece and some clothes for me!

  209. I’m sewing summer pjs then onto some school days coats for next winter in wool and laminate.

  210. I have so many projects planned for City Weekend fabric. I want to make some nature pants and tops also some shirts for my boys and some new pjs a quilt would be great with the pre cuts too.

  211. Chris DuPuis

    I will be smocking Christmas dresses for my granddaughters.

  212. Gill watson

    Now the weather is getting colder my daughter has asked for a lap quilt for uni – I’m planning to make it from cosy flannels!

  213. sarah

    i plan to sew some light weight pants with big ol pockets for my daughter and a lovely top to match in some vintage cotton, we are coming into summer here in australia, and some shorts and even may attempt a shirt for my son!

  214. Susan

    Coming into an Australian summer, I’m working on a number of little vintage and vintage-style sweet dresses for my two girls. I have the patterns (Oliver+S included – really goes without saying), some of the fabrics I’d like to use, but not all (again – that goes without saying too I suppose), all I need is a few extra hours in the day…

  215. Joan

    I would love to win!

  216. Samantha Rimmer

    Oh so many things to make and so little time. I have fabric for 2 lazy days skirts for my 2 girls and pyjamas for my niece and nephew for Christmas and Sunday brunch jacket and skirt. All are n my sewing bag waiting, patiently waiting. I would love to win such beautiful fabrics.

  217. Karen

    Nature Walk Knit Pants and Music Box Dress, both will increase my sewing skills and my reputation as the greatest auntie that ever lived! I like Jelly Roll too!

  218. Diane

    I’m sewing a lap quilt for my sister to be followed by a crib quilt for my grandson to be followed by . . .
    To infinity and beyond! I love sewing!

  219. I’m going to be making baby clothes quite soon. The baby should be made before this giveaway ends. 😀 I’m just waiting to see what size it comes out as before I start sewing stuff up. 🙂

  220. Zoe

    I am about to embark on two Sunday brunch jackets in corduroy. Then the obligatory matching skirts and, after seeing your earlier post I have also just ordered some city weekend interlock to make some nature walk pants. Add to that 5 dresses for Christmas presents, a cape for me and some winter trousers…………….and something starry for bik-nok and something for my man for je n’ai rien a me mettre………and by the time all that is done I expect I will have at least another ten things on the list!

  221. Charlotte

    Your fabrics would be perfect to sew a patchwork sleeping sack! Thanks for the opportunity…

  222. Elissa

    Currenty sewing a jump-rope dress for my 4yo daughter, have shorts for my 6yo son cut our and fabric for my nearly 2yo daughter’s icecream dress picked set aside. Also a quilt for my 4yo daughter is in progress and I am itching to buy the new oliver+s patterns. Then there’s a couple of skirts and dresses for myself..and..and..
    Thanks for offering the giveaway, and making your patterns so enjoyable to sew from.

  223. I’m working on clothes for all 4 of my kids. I have a few Oliver+S plans. Most notably, the sandbox pants and the Sunday Brunch jacket. My big sewing plan for this fall/winter is slipcovers for our much abused couch and chairs!

  224. Amanda

    I am spending the fall out of the country, far from my sewing machine. But I am making plans for lots of little boy sewing once I’m back! And I’ll knit in the meantime…

  225. It’s summer down-under, so it’s spring dresses and a few quilts for me! – kb

  226. Kim

    I’m planning to sew a baby quilt for my BFF who’s pregnant with a baby girl 🙂

  227. sarah

    I plan on making a lot of clothes for my kids. From their Christmas outfits to play clothes. I love sewing for kids the best.

  228. I want to make the quilt on your daughter’s bed. I love it!

  229. Tanya

    I am sewing aprons right now!

  230. Sally

    Some Christmas pjs out of the great knit for my 2 girls, among a lot of other things.

  231. Kirsten

    I want to venture into knits with the new Oliver + S patterns, and I have two jumprope dresses in very early stages. I also need to finish a baby gift quilt! I’d also like to figure out how to make a nice quality, but not too complicated, kids backpack – the ones at the stores are not too exciting.

  232. Brieanne P

    What an exciting give-away!! What am I making? This is like asking for an essay, I have a nearly 5 and nearly 3 yr old and Im trying to make everything for christmas/halloween/birthdays….an ice cream cress (in dr seuss to match converse shoes!) a 2+2 set, 2 sets of bedtime story jammies(in seuss!), 2 pairs of matching slippers, 2 sailboat tops, 14 stuffed octupus to giveaway at a party, 14 treat bags, a Dr Seuss backpack, dolls for my little one and her closest friend, a school photo dress in orange(for school photos next week, lol) a school photo dress in pink as a gift,a sketchbook top for christmas fancy clothes, a jump rope dress to match it,a play apron/hat/oven mitt set, a dress out of knits (my first knit project. not so scary) and I can’t think of the rest this early in the morning! My quilting takes a break in the fall when this all starts, but I have 5 quilts on the go come January! Thanks for the chance to share that with a bunch of folks I don’t know…when I show my hubby its really touch and go wether or not he’s actually paying attention!

  233. I’d love to manage sewing something nice for me… A dress or an elegant top… I need more time for that, I think !

  234. I plan to sew lots! I want to sew a Bubble dress in silk and velvet for Christmas wear for DD#2. I also plan a 2+2 skirt, a sailboat skirt (and possibly pants), and the Hopscotch skirt and top. I’m sure I will manage a lot more as I love dressing my children!

  235. Amy

    Ohh…I so, SEW, want this fabric. I have already checked our local shop and they have not ordered it, but I already bought the new patterns and want to make then all, with a quilt as well….Can’t wait to order more on-line…..

  236. A spring quilt ofcourse!- the colours are so light and airy, it just screams “make me!”

  237. annie

    I will be sewing LOTS of quilt for the newest baby to join our family…..January can not come soon enough!!!!!

  238. Tracy

    As my late summer sewing consisted of numerous items for my daughter (jumprope dress, 2+2 blouse with sailboat pants, lengthened, to match, among other things) I plan on sewing some sandbox pants for my boy and maybe even a winter coat. So glad that Oliver + S has provided me with some wonderful boy pattern options; they are RARE! Speaking of boy patterns, how about a nice blazer? Good for Easter or Christmas outfits. I don’t think one exists…

  239. jadestar

    I love the new range of fabric you have come out with. I’vebeen very taken with your designs ever since I came across them. I live in the UK so they are not so easy to get my hands on. As regards what I’ll besewing this season, as much as possible. On the list of ongoing projects is an evening dress, a party dress for my sister, and strangely enough, I’m helping a friend to sew some cassocks as her husband is becoming a vicar soon. These jelly rollswill be very welcome, as I want to try my hand at quilting. So fingers crossed.

  240. grace

    a couple of 2+2 blouses, 3 matching bedtime story pajamas, and a simple patch quilt to keep my toddler warm! yikes, just remembered the placemats and table runner… peasaht tunics for the babe… t shirt quilt for friend… oh dear.

  241. Torey

    Saw the cutest little dress patern the other day that called for a jelly roll. Starting on a few Christmas outfits for my grandaughter and looking forward to starting spring sewing with the City Weekend fabrics!

  242. sahmcolorado

    Oh how fun! I just finished a 2+2 blouse a couple days ago. Today I’m sewing the hopscotch knit top to go with a lazy days skirt I made. In line are: 2 Jump Rope Dresses, Music Class Skirt to match the 2+2 blouse, Sailboat pants and matching 2+2 blouse, Tea Party Dress as a jumper in japanese import canvas, and the Music Box Dress view A without flaps in brocade for a formal dance. Oh – and probably a couple of nature walk tops. I better get off the computer and get sewing!

  243. Oh Joy! This fall I’m planning on sewing a Jump Rope Dress for my daughter! Still in the fabric selection phase.

  244. Ckay

    A couple of skirts for my girls and a blouse or 2 for me. As long as I can keep the serger that I borrowed from my mom. Here’s hoping she doesn’t get bit by the sewing bug while I’m still in posession of it. 😉

  245. Valerie

    What an awesome give away! Love your site! The ‘crafter’ in me wants to add a little something homemade to my Christmas gifts this year. Thinking of a table runner and some coasters for my sweet nieces and their families! This jelly roll would be a perfect start! Thanks!

  246. ASM_Blue

    Not really sure if international entries count, but still this is too much fun to miss….
    I’ll be sewing my 2 1/2-years old fall/winter wardrobe almost exclusively with O+S patterns (and city weekend fabric for most clothes): Music box jumper is a current favourite and is on the top of the list. Next, some skirts (hopscotch, Sunday brunch, 2+2, music class and sailboat), tunics/shirts (2+2, music class), tops (sailboat and hopscotch) and more dresses (jump rope, puppet show and the brand new school photo), Pjs (bed time stories and nature walk+hopscotch)) and jackets (school days and a Sunday brunch) – lots of sewing, I know. Her 2-borthers will be getting bedtime stories PJs and Schooldays jackets (I don’t sew as much for boys :-(. If I manage a couple of sketchbook shirts and nature walk pullovers will be added to my listing. ;-))

  247. Maude Lagacé

    For this winter, I’m making a Schoolday jacket for my 4 years old daughter, and a serie of Sailboat tops for my 2 years old boy. To complete my collection, I also asked my husban for a bunch of new Oliver+s patterns for christmas…

  248. Tasha

    Curtains! Lots and lots of curtains! My windows have been bare for too long. 🙂

  249. I have lots of projects in the works ~ quilts, purses, and aprons for my shop, and I’m hoping to get some knit dresses done for my girls. Thanks for the chance!

  250. I plan to sew a couple of sailboat tops, of Nature Walk pullovers for my boys and dresses for daughter 😉

  251. Carey

    I heart Oliver + S!

  252. Deb

    I have to sew all my eldest daughter’s new clothes (other than undies and socks) because she has such specific taste and has outgrown everything from last season. I’ve already made two pairs of bedtime story pjs–one flannel and one cotton–am now working on several dresses, a pair of cinch pants, and have been asked for some “twirly” skirts. Knits like the ones in City Weekend would be PERFECT for those. She loves knits, especially super soft ones. What a great collection!

  253. Love giveaways!! I just finished two short sleeve sketchbook shirts, a pair of sketchbook shorts, a pair of sandbox pants and bedtime story pajamas (in knit!) as a shower gift for my best friend’s soon to be born son. I also have another pair of bedtime story pajamas to make (for my other best friend) and a winter version of the tea party dress for a 1st birthday gift. So much to sew, but so little time!

  254. Jennie

    Halloween costumes have consumed my sewing table for far too long – I can’t wait to get back to dresses for my girls.

  255. I plan on sewing pillows, curtains, dresses….you name it…
    I can hardly wait!

  256. Ivy

    I am sewing some ice cream social dresses and tops for my girls. Lots of dresses for my oldest who refuses to wear pants! I’m so excited to see the new fabric in person!

  257. Bethany

    I am furiously sewing up some Christmas gifts and holiday decorations! But I have some oliver + S patterns calling my name from their spot in the pattern drawer, this fabric would be a great reason to pull them out!

  258. i made a hopscotch skirt and really would like to try the dress. i’m also making quilts and maybe some flannel p.j.’s for the kids.

  259. What am I not sewing? Baby quilts and wedding quilts and doll clothes are at the top of the list.

  260. Ann G

    I’m sewing mostly clothes- pants for a 3 year old, tunics for a 9 year old, pjs for a 6 year old, some string backpacks for friends walking in the 3 day breast cancer fundraiser, then after all that some post maternity shirts for a friend.

  261. Debby J

    Love Oliver + S patterns. Thanks to y’all, my granddaughter is the best dressed 3 year old in her preschool class.

  262. Stash Empress

    Oh so many things, don’t know where to start first —- 5 little granddaughters need wardrobes (the grandsons are on their own LOL) and my 10yo dd needs a whole new wardrobe too! (Any of which would be lovely in your wonderful new fabrics!)

  263. Mimi

    This is an awesome giveaway!! Count me in, please. I am working on small projects as gifts for family and friends. Thanks for your generosity.

  264. Penny

    After finishing part of a costume for my son–overalls that can become play clothes after Halloween–I’m going to work on my daughter’s quilt.

  265. Becka

    I am working on trick or treat bags, aprons and I Spy bags right now!

  266. crystal

    I would love to make a quilt for my little girl for Christmas.
    Love the new fabrics!!

  267. Elaine

    My goal is to sew myself some wool skirts for the fall and winter, and maybe finish it off with matching bag.

  268. Jennifer

    I’m finishing a barnyard animals quilt for my son and starting a flowering orchard quilt for my daughter. I’ve also been sort of into making little snap pouches with Liberty fabric and putting little Liberty-covered Moleskine notebooks and colorful pens inside.

  269. I am making clothes, clothes and more clothes! Both for my daughter and myself. Especially skirts and dresses. Thank you!

  270. Heather Groves

    I’m making a wardobe for my toddler and attempting some clothing for myself! Busy, busy! Learning new techniques and finally mastered the button hole. Next step is the zipper 🙂

  271. Shelley

    My fall sewing (so far) includes 1 O+S Playdate dress, 1 O+S Jump Rope dress, 1 O+S School Photo dress, 2 smocked bishops and one baby daygown. I have all the fabric except for the School Photo dress, which would be lovely in any of the City Weekend fabrics… but which one!?!

  272. Barbara

    Baby quilts for 2 new little ones and a couple of quillows for the nearby shelter.

  273. Cynthia

    I’m finishing a smocked dress for my youngest daughter, a skirt for 14 year old daughter, and finishing a quilt! Cute fabric in this new line. I’ll have to think of another project.

  274. Carla

    I just finished a tiered corduroy skirt. Would love to try the Nature Walk pants next.

  275. This season I am sewing outfits for 3 of the six grandchildren in my husband’s family. They are all in the Christmas play at church together! I plan to use an Oliver & S pattern for the girls! I can’t wait to see how they turn out!

  276. I am trying to sew lots of Christmas gifts right now. Most recently, I finished making the Sunday Brunch Jacket and the coordinating skirt. It will be a Christmas gift for my niece. I also plan to make some pajamas for my nephew …and so many other things, of course.

  277. Carla

    just finished a tiered corduroy skirt. would love to try the Nature Walk pants soon.

  278. Helena A

    Oh, i just bought a Bubble Dress pattern and i’m planning to make lots of dresses to my baby cousin. I have 3 different fabric in mind but it would be lovely to win this gift from you, then I can make other dresses!
    Thank you!

  279. keri

    thanks for the great giveaway! my immediate sewing plans include finishing a picture day dress (even though picture day has passed), a tooth fairy pillow, and a bevy of window treatments.

  280. I’ve begun the lofty goal of sewing 75% of my two kids (who are 4 & 1.5 years old) winter wardrobe, as well as a few items for my husband and myself. (A few skirts, pants and shirts are in the works.)

  281. I’m sewing lots of clothes for myself, and starting Christmas presents early!!

  282. Karin

    I have my sofa cover to finish and then I’d like to do something on a smaller scale, and more fun! I have a paper doll quilt pattern that would be gorgeous with this fabric line…I can almost see it 😉

  283. Kathleen

    I can’t wait to get some of this fabric. Love the look. I am planning to attempt another quilt this fall. Not suet it will happen but I really want to finish a project that won’t be outgrown. 🙂

  284. Miss Mew

    What a great giveaway! I am planning to make pj bottoms for myself and a few relatives for Christmas. They will be surprised this year!!

  285. this season i am working on: jackets for my little ones, christams dresses, 3 flower girl dresses and 3 halloween dresses. all from the o+s patterns! i am also trying to tackle a thanksgiving tablecloth, and christmas gift napkins! and of course all the mending my 4 little ones and 1 big one leave for me to do. life is full but so fun. i am thankful that sewing is a way i can serve my family and friends!

  286. Oliver + S winter jammies are first on the pile . . . so many other things in the pile, too . . . as soon as I recover from a broken foot – aack!

  287. I sew something everyday- so I plan on sewing a LOT of things this year, clothes, purses, toys, blankets, quilts, whatever.

  288. Merlynn W.

    My daughter who is 8yrs old will be starting her first quilt for Christmas. She was given a jelly roll from a wonderful vendor at a quilt show.

  289. christina ricca

    i am planning on making a duvet cover for my daughters crib.

  290. Trisha

    I just finished making costumes for my girls. I have a couple bags I am making for Christmas along with an apron. And the project I am most excited for is the Hopscotch dress that I am making while taking a class taught by Liesl!!!

  291. mjb

    Since I and all of my friends seem to be pregnant right now, it’s kind of an all baby quilts all the time type of thing!

  292. Karah Palmer

    I have tons of projects just waiting to be sewn! I have the Oliver + S sandbox play pants and just ordered the nature walk pullover to make for fall. Thanks! Karah

  293. Karah Palmer

    I have tons of sewing projects just waiting to be completed! I would like to make a couple pairs of the sandbox play pants and the nature walk pullover tunic for the fall. Thanks! Karah

  294. Karah Palmer

    I have tons of sewing projects just waiting to be completed. I would like to get a couple pairs of the sandbox play pants made and the nature walk pullover tunic made for fall. Thanks! Karah

  295. Abby

    Love city weekend!

  296. Vickie

    I’m excited to get City Weekend and make a baby quilt!!!Also sewing for my grandson, Jack Ryan!

  297. Jillian

    I’m working on a dress for my sister but some new pjs for the neice and nephew will be next in line.

  298. Lynn

    Just starting to fall in love with sewing again and love the blog!!!

  299. Tonya

    What am I not sewing this fall?!?! I just got a new machine so my sewing excitement/energy is high right now! New pillows, a quilt for a little girl, a raincoat, pants, and some new dresses for the same little girl (all from Oliver + S patterns, of course), and Christmas gifts galore, just to name a few of the things. Wish me luck!

  300. I’m making Christmas ornaments and stockings, a stuffed elephant, some fall corduroy shorts, and some more PJs for the little one. Love the new offerings from Oliver + S!

  301. amy

    I am planning on making coats for my 2 little girls (my oldest won’t wear homemade clothes anymore) and I am going to try to get started on some christmas gifts. That is in addition to sewing things for my shop! busy, busy 🙂

  302. I am sewing a lot of girl´s dresses, an a couple of solid-colours quilts 🙂

  303. On my to-sew list in the coming weeks are: a few wool skirts for my girls (2+2 and Music Class), a couple long sleeve Sketchbook shirts for my little guy, and highest priority right now, Halloween costumes (superhero cape and candy corn dress).

  304. Mandy

    I am new to sewing but right now I am finishing up an apron. Sewing a few things for my baby girl AND hope to start a quilt for her soon! I think City weekend would make a wonderful quilt 🙂

  305. Hillary

    After I finish Halloween costumes for two of my kids, I plan on making two dress-up capes and a Halloween tablecloth.

  306. Katie

    This fall, I’m sewing a couple of baby presents, some pillowcases for the Million Pillowcase Challenge, and hopefully squeezing in some clothes for my daughter. I have the Sunday Brunch Jacket pattern that I would love to get done for her before it gets too cold!

  307. I would make a simple quilt for my living room so all of my children can enjoy it together.

  308. Muscade

    What a lovely line!!! some of my next projects are; a bubble dress to my 10 month daughter for christmas, a jumper (for my daughter too) for the ceremonie to honor my grandfather at the city hall, and an holiday dress for me too. and soooo many other thing. i have a new sewing room and i want to live in it right now ^^

  309. Meghan

    What a fun giveaway. Now that the weather is cooler, I’m sewing pants for my boys. For the baby, a couple pairs of Quick-change trousers from Anna Maria-Horner’s book, and for the almost-4-year-old, a pair of pants from a Japanese pattern book with Kokka helicoptor fabric, and a pair of long pants adapted from the Oliver & S Sketchbook Shorts pattern. Nothing for myself right now – maybe next season! 🙂

  310. Marjorie

    I’m making one of your backpacks and a Halloween costume or two, and am hoping to have time to make the Sunday Brunch jacket and skirt.

  311. Oh my! I discovered O&S through a friend & I’m hooked! I have the Ice Cream dress pattern, Sketchbook shirt & shorts, & I ordered the Music box jumper the night it came out! I just need more fabric to fuel my O&S obsession!! I have three girls, so someone always needs a dress!

  312. Jennifer McKee

    I am sewing many a Nature Walk pant for my picky little daughter and her one-year-old brother — who likes anything he can smear applesauce on.
    However, these pants will not sustain us. My daughter demands dresses dresses dresses. I’m thinking that Hopscotch Dress may be next on our list…

  313. vicky

    I am currently working on some pin cushions and dresses/skirts. I love Moda Fabric!

  314. I have 5 little ones to sew for! I’ll be making the standard clothing, finishing a quilt (hopefully!) by my son’s 10th birthday… add to that a stack of cloth diapers and maybe even Mama will get a new dress, too!

  315. kelli

    Christmas ornaments. Mending (finally!). Finish that Quit before it gets too cold. Recycled Cashmere sweater throw.

  316. I’m in the middle of making tutus for my daughter’s 3rd birthday, a couple of your 2+2 tunics for her for the winter and the Sabrina skirt by Serendipity Studio.
    I love your patterns!

  317. rittaknapp

    I simply must make a pair of yellow jammies like the ones in the e-mail for my daughter. She would look absolutely adorable in them.

  318. I’m dying to get my hands on these knits!

  319. Sara

    I have too many projects! The few running through my head are: a quilt for our new baby, a quiet felt book, a doll, the hopscotch dress, and crib sheets – just to name a few! LOVE the city weekend collection. I’ve been having a hard time finding it though. Do you have a list of suggested sellers?

  320. Janene Stott

    We have a family tradition of new pajamas on Christmas Eve. I plan to make 12 pairs of pajamas and your new pattern for pajamas are darling and I can’t wait to buy the pattern!

  321. very excited to sew with city weekend! congrats on its release!
    i’m particularly interested in trying a jelly roll for the first time. i was thinking of sewing that quilt that was part of the fat quarterly quilt along & this collection would be perfect!

    have a great weekend 🙂


  322. I think I have to make some pj’s for my daughters like the ones in the photo. Also, I’m quilting up a storm for my niece and nephews. There are so many project, I’m often not sure where to start, but I’d LOVE to get my hands on some of the City Weekend fabric.

  323. Melinda

    I have wanted to sew for years, but couldn’t work up the nerve to dive in until recently. You can find patterns EVERYWHERE for girls’ clothing, but I never found anything I fell in love with for my son until I found your website. Everything is designed beautifully! Anyway… right now I am working on some gifts for two great friends who are both having boys in January. But my goal is to gain enough experience and know my sewing machine well enough to make both of my children their own School Day coats.

  324. Caroline

    Sewing this season: Bat wings for Halloween costumes; tooth fairy pillow; snack bags; bibs. Whew!

  325. Heather Martino

    I’m somewhat new to sewing, so I may not be as fast as others, but I love your patterns and I’ll be making the bedtime stories pajamas for my infant son, and hope to make the Sunday Brunch jacket for my 4 year old daughter for Christmas. I had hoped to use the School Days pattern but it’s out of print. I’ve also got a couple of pillows and a purse to sew. We’ll see how it goes!

    PS I had a little trouble posting, because I couldn’t make out the code at the bottom (I’m really bad at those codes – guess I won’t make CIA) so I hope this isn’t a duplicate. 🙂

  326. Jessica

    This season I am working on a cute paper-doll quilt for my daughter as a Christmas gift. She also is in need of some new “big girl” bedding, and I just love the City Weekend fabric, so I may be sewing up a comforter in that.

  327. Libby

    My sewing consists of bags for my daughter and both her daughters………fall dresses for the girls; blankets for their
    Christmas and now I can finally make pj’s also; love the pattern and can’t wait to get my hands on the City Weekend fabric. Printed off the “City Weekend” Blanket pattern (but that’ll be an after Christmas project; perhaps Valentine’s). And yes, I’ll be burning “the midnight oil”.

  328. Barbara

    Wonderful! Love the line and the blog!

  329. Anna

    Lately I’ve been recovering old cushions with new fabrics.
    But I can’t WAIT to make some things for my granddaughter with the adorable City Weekend fabrics! I love them so much I also want to make something for myself with one or two of them too. Really beautiful; love the colors, love the motifs, can’t wait to touch them.

  330. Jenna

    My fall sewing will be costumes first (princess, monkey & Yoda) and then quilts for each of my kiddos for Christmas. Should be fun!

  331. Annette

    I’m sewing up quilts for Christmas presents!

  332. Thanks for the giveaway!! I’m currently sewing an apron and a purse, and have a quilt and more purses in the pipeline. Also lots of clothes for my 5yo daughter. I love to sew!

  333. Rebekah

    We’re having a handmade Christmas this year, so I’m sewing…EVERYTHING!

  334. nita

    i’m planning to make matching sketchbook shirts for my boys from some batman flat sheets. haven’t decided what to make from the new city weekend prints, but i LOVE them!!

  335. I’ve made three music box dresses and two skirts (with the take-out box pockets). I want to try the Oliver + S shirtdress.

  336. I’ve made three music box dresses. I want to try the Oliver + S shirtdress.

  337. Brenda

    I would love to have some City Weekend fabric, its so adorable! I’m a seamstress first but also love quilting,I would probably make a quilt for my girls bed with the fabric. As for what I’m planning to sew next, I have a Sunday Brunch jacket cut out and ready to sew; hopefully I’ll get at it this afternoon.

  338. Denise

    I am a fabric junkie and have been sewing far too long for me to remember!
    Currently I am sewing really groovy denim pants for my youngest child which features flared flounces. My youngest is mentally challenged so I try to scour for patterns with elastic waists, but still feature unique designs. Too many beautiful people like my Em (13 years old) end up wearing sweat pants because their bodies mature, yet they are mentally not prepared to zip and button challenging pant closures. Clothes are a special expression of our personalities. So… I noticed your patterns and awesome City Weekend fabrics, but have not had the opportunity to sew and design with them. As long as I am able my mission is to create beautiful clothes for Em and her friends.
    Thank you sew much for sharing your inspiration and passion!
    We need designers like you.

  339. Linda

    I’m sewing quilts, quilts and more quilts!

  340. I have a little jacket cut in the yellow dot interlock I am excited about. It really is SO soft and lovely. I also have the musicbox dress pattern traced and I am looking forward to it. Fabulous giveaway! Fingers crossed!

  341. Holly

    My girls have requested more matching girl/doll dresses (they loved their popover sundresses this summer), so I’ll be making some casual clothes for them and their dolls, and I want to make a new coverlet for my 2-year-old’s bed because she’ll be moving from her crib to a toddler bed soon.

  342. Laura

    I am sewing SO many things this season! I am about to begin the Music Box Dress for my two girls. I’ve been making pants for all three of my kids AND I’m about begin Halloween costumes. I also just finished a yoga bag as a Christmas gift. We are doing a handmade Christmas, so I’m sewing tons! Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!!

  343. lily

    I been planning to make bag(s)/tote(s) for Christmas as gifts This would be perfect. I love the fabric so so so much!!

  344. christine

    This year I have been creating the cutest outfits for all my girlfriends babies, now I’m starting on all the Christmas dresses! )

  345. Cheeri

    Since it’s Halloween in two weeks, I’m sewing a Sleeping Beauty costume for my 3 year old. Then I’ll start on my Rail Fence quilt. Beautiful fabric!

  346. I want to make comfy pajamas for my 6 yr. old daughter. I love the new fabric!

  347. Jennifer

    I just finished my very first Oliver + S pattern, a Jump Rope dress for my (17 mos. old) daughter. I’m just finishing sewing a few tunic tops for her (a Sew Liberated pattern), and next I plan to start the Music Box Jumper. I just got it in the mail last week; I’m so excited! And now that City Weekend is out, I think I may need to order the Hopscotch Skirt and Top and maybe the 2×2 Blouse and Skirt as well. I just got a sewing machine and started sewing in February. Thanks so much for your incredibly clear, wonderful patterns. I’m literally learning to sew with y’all! Thanks for the opportunity to win, as well. Cheers!

  348. Jean P

    I’m finishing a smocked dress for a toddler, and then thinking about winter dresses for my girls. Also I need to figure out what to make for them for Christmas. I already finished library tote bags for the nieces and nephews!

  349. kay mcmillan

    working on another block for my never ending quilt project – will be shopping for backing material in 12 blocks!

  350. I would love to win! I will be making Christmas pj’s and camping blankets for my 2 boys…to be finished by 12.24.10.

    I am sure I could find many more things to do with my prize, should I win…

  351. Right now I just finished sewing two sets of bedtime story pajamas, and now it’s time for Halloween costumes (a mermaid and a princess) and at the same time making slow progress on a giant felt playhouse for each daughter for Hannukah…

  352. Rita C

    I’m making a – well, two 🙂 – hopscotch dresses as soon as I can!

  353. kathy s

    i will be making the sunday brunch jacket + skirt in a tweed for fall and a second version in velvet for the holidays. i’m currently making halloween costumes, but will shortly jump into christmas gifts for everyone on my list!

  354. brindy

    My heart just skipped a beat when I read about this contest! This fall I have way to many exciting projects underway. I am currently working on ten mini quilts for a Princess and the Pea birthday gift. They once that is finish I will embark on my first Oliver + S pattern… the Hopscotch Skirt. For Xmas gifts a teachers tote and two silhouette pillows for my sisters.

  355. Julianna Peacock

    I’m making an ice cream social dress for my 8 month old! Also, maybe the Sunday Brunch Jacket + Skirt. :).

  356. I am planning on making some pj’s for my girls. I also have some Oliver + S dress patterns I want to start.

    I love this new line of fabric… I would love to have some to play with:)

  357. meg

    i have to many projects to list! with a new baby on the way his quilt is at the top of the list, a snuggly bunting, and matching pjs for my 2 boys!

  358. Heather

    Pick me! Pick me! (Kidding — sort of.) I’ve been desperate to get my hands on your fabric, particularly the knits. I’m already on my second school photo dress and want to try the hopskotch dress in one of your cute knits. But, my local store only stocked a few so I have to find another way to feed my habit.

  359. great fabric! I hope to get my hands on the interlocks for sure!

  360. i’m going to make something spectacular outta one of your knits! really truely!

  361. Sarah

    Love the patterns and am so excited to see the fabric in person!

  362. Jena Watson

    I am dying to try the yellow and turqoise dot with turquoise fabric bias tape edging for your sailboat pants. I have a daughter and a son and those pants are great for both (I made a pair in blue and white ticking with red flannel lining already).

  363. Erin Waters

    I am entering Christmas Sewing season and I have a lot of projects to get started on for my kids (2 girls, 1 boy). Like I need to add another project to the list, I’d really love to use your interlock to make some Tee for Two shirts for all of them. Also am looking forward to getting the hopscotch skirt & shirt pattern. You make such cute patterns!

  364. this would be such a lovely prize for my sewing plans… I am planning to sew some tops and dresses… and possibly some accessories.

  365. Cathy

    I am having fun sewing granddaughter clothes. And skateboard shirts for grandsons. And starting on Christmas gifts!!!

  366. Jennifer R.

    I’ll be making a long-sleeved dress version of the Hopscotch top with pants from Nature Walk to match. I’m SO excited for the new fabric line! Finding quality knits has been difficult and if I’m going to take the time to sew it myself (which I love to do), I want it to be made with quality fabrics. Already love the palette and patterns and can’t wait to touch and see it in person!

  367. Julia

    I am sewing things for our little baby who should be here by Christmas! I am currently working on crib sheets and bedding! 🙂

  368. emily

    Oh, how exciting! I am planning on jammies for my little ones and a dress for myself. I really love City Weekend- awesome colors- and am looking forward to the next line. Thank you so much!!


  369. Thirza

    Lovely, lovely fabric!

    Plans to sew? Euhm… Finishing music box jumper in cerise for birthday girl by Saturday, sewing jump rope dresses view B as winter pyamas, finish quilting stacked coin quilt, sew winter coats for me, blouse for me and lots lots more.

    Am I crazy?

  370. Leah

    I will be making lots of fun winter toddler clothes! I have already started with some of your patterns! Would love to use your fabrics too!

  371. Jamie

    Lots of cute dresses and jumpers for my 15 month old daughter!

  372. Wonderful fabric. I’m very much looking forward to creating some wonderful things with it. I’m currently working on Christmas presents…napkins, pajama bottoms, and other small and easy projects.

  373. Jen

    How generous of you! I plan on making dresses for my daughter – I’ve already made the ice cream dress as a top and can’t wait to make more.

  374. Lindsay

    I have a whole list of Christmas sewing I’m hoping to do – lots of PJs, including some Storytime PJs for my daughter. We’ll see how far I actually get!

  375. amanda

    pajamas for christmas gifts!

  376. Cindy

    I’m currently whipping up halloween costumes–a pink mermaid and a cowgirl. Once those are done, it’s on to a baby quilt!

  377. Erin

    Hello! I love your new fabric line! I am new at this and am working on little dresses for my one-year-old, and an apron for my mom. So fun!

  378. Erica

    I’m working on more baby clothes, since we expecting #3! And Halloween customes, of course! I’m also working on a Flapper Girl Costume.

  379. wendy

    I just started sewing an advent calendar for my kids. Also working on a Victory quilt.

  380. Ann

    Right now I’m working on a Batman costume for my preschooler. Next I hope to get started on a hooded t-shirt. I recently started planning for a superhero quilt for my son, which other family members may contribute blocks for.

    Then, I also hope to sew up some Oliver + S pants, recycling some adult jeans for fabric.

    Now, just to find the time as I also need to knit a Christmas stocking for our new baby.

  381. I’m making a flower girl dress for my daughter from the Bubble dress pattern. Various baby things, since I know lots of people due this winter (and I’m having a baby in March). I wish I could sew a quilt, but I doubt I’ll get to it…

  382. Niamh

    I am starting my Christmas gift bags with applique and crossstitch. I have got the supplies for the ‘puppet show’ outfit fot next spring for my daughter (I was lucky to get the pattern!).

  383. I’m looking forward to making a flower girl dress for my daughter from the school photo dress pattern, in a navy dupioni silk. Can’t wait to make it!

  384. Melissa

    I’ve just ordered my very first Oliver + s patterns and can’t wait for them to arrive so I can start sewing! Of course I’m also waiting for somewhere in Australia to sell the City Weekend fabric in yardage!!!! The knits especially look just gorgeous. The icecream dress will be the first pattern made, for my little one. Problem is she is only 3 months old!! By the time she’s grown into them, she’ll have a whole wardrobe of dresses.

  385. Becky

    I’m planning on sewing some more skirts for my girls along with starting Christmas gifts…first on the list are eyeglass and sunglass cases!

  386. April Hurley

    I am starting on christmas gifts for all the nieces…sewing them a peasant style top with matching ruffle pants…can’t wait for them to try them on!!

  387. danii

    I hope to sew some pants and some repurposed sweater overalls and some repurposed t-shirt long sleeves……

  388. I intend to sew several clothes and especially a cloak!

  389. Melissa Blom

    I want to make some library tote bags.

  390. Suzanne

    I am currently sewing a wool military-inspired asymmetrical jacket for myself and 2 matching vintage yoke front dresses for my daughter and her friend. They are both 5. After that I’m delving into my stash of fabrics to use up what I already have. I need to make room for some of the cool fabrics from your site!

  391. Mignon

    I am learning to sew with knits. I sew for my beautiful DGD and also for my new DGS who is expected 11/28/10. Life is good!!!

  392. Susanna

    I’m currently working on a cape for my 7 year old son’s birthday and will then move on to a number of summer dresses and a cot quilt for my baby daughter.

  393. Jackie Menard

    I am finishing a baby quilt for Brady J Shaw and his Christening outfit. I also plan on beginning a Christmas gift for my son’s girl friends Grandmother, Grammy!

  394. I dream about sewing and making so much more than I ever get around to, but I’m finishing a Puppet Show Dress, nearly finished a baby dress with bloomers, nearly finished 2 cosmetic bags, planning to sew a girl’s coat, another dress for my daughter’s birthday, maybe one for Christmas as I’m at it! Probably a costume or two for Halloween ……. I better stop before I frighten myself 🙂

  395. Just finished a Halloween costume so I need to make my son another sketchbook shirt since he’s been begging me for one. I’m also going to make my daughter the Music Class skirt then lots and lots of Christmas presents. Also finishing up some quilts.

  396. I am sewing a freinds wedding quilt – it’s taking forever! Also I want to make a retro tweed skirt for myself in a very non-retro colour. Plus a set of PJ’s for my godson to celebrate moving into a big boy bed.

  397. I love city weekend, and can’t wait to head over to the flickr group…I am sewing some sweet potholders for my mom to give as Christmas gifts. She’s so great to pay me for little sewing so I can support my fabric habit!

  398. Well . . . it seems I managed to buy quite a number of patterns whilst in possession of a large glass of wine (well, tbh a number were consumed on that particular evening) Amongst others I’m hoping to sew the ice cream dress and the jump rope this autumn/winter . . . but my big passion is the school days coat – tragically discontinued. I am currently cutting this out for my twins and 4 yr old. I’m loving the whole process. Even the rustle of the pattern paper.
    Robyn x

  399. I am always sewing something for charity! Whether it’s quilts for babies/toddlers or Christmas stockings for kids in need or toiletry bags for women’s shelters, it’s always something that can be used by someone who needs these items more than me.

  400. AJ

    Well, I just bought the ice cream dress pattern, and still have the bubble dress pattern uncut! Now that it’s milder weather here in Arizona, it’s time to stitch up some spring-ish clothing. We’re so backward here!!

  401. Cathy

    Goodness gracious – please count me in. I’d love to sample some of the new range!

  402. Ruth

    I absolutely love the patterns and have made several tops for my granddaughters.

  403. Jen

    My sister is expecting a boy in December so I need to learn how to sew up a boy and baby storm – I only started sewing when my daughter was a few months old. I’m really looking forward to the challenge!

  404. Sharna

    I love sewing pj’s for my kids for some reason no ever see them. But we just moved and need to decorate the new kids room, they are begging for quilts for I’ll be quilting this season.

  405. pamela

    the fabrics are so beautiful!!
    dresses dresses dresses

  406. Awesome giveaway! I’m currently sewing some stockings for Christmas time and quite a few other Christmas gifts, including some clothes for my niece and nephew. With a week off work, I’m hoping to actually get some of it done!

  407. Sharna

    I love sewing pj’s for my kids for some reason noone ever see them. But we just moved and need to decorate the new kids room, they are begging for quilts so I’ll be quilting this season.

  408. We are coming into summer in Australia, so I am getting ready to make some birthday party dresses!

  409. I have several quilts that I want to finish. I started on the other night for my 5 month old grand daughter, when I get that finished, I will be making diapers for my 1 month old grand son. Then I will move onto a dress for my grand daughter. I know my youngest son wants me to start his Eye Spy quilt and his sewing lessons. I have a few bags that I would like to get to also. One is a strip (jelly roll) bag.

    Thank you for this opportunity.

  410. Coming into summer here in Oz so I’m making shorts for the boy and the girl as well as embellishing some t-shirts to match. For myself I’m planning on making a summer skirt or two! And some boxers for the man.

    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  411. Robin

    LOL, do you mean what am I planning to sew besides O+S patterns? I have some denim ready to make my little girl some jeans with the sailboat pants patterns, and am also itching to make the hopscotch shirt and skirt as well as the school photo dress. Other than that, I’m hoping to do some sewing out of some Japanese pattern books for me and/or my daughter.

  412. Sandra

    I have just finished making the music class skirt and shirt. I altered the pattern a little, made it longer for my long waisted granddaughter by adding a shirt length tail to it, and I belted it in at the waist at her request. It is adorable! She now wants me to make it longer and in plaid so she can wear it as a dress with leggings. I actually have a little 7 year old designer, I think. I have made the jump rope dresses for both granddaughters in denim – one plain denim, the other denim with pink and red hearts embroidered on it. I will make the music class skirt in several fabrics because the girls love the skirt!!!

  413. Amber

    I can’t wait to gave some of that fabric winging it’s way to Australia. I’m currently sewing swingset tops for my gal & refashioning business shirts intoshorts for my boy.

  414. Great giveaway! I will be sewing Christmas ornaments and felt food playsets.

  415. CC

    I’m planning to get started on some cot quilts for soon-to-arrive babies (any day now) but have been distracted by sewing popover sundresses (for my 2 year old and some little friends who are turning 2). Summery skirts are also on my list.

  416. Melissa (& Adele)

    Inspired by the beautiful fabrics, easy to follow patterns and sharing of ideas with my Mum’s group friends I have rediscovered my sewing machine and am loving it! Lucky Adele … she now has some beautiful & unique dresses, pants, skirts, jackets etc. In prep for summer ‘ve just finished her ice-cream dress, popover sundress and the music box jumper for her 1st birthday party in Nov. Next is a quilt for a big bed, a hopscotch skirt, a ruffled halter, another ice-cream dress & top and some bedroom accessories. Phew, just a few things on the list!

  417. Sandbox pants and more sandbox pants for my fast growing boys. Probably as shorts though as we’re heading into Summer here in Oz. Also hoping to finish my first ever quilt. And play around with some jersey knit fabric clothing for my kids. Oh and it’d be great to finish the tea party playsuit I cut out oh, last summer…

  418. Addie

    I can’t wait to see City Weekend at my local fabric store! This fall I’m making some baby/toddler gifts — the Tea Party playsuit is a favorite, as well as sandbox pants outfit. I would like to thy the Ice Cream Social dress next.

  419. linda

    My first time with Oliver + s! I haven’t sewn since high school but finding having a little one around inspiring and exciting… Ice cream dress and sailor suit are on the way in the post and can’t wait to start!

  420. I plan yo sew garden cushions.

  421. I’m definitely planning on making some of your knit patterns and I may even try getting them through BurdaStyle! That’s a great idea btw. I’m also going to make a bunch of stuff for ME which doesn’t happen so often, it usually ends up being easier and less fraught in a ‘does my bum look big in this?’ way to make clothes for my daughter. But I deserve nice things too so I’m going to dedicate a week or so to myself.

  422. Melissa (& Adele)

    Inspired by the beautiful fabrics, easy to follow patterns and sharing of ideas with friends in my mothers group I have rediscovered my sewing machine and am loving it. Lucky Adele! In preparation for summer I have just finished her an icecream dress, popover sundress, and music box jumper for her 1st birthday party in late Nov. Next on the list is a quilt for a big bed, another icecream dress and top, a ruffled halter and a hopscotch skirt. Phew, that’ll keep me busy!

  423. Ooo, yummy! Maybe I can make a quilt to tuck in my Bedtime Story pjs clad girls! Can’t wait to touch these fabrics! Winning the jelly roll or layer cKe would be so fantastic since it may be the only way for me to get at these Down Under!

  424. delia

    I have a City Weekend charm pack and would love to build on that! I’m currently working on a square in square block quilt.

  425. I’m planning on making lots more quilts! And some new cushion covers and maybe window coverings for our house!

  426. Emily

    We’re coming into summer here, so I have a stack of summer dresses to sew for my daughter. Just finished the jump rope dress and am tempted to make another!

  427. Kelly

    I’m hoping to start my Oliver & S boutique sewing, I bought two licenses and two patterns, and they’re just sitting on my sewing table.

  428. Alissa

    Love this fabric line! Just purchased my first Oliver & S pattern-ice cream social dress and plan on working on that! Also I am trying very hard to get going on my holiday gift making…this year I don’t want to be up on 12-24 sewing!

  429. anu

    quilts and baby clothes and sheets and curtains, oh my!

  430. brenda rowley gray

    wish i had a little girl to sew for right now! too cute!

  431. brenda rowley gray

    dreaming of a little girl to sew for….. someday in the future (perhaps a grandchild – but no hurry!)

  432. SewLindaAnn

    I’m going to make a flannel raggedy edge housecoat, my son is designing another quilt for himself for me to make, right now I’ve got 1 Christmas gift done and a bunch more to do, and I’m going to try and finish a summer top I started last Spring and haven’t had the confidence to continue on my new body double “Lilly”. I also want to make a Pom Pom rug, a t’shirt quilt…

  433. Julie

    I’m planning on starting a quilt for my little girl’s bed, I just finished a really girly pillowcase for her. Still trying to finish up the Halloween costumes right now.

  434. Katie Rogers

    I love to sew, it’s like therapy….love your patterns!

  435. Jodie

    I am planning to FINALLY sew the Birthday Party dress. It was the first O+S pattern I bought, and the last (to date) to be sewn. Hopefully Badskirt will run another O+S sew-a-long and I will also be making whatever pattern that is. Also I am waiting for my School Photo pattern to arrive so that I can learn how to put in an invisible zip. I’de love to win as it is hard to find the City Weekend fabric here in OZ.

  436. Sue Wargo

    I am sewing holiday aprons and tableware for our guild fundraiser.

  437. Sue Whelan

    Looking forward to trying my first Oliver + S pattern for my two-year-old granddaughter. I have three stashed but will probably use the Sailboat top and pants. The interlock looks lovely. Children can never have enough knits.

  438. tamara hecko

    I’m planning on making a quilt using City Weekend. I bought several packs of charms and would love to try using the jelly rolls, layer cakes or whatever. I love the fabric! Thanks for the giveaway.

  439. I made the birthday dress from Oliver + s for my 3 year old grand daughter and she loved it, especially as I made the bow and hem lining in her favorite color, green! I found the most delightful “fairy” fabric to make another dress, and the 2 + 2 Blouse and pleated skirt pattern is calling to me! There just aren’t enough hours in the day!

  440. I plan on making a few quilts, along with some outfits for my newborn!

  441. anie Toole

    I am sewing a Suzanne by citronille. hemp and anna maria horner fabric.

  442. Johanna

    I live in Australia and now that it’s starting to warm up I am starting on my first ice cream social dress. It’s all cut and ready to go, just waiting for the kids to go to bed now 🙂
    I am looking forward to using your knits for PJs too.
    I’d love to use a jelly roll to make a quilt and thanks for the tip off to the fabric toy baskets. Brilliant idea and I’m keen to give those a go as well.

  443. Pauline

    I plan on making several Oliver + s patterns: Tea Party Sundress, Ice cream dress, Playdate dress and so much more Oliver + s.!

  444. After moving apartments (in manhattan) and delivering my 3rd baby I plan to make the tea party dress for my 4 year old girl. I made one for her two years ago and she is still asking why she can’t wear it anymore. It was her favorite dress ever!

  445. I’m hoping to sew a Christmas throw quilt! And I’m making a boatload of homemade holiday gifts this year, and some City Weekend would come in handy!

  446. karah

    Three patchwork skirts for my neices. And so many many more things that are in my head but might not translate out to fruition but they’re there!

  447. I am sewing for my granddaughter, Geneva, and am planning on sewing virtually ALL OF YOUR DESIGNS. So far, I’ve made the wonderful bedtime story pajamas, but I have the rest of your patterns and plan on making hopscotch knit top and nature walk knit pants next!!

  448. Monica

    at the moment… halloween costumes! one ballerina, one princess or maybe a jack-o-lantern. But my inspiration is coming for after the 31st!

  449. Jan

    Oh my goodness so many sewing projects from making cute pj’s for my grandchildren, then onto my family members. I can’t wait to get my hands on your new fabric line, it has to be just as wonderful as your patterns are!

  450. Emily

    I’m making pajamas for my daughter!

  451. Joyce

    I’ve made two lunch totes and a taggie blanky…wanted to start on the lazy day skirt……hope to try my hands on quilting too…..

  452. I am making various of crochets , will love to sew it all to a crochet table runner.

  453. First I have a tiger costume to finish, then there is a skirt for me, O+S patterns for PJs and sandbox clothing, there are Christmas gifts to start (small bags), … I recently got the Craft Hope book and am thinking about what from there to do, and … the fabric looks lovely!

  454. Beverly Atkins

    I just bought a cutting table and I have a couple of quilts I’ll be working on soon. BUT I am now planning on making the little outfit in your newsletter. That is precious and just what my granddaughter needs! Thanks for a chance to win that beautiful fabric!

  455. Joy

    I plan on sewing some jumpers and a couple jackets for my daughter, as well as upcycling old t-shirts into pajamas and sweaters into pants for her. She already has sooo many clothes, but I can’t resist the itch!

  456. Rachael

    I just love the oliver and s patterns and note that are relatively easy to come by even here in Australia. I have made the bedtime story pj’s for both my children, the sandbox pant, the 2+2 blouse and skirt. Now that we are in spring I intend to make the jump rope dress and the music class blouse and skirt. I cant wait to see the new fabric line in the flesh.

  457. Suzi

    Chair pockets for my teacher-daughter’s classroom and jammies for the grandkids. PS Grandaughter LOVES the lazy day skirt.

  458. I’d like to do a bit of skirt sewing for my girls. And probably some bags and other fun stuff!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  459. Susanne

    I have so many projects that I want to get to this season (including, gasp, some for myself!), but next up is the hopscotch top & skirt for my daughter. It’s my first Oliver + S project, and I can’t wait to get going!

  460. Rachael

    I plan on sewing another jumper dress for daughter, dress pants for son, maybe a vest for son. My children have also requested that I sew them some different animal outfits for make believe. I’d like to also sew a pretty bag or purse for myself.

  461. Karla Y

    Lovely giveaway! I’m working on an icecream cone costume for my 3 year old and a quilted wall hanging, and of course there are all the projects I’d like to complete before Christmas! Love your patterns.

  462. Currently working on an Astros Nolan Ryan uniform, circa 1970, for my 8 yo’s Halloween costume, plus a pillowcase with leftover fabric and fun, jumbo rick rack for my 5 yo, and wrap skirt for moi.

  463. sandi lucas

    Our two little grandaughters will be the happy wearers of oliver + s kimino pyjamas. I am going to make them in pretty cotton prints with contrasting bindings. When I have finished them I plan to make the Music Class outfits.

  464. What a wonderful giveaway! I am wanting to do some MAJOR charity quilt making this winter. I’m in the middle of my very first one right now and I can’t wait to make more! 🙂

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  465. Susie

    Lots and lots of Waldorf doll clothes! And for my kids, I’m finally going to dig into making some Bedtime Story pajamas. I’ve been stalking the Internet for any sign of the release of City Weekend, I’m so excited it’s almost here! It’s such a beautiful collection that’s just full of life. I love it already!!

  466. this season I plan to make the music box jumper and the hopscotch dress and a nightgown.
    I don’t quilt but I thought I’d enter since my daughter likes to sew fabric pieces together. maybe she’ll become the quilter in the family 🙂

  467. Andrea

    My daughter loves “twirly skirts” so I’m sure there will be several! We are also moving into the first in a line of new homes (a rental and then maybe our forever home), so I will be doing some sewing to cozy up the new places 🙂

  468. Sara C

    I’m thinking about doing some Christmas aprons and some blankets. Thanks for the giveaway!

  469. Simple yet sophisticated blouse in white (music class blouse, maybe?), pleated skirt in dark navy (probably 2+2 skirt), and matching cardie (details under planning!)

  470. Katie Cadman

    The fabric and your patterns are just so beautiful. I have a few Christmas projects planned. A Stocking for my children and a Christmas pillow.

  471. susie

    I am making a pin cushion as I have lost my mojo!

  472. Meg

    My next big sewing project is to decorate my daughters “big girl” room. A quilt for her toddler bed, pillows, wall decorations, and some sort of window treatment. Looks like I have a pretty big project on front of me. I think it would look just darling in the new City Weekend line!

  473. Judy

    I’m busy decorating jeans jackets with fabrics and trims; creating hats, mittens, vests and jackets from repurposed sweaters; plus wearable art for my grandaughter.

  474. Sandy from NJ

    ‘Tis the season to work on Christmas sewing so I am busy making flannel PJ bottoms in seasonal prints for my daughter, son-in-law,two grandsons and my girlfriends. I make the bottoms in Christmas prints and then purchase solid color t-shirt tops. Also cut and lined up to be put together are three flannel baby quilts – one in Christmas print, one for a boy and one for a girl.

  475. I am going to sew a whole book together as well as making a quilt for my father for christmass. And basing my third year graphc design project on craft. so there will be a lot of sewing but i am not sure what type of sewing that will insue.

  476. Maria

    I am working on Christmas outfits for our three granddaughters! I just finished the O+S pleated skirt in sizes 6m,2T&3T which I constructed out of gorgeous Liberty of London corduroy, now working on the School blouses to match for each and finishing with knitted matching sweaters and embroidered wool jackets! Thanks O+S for your great and easy to follow patterns! Thanks also for the free patterns you offer from time to time, they are truly appreciated!

  477. My list is sooooooooooo long. Every morning I wake up and somehow it becomes longer! The top of this endless tabulation are teachers’ presents for Xmas (bags, bags, bags), a Birthday Party Dress for my daughter, more Sandbox shorts for my boys, a School Days raincoat, and, and, and……..

  478. Justine

    Can’t wait to get my fabric! Ordered it yesterday 🙂

  479. Tineke

    I especially love the knits City Weekend. I’m planning the winter wardrobe for kids, with Nature Walk pants, and Hopscotch top.

  480. Such fun! I am working on lots of new fall clothes for my boys, ages 2 and 1. I am a fairly new sewer and the only patterns I have made and remade and remade have been Oliver & S. I probably would not have stuck with sewing if it had not been for my excitement over your patterns. So thanks!

  481. For the Fall, I am working on clothes for my two boys, ages 2 and 1. I am a fairly new sewer and the only patterns I have made and remade and remade have been from Oliver & S. So grateful for them!

  482. I bought your new patterns recently, so I would love to sew those soon. And perhaps some quilts too, they would lovely in your new fabrics.

  483. Carrie

    I am sewing some dresses for my little girl and christmas gifts for my family.

  484. Right now I have about 12 quilts in mind to make up all on my to do list. I hope to shrink that number down a bit.

  485. Carolyn Grumney

    There are plans for several Oliver + S patterns–a jumper, the school dress (I’ve lost the pattern in the sewing room so maybe a clean up first!), a smocked top from Sew Beautiful magazine and several Chinese food box containers for Christmas gifts.

  486. too fun! I would loveany of these!

  487. Janine Roth

    You simply have to stop publishing such grat patterns. I can’t keep up! My next O&S pattern is going to be music class blouse and skirt. Your patterns go together well and are sew cute>

  488. Margaret Scoresby

    I have sewn one Ice Cream dress (turned out so cute!) and plan to make two more. I’m also sewing a Mickey Mouse skirt for Halloween.

  489. Carrie

    I’ve just about finished a lap quilt for my brother-in-law’s family. Currently working on a christmas tree wall hanging for a sister-in-law. I need to get busy!

  490. I am finally sewing again because I have retired and have two beautiful grandchildren. I am making the kimono pajamas for my 5 month old grandson H and 19 month old granddaughter E. I have used hooty hoot flannel for my grandson H and Anna Marie Horner flannel for my granddaughter E. I am also making the ice cream parlor dress for E and extra warm flannel and fleece pants’ bottoms for both children. I am also sewing a Christmas outfit in green cordoroy for my grandson H. It is so much fun to sew for someone I love.

  491. anna

    A quilt for my new baby!

  492. Jennifer M

    I’m planning on finishing up some quilts for my daughter and sewing a crown and princess hats for kids for the Renaissance Festival and hopefully some curtains and maybe a table runner. Lots of sewing!

  493. Jeanne

    I just recently found you! Love your designs! I teach sewing out of my home and am quite interested in using your patterns for a syllabus in my classes. I currently do most of my sewing for my 4 beautiful grand-daughters! Dresses, pants, tops, etc. Currently I’m working on a stretch velour outfit for the 5 year old and also ballet bags. Can’t wait to try out one of your patterns, hopefully very soon! My daughter made the free sundress from your website for 2 of the girls and they are adorable. She was happy to find something so quick and easy since her free time is very limited. 🙂


  494. I’m redoing my daughter’s room – quilt, curtains and dresser runners. I love this fabric!

  495. Miranda

    Too many things as ever to list all of them – I would love to use some of the new Oliver&S knit fabric for leggings for my girls, so handy under dresses when the weather turns cold. But right now I am finishing off a pair of appliqued animal bags for my twins’ 3rd birthdays – still 5 days to go!

  496. vicki

    I’m making a hopscotch skirt & top from City Weekend yardage I received this week! Also making a jump rope dress & school days jacket.

  497. This season I’m planning on finishing up my purse for the bag swap at Sew Mama Sew, then making a dress and a couple skirts for my daughter for the fall/winter. I’ve got a few quilts in mind I’d like to get started on and then of course, Halloween Costumes and Christmas presents to get busy on…maybe I’d better bump those costumes to higher on the list, huh???
    I love City Weekend and would LOVE to get my hands on some…I’m just saying if you picked me, that fabric would get a really nice and loving home! 😉

  498. Bea

    This season I plan on sewing some (a. wang-ish) jersey t-shirts, velvet leggings, and maybe a maxi dress. For my 2 boys, I plan on sewing several pairs of nature walk pants, and for my niece some bedtime story pjs!

  499. Currently I am planning on a 2+2 blouse or 2 (those are my favorite!) and a couple of skirts for my almost 3 year old. I also want to make her a dress for the holidays and her birthday, but I still need to decide which one and what fabric.

  500. I’m getting ready for the holidays with a new set of storybook PJs for each of my three children. I’m also thinking about doing some American Girl doll clothes for my daughter using some old patterns.

  501. C. Gronewold

    Talk about timing! The birth announcement of the City Weekend Collection coincides with the news of my baby granddaughter’s arrival in early 2011 and I see this as a clarion call from the sewing gods to get going on all the outfits I have imagined for her. After having twin grandsons, I now have my magic moment to let loose with your fabulous fabrics and precious patterns for little girls. I have been waiting for this!

  502. Hilary McDaniel

    Great giveaway. thanks for hosting. Love your line of patterns.

  503. Keren

    fantastic giveaway! I will be sewing lots of pants for my 2 long legged boys, and also doing some experiments with applique and patchwork.

  504. Michelle

    I am working on the Music Box Jumper and the Tea Party Playsuit in coordinating fabrics for 3T girl and Infant boy. 🙂

  505. Too sweet!
    I’m making up a matching set of skirt/pants for my girl and boy using some dark red corduroy – and maybe a print for accent on the skirt? They’ll be cute!

  506. Carrie

    Well, firstly Halloween costumes, but then the annual Christmas Eve Bedtime Story Pajamas for my two boys!

  507. Rachael

    I am planning something with ruffles!

  508. Claudia

    I’m planning a nature walk shirt in corduroy and flannel in green hues for my son and a music box jumper in purple corduroy for my daughter.

  509. Betty B

    My main priority is to sew 3 ghostbusters costumes for my boys for halloween. My husband has the responsibility of building the proton backpacks. After that Ive got a roman blind to do which Im forever putting off. Then trying to do maltese crosses for a quilt wall hanging and then thinking about Christmas gifts. I have a feeling Im not going to manage any homesewn Christmas gifts this year!

  510. Eilis

    Everyone I know is preggers, so it’s lots of baby sewing for me! Also dying to try my hand at the Ice Cream Dress.

  511. Mariana

    I’m planning a hippie dress for my baby for two years. In Argentina’s spring 😉

  512. This is great. I just found your blog 😉

  513. Stacey

    My big project is sewing a Cinderella costume for my 6 year old daughter. I would love the jelly roll too, for a very cute Easter basket that you make with a jelly roll.

  514. Lisa Botts

    Pajamas and a quilt for my grandson, aprons for all the ladies, curtains and potholders for my kitchen, a wonderful shawl for my best friend and that’s all for Christmas. Nothing for me until after the first of the year. I’d better get started!

  515. bec

    I am hoping to make four advent calendars before thanksgiving. here goes!

  516. This season I’m sewing Play Date dress, Sunday Brunch, Music Box Jumper in Moda fabrics (some of them are City Weekend) and some boy’s Sketchbook shirts in the City Weekend stripes! I can hardly wait to launch my Boutique Sewers shop on Etsy!!! I love City Weekend so much, I’m going to create a quilt, too!

  517. Emily

    I’m hoping to try sewing with knits and want to make both the hopscotch knit top and the nature walk pants. I also want to try the Madeleine jersey blouse from Ottobre (4/2010) and some reverse applique t-shirt embellishments a la Alabama Chanin for gifts.

  518. Rita

    I am planning on sewing a wall hanging made of vintage fabrics and embellished with buttons and doilies. I hope to actually start making kids clothes soon.

  519. Fingers crossed I’ll be attempting my first quilt this season!

  520. Cathi Thomas

    I bought some to make the ice cream dress.

  521. heather armstrong

    I just got the 2+2 pattern.I am making matching outfits for my three grand daughters who are 4 years , 2 years and 3 months old.

  522. Donna Lapeer

    Huge fan of your patterns and these fabrics are a natural complement. Always sewing, have seven projects lined up and always looking for new inspiration. Thanks for the offer!

  523. stacy burns

    The fabric is absolutley darling! I will be sewing up lots of small quilts!

  524. Katie

    I plan on sewing a quilt for a friend who will be having a baby next spring.

  525. Claire

    I need to finish Halloween costumes, add some more school pants to the pile and get some Christmas outfits sewn.

  526. What WOULDN’T I make with some of this darling fabric?? I would probably whip something special up for my sweet seven-year old daughter.

  527. Marcia W.

    Your City Weekend fabric reminds me of exactly what you intended – relaxing weekends in a city. This season I am making baby quilts (and other baby things) for 2 grandnieces that we expect to arrive by the end of the year. Then I will return to making bed quilts (my favorite). Thanks to you and Moda for this lovely giveaway.

  528. Katherine Armstrong

    Love the fabric, especially the Park Ramble print and all the dots! I will be sewing lots of clothing for my little boy, William, this season–starting with a pair of “Sandbox” pants.

  529. kirsten

    i’ve just started quilting in anticipation of a little baby boom that’s happening among my friends at the moment. have been finding stunning fabrics – like these – everywhere and would love to move on to giving something a bit more intricate a go soon. fingers xed!

  530. I’m working on two quilts right now: a scrappy quilt for the park/beach, and a queen-sized quilt for our bed. I just finished a backpack for my daughter – and now I’m contemplating some knit tops for her made from one of your lovely fabrics!

  531. I will be sewing lots of pretty dresses and cute shirts. My little boy and girl have almost grown out of everything they own (as they do) and I think having beautiful handmade clothes is the best!

  532. Carrie Alexander

    Holy Moley…what do I want to make this “season”? Pretty much anything that strikes my fancy at the same time I see fabric! I’m an “impulsive sew-er”, someone who lets the fabric call to me. Hard to say what I’m going to come up with next until I see the fabric, LOL!

  533. I absolutely love the new fabric line and have been patiently waiting it’s debut! I will be busy sewing all kinds of things this season: women’s dresses, children’s clothing, a quilt and I’m just finishing up Halloween costumes.

  534. Peta

    It’s coming into summer here in Australia, so I’m finishing off the Jump Rope Dress in a light blue summery voile!!

    Thanks for the ooportunity to win!!

  535. Kylie

    What am I going to sew this season? Well, darling hubby has just finished two amazing beds for our girls who share a room. I would now like to sew them some matching quilts to finish of the awesome work of their daddy!

  536. i will be making the hopscotch skirt for my daughter and some softies/aprons for christmas pressies 🙂

  537. I’m sewing from creative beginnings by anna marie horner and oliver + s patterns. there’s a baby boom happening in kansas.

  538. Ann Knepper

    I am just finishing a dinosaur and a strawberry for my grandkids’ Halloween costumes. I hope to make my first Christmas outfits for them.

  539. Christy

    I plan on sewing pajamas, dresses, and something else for my son – whatever hits my hot button at the time. I wonder if I will squeeze in gifts? I am thinking about purses for gifts.

  540. Cristin Miller

    I’m sewing a hallowe’en costume for my daughter, baby quilts for friends who are expecting, and some mittens and hats from old, felted sweaters. Hope I win your lovely fabrics!

  541. In the immediate future, I’ll be making Halloween costumes: Hansel & Gretel and a little garden gnome.

  542. Jennifer

    I’m sewing a Lazy Days for Halloween, the School Photo Dress in silk for the holidays. I am going to take a class on sewing with knits although I’m not sure what pattern I’ll be working with yet. Can’t wait to use the City Weekend fabrics for that project.

  543. shiela

    I am in love with your fabrics. I am starting my holiday sewing which includes pjs and outfits for my 6 grandchildren. I have actually started sewing for myself again and would love to get a hold of your knits so I can make me a pair of pajamas. I love your pajama pattern so I am going to try and figure out how to make some big enough to fit me.

  544. KimT

    We have declared this year Handmade Holidays! So I am working on sewing totes, earwarmers, scarves and other gifts for friends and family. I am finishin costumes for my girls (a rainbow and a chipmunk) and am on the look-out for the best fabrics and patterns for them for fall. Yours are definitely my favorites!

  545. Jessie

    I have a million half-finished projects as usual, but this season I’m committed to making doll quilts for my goddaughter and her sister, and to finishing up some pants I started for myself 8 years ago!

  546. Linda

    I’m working on pajama pants for the holidays; dresses for my niece’s birthday; dresses for my daughters; and a some new skirts/dresses for me.

  547. Rose

    I’m eyeing up the hopscotch skirt for sure, plus really need to finish little miss’ quilt started a year ago!

  548. Marla F

    A quilt for the baby is almost done and then on to Christmas gifts: napkins, totes, pjs, the list goes on and on…! Maybe I’ll even get a skirt done for myself, hmm….

  549. Anne

    I’m currently making a blue kitten halloween costume for my daughter (everything must be blue!!), a rain coat for myself and cutting fabric for a Christmas advent calendar. I’d love to make your quilt design for this fabric line – with a blue backing of course.

  550. I have lots of projects in mind, especially a coat for my daughter!

  551. Shannon F.

    We have a lot of babies being born in the coming months, so I have baby quilts planned! I also just bought my first needles and skein this week, we’ll see how that goes!

  552. Sarah

    Mostly clothes for my 3 year old. I have also been making things I realize I need for our new baby (hats, car seat covers, toy blankets, etc). Fun fun fun!

  553. Rebekah

    What a lovely collection! This fall, I’m making our brand new baby his first Halloween costume and (since he was over 10 pounds when he was born) some nice button ups using Oliver + S’s City Weekend pattern!

  554. Jenn Sonnenberg

    I love the new selection and the new patterns! I’m hoping to make a quilt for my daughter and new pjs all around (a Christmas tradition). Thanks for such an exciting giveaway!

  555. I’m dying to try the school photo dress but I made a solemn vow to my husband that I would not put another pattern into the waiting line, unless I had finished up last year’s winter projects. So I have some 2 + 2’s, and American Girl doll matching outfits to finish up before I can jump in. I can’t wait to make that adorable little pleated skirt out of chocolate with fuschia dots! It’s just not quite chilly enough to get started yet.

  556. I am keen to sew a quit for each of my boys, for them to hopefully become something special they pass on to their children one day.

  557. I am wanting to make each of my sons a quilt for them to hopefully pass on to their children one day

  558. Hi, I have the new hopskotch pattern coming in the mail so plan to sew up quite a few dresses for my 2 year old who loves anything pink!

  559. Becky

    Just got the hopscotch pattern so I want to make that for my daughter. Too cute!

  560. Oh, thank you for the giveaway. I have yet to see the line in person, but it looks beautiful online.

    Since I’m off the hook for my daughter’s Halloween costume thanks to hand-me-downs, I can get a head start on sewing my daughter’s Music Box jumper for Christmas. I’m usually Last-Minute Lisa, so I can surely use a little extra time.

  561. I’m trying to finish off some spring pants for my four year old daughter and 1 year old son. I’m also hoping to make another Oliver & S bubble dress for my daughter before she out grows the pattern!

  562. The new patterns are great! The Nature Top & Pants pattern is perfect for comfy pants for my sons. The top is cute, too! Thanks!

  563. I am about to move from the country (Cape Cod) to the city (Boston), and I am really looking forward to working with the new city weekend knits–when I am moved in and able to have a city weekend!

  564. kitty

    I’m working on warm pants for a crawling baby, beanbags, and soft patchwork play blocks.

  565. Sarah

    I am participating in a couple of craft fairs soon and I will be making baby blankets and shopping totes mostly. I also want to do a lot of sewing for christmas gifts. I hope I get it all done.


  566. What a lovely giveaway! Thank you. I’m planning to sew two sleeping sacs, one for each of my daughters (3.5y and 2y) and a woolen skirt for myself. I’m also hoping I will finish a second shirt for my husband… I already think it is too ambitious but that’s the plan!

  567. Lisa L

    This season I am sewing beautiful twirl skirts for my teenage daughter! Of course she picked the fabric and pattern!!


  568. Let’s see…after moving apartments (in Manhattan) and having baby #3 all in the next six weeks…I plan to start working on another tea party sundress for my 4 year old for next spring/summer. She LOVED the last one I made and still asks why she can’t wear it (size 2T). But if I don’t win this giveaway (oh how I’d love to) I’ll be down at Purl soon enough! It’s there, right?! Love your stuff, Liesl!

  569. Lynn Poulin

    Where to start…! It will definitely be something for our 2 year-old granddaughter. She knows what “Grandma dresses” are, and some days, only “Grandma dresses” will do.

  570. morgan

    I am working on 7 quilts this fall. They’re all different and they get more challenging as I keep working through them. It’s been fun getting to know how to do sew with new techniques and so many different fabric collections.

  571. Wow…love those new fabrics! PJs for the entire family this xmas will be pieced out of the new collection and I just HAVE to make a bistro red park long sleeve blouse with contrast cuffs/under collar (inspired by Robert Graham) for me. Good job on the new collection..it’s a WOW!

  572. Nancy Eddins

    I am sewing pajamas and nightgowns for my grandchildren. With two boys and two girls, I get to do a lot of experimenting with fabrics and patterns.

  573. i have been wanting to sew skirts for both my girls. keeping my fingers crossed!

  574. I’m making a friendship braid quilt from a Moda scrap bag. I can’t wait to see it when it’s done 😀

  575. V Reed

    The fall/winter season is my sewing season. I love the feel of fancy Christmas fabrics as they slide through my scissors. A princess dress for Halloween, a mermaid for dress-up, some cozy lounge pants for the entire family, a fancy Christmas dress and at least one corduroy jumper. I haven’t decided on Christmas gifts, but I’m sure there will be a few stitched up here and there.

  576. kate labare

    what do i PLAN to sew or what will actually get done? lol! i always have so many plans, but with two little ones the done list is much shorter… i REALLY, REALLY hope to finish birthday crowns for both little ones, a quilt for one, and new christmas stockings this season:)

  577. ikkinlala

    I’m working on a baby quilt.

  578. I’m working on a fleece robe for Christmas.

  579. This season I am preparing for a craft show. After that’s done, I am going to sew little dolls for my daughters for Christmas.

  580. Angie H.

    I’d like to sew somw wallets this winter for gift-giving. I found a neat pattern and these strips would make wonderful wallets.

    Thank you for the giveaway.

  581. mary fiori

    I am sewing halloween costumes at the moment. I am also sewing block of the month quilt with a local quilt store. Teaching my adult daughter to sew..so we are doing simple things like burp cloths, skirts…etc. Hope to win! Looking forward to hearing from you

  582. Nancy Broshat

    I’ll be making doll clothes for my preschool classroom.

  583. J. Harmon

    Such beautiful fabric! I have been sewing clothes for my daughter and I hope to sew at least a couple more fall dresses before the end of the year. Thank you for the chance to win!!

  584. I plan on sewing some window treatments and hopefully a quilt!

  585. Kat

    The City Weekend quilt will be perfect for my granddaughter. Now to think of something just as perfect for her twin brother!

  586. Christy pair

    I am hoping to sew coordinating outfits for my three kids.

  587. Sarah

    I have a Hopscotch skirt and top, and a Sailboat skirt and top on the go. I am so excited that the fabric is finally available! Thanks for the chance to win!

  588. Freddy V.

    I am teaching my 11 year old granddaughter to sew. We made the jelly roll sundress and just finished a knit skirt. Now her older sister has placed an “order” for a knit skirt. She would love this fabric to sew with.

  589. I am currently working on Halloween costumes for my daughters. Next I will be sewing quilted stockings this holiday season. Also, as a tradition, Christmas Eve our children open one gift each – a quilt that I have made them. I’m still searching for the perfect fabric for the quilts this year!

  590. Emily P

    Jumprope dresses number 10 and 11 are first. Then two Halloween Ice Cream tops, and another music class blouse. After those it will be either a school days coat, playdate dress, or hopscotch set – I haven’t decided yet.

  591. Virginia

    Goodness…where do I start? I have a Minnie Mouse costume, 2 quilts, seat cushions, and lots of aprons (everyone is getting one for Christmas!)

  592. Laurn

    I plan on sewing things for the home – pillow covers and a quilt or two. I hope to find time to make a few ice cream social dresses or tops for holiday gifts.

  593. Jen Shepherd

    I’m sewing a nerdy little bag for my husband to hold his dungeons & dragons dice, a cozy little blanket for my 2 year old daughter, and very excited to sew pajama pants for my 3 year old son. I really hope to win some of this awesome fabric!!!

  594. Jennifer

    I plan to make some fabric yo yo Christmas ornaments Thanks for the Chance

  595. Jennyroo

    I love the turquoise and red combinations together! So pretty! I have a few little quilting projects planned this fall – a throw for each of my closest gal friends, and a quilt for a spring baby that I can’t wait to be holding in my arms!

  596. Such a great giveaway ! I’m I’m planning on making a hopscotch skirt, knit top + dress sewing pattern. How exciting !
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  597. Kathleen

    As I write, I am making my first Ice Cream Dress in the smallest size for my new great-niece. I am taking it slow and reading the directions thoroughly as well as helpful hints on the Forum. After this, I will be making little girl’s dresses from my collection of vintage patterns from the Teens and Early Twenties for my friends with little ones. The vintage look of the Ice Cream Dress is what first caught my eye in a fabric store in Anchorage, Alaska.

  598. Ashley

    I’m planning on making my daughter’s Christmas dress and I need to start working on some things for the boy we’re expecting in February!

  599. My sister’s pregnant, so lots of quilts and things for her baby!

  600. Sara Frankenfeld

    I just finished an Ice Cream blouse for my two year old and I’m planning to tackle the Music Box jumper next. I want to work my way up to the pattern that inspired me to take up sewing again after an 18 year hiatus, the Birthday Party Dress. Thank you for the chance to win some beautiful fabric!

  601. Denise

    Would love to win…. fingers crossed. Love the entire new line of fabrics. Just finished an Ice cream dress and just received my Hopscotch pattern. Cant wait to try the top with some of the new knits.

  602. I really want to sew a bubble dress for my littlest girl. r.dukes@live.com

  603. Belinda

    I hope to finish my daughter’s quilt, which was supposed to be done before she was born (she’s now 1)!!

  604. meg

    I will finally make the roman blinds that have been on my to do list for three years.

  605. I’ll be sewing clothing for girls, some of your patterns (Puppetshow shorts and tunics, hopscotch skirts and jump rope dresses) as well as some other patterns.
    Love the new range – can’t wait til yardage is available!

  606. wonderful prizes – thank you!
    working on a secret santa swap 🙂

  607. I’m going to be sewing for my 2 year old granddaughter. I loved your article in the new Sew Beautiful. Great ideas for putting fabrics together!

  608. LoVinG your fabric choices!
    currently it’s eu style shoulder bags …
    thx for a great giveaway!

  609. Stefanie

    Apart from sewing myself through all the wonderful new Oliver and S patterns I will use those gorgous knits to finally sew something for MOI – usually my daughter gets all my sewing time but with those wonderful knits I HAVE to reserve some sewing time for me 🙂
    All the best from Sydney, Stef

  610. a 2+2 tunic for izzy my boy,
    a hopscotch skirt for coco, for her dolly a toy,
    a hanky for andy, a silk dress for me,
    a busy month ahead, fun for all the family!

  611. Tiia

    I want to learn to do quilting! I have planned to do some Christmas gifts. My daughter would love a skirt from the City Weekend fabrics!

  612. Joan

    I would love to win.
    Thank you

  613. gillian

    I have always wanted to make a quilt so winning this jelly roll would give me the incentive to actually start it!

    gillian x

  614. Katherine

    I am busy sewing fall school clothes and beginning my Christmas gifts. This is the year I am making items for veryone – so much fun. 🙂 Fopr my 5 yeard old daugher, I plan to sew a Music class skirt, and the long sleeve top from the 2 +2 pattern.

  615. Natalie

    I’m finally going to sew a few dresses for myself this fall! Everything I sew is for my 2 kids or gifts for friends and family. It is time for me!

  616. I can’t think of a better fabric collection to keep me and my sewing machine company on these cooler north east nights!

  617. Planning on lots of little dresses and jumpers for my friends’ adorable wee daughters. 🙂

  618. Linda

    An Oliver + S Tea Party dress is next on my list. Would love some City Weekend fabric for this project. Finishing a pink batik quilt for a friend with breast cancer.

  619. I plan to sew skirts for my grandaughters.

  620. Mary

    I’m going to sew a Jump Rope Dress for my daughter, and I vow to make something for my son. It’s time he got something!

  621. I’ve just bought the ice cream social dress pattern (wa-a-a-y behind everyone else!) and am planning to make it for my niece’s first birthday

  622. Meg

    How nice! I am beginning to think Christmas gifts, but right now I’m still sewing winter skirts and dresses for my girl. Just cut out my second Jump Rope dress, this one in corduroy!


  623. Angie

    I’m going to sew a Tea Party dress for the spring for my daughter; mostly knitting for the holidays for the next month or so.

  624. lia

    I plan to sew a 2 + 2 blouse.

  625. Jen

    I’ll be sewing a lot … a coat, some baby gifts, and I’m finishing up a tent to hang over my son’s bed.

  626. Ashley

    These fabrics would be perfect for a Grandmother’s Flower Quilt I have just started! It will take me forever, but it’s a great fall/winter project!

  627. I am planning to make my very first quilt! It’s a gift for my niece, who is due to be born at Christmas time! I’m very excited.

  628. jm

    I’m working on some shirts and bibs. Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful fabric!

  629. Karen

    I just finished up a Little Red Riding Hood costume for my daughter for Halloween and have the fabric ready to start the Music Class skirt and blouse for my granddaughter. I also have the sketchbook shirt and shorts pattern and want to make those, but lengthen the shorts to long pants for winter.

  630. I would love to sew my girl some dresses and I love the school photo dress pattern… I plan to sew it 😉

  631. Diana

    I just taught / am teaching myself how to sew. This started a few months ago so every project is a new adventure. I really can’t get enough of it! I’m constantly coming up with new ideas. With this fabric the possibilities are endless – some cute handbags, 50’s style aprons(maybe a patchwork apron), baby clothes (lots of friends having babies!) and/or a quilt! My goal is to make homemade Christmas gifts this year (at least most of them) so this would help a great deal! Thanks for the opportunity!

  632. GothamMom

    Hmm, on the sewing table are:

    2 Doll quilts (for my girl who is “5 11/12ths”)
    1 TinTin costume (for my adorable 16 mo)
    Waaaay too much mending. Feh.
    A baby quilt to finish for a “baby” who is 4..must get that done.
    Clothes, patterns picked, and fabric selected, for my 2 week old niece!

  633. so we added chickens

    This season I plan to make at least one handbag as a gift and probably one for me, some new pjs for my son, a little dress or romper for my daughter, a quilt (or two if they are small) and maybe, if I get the nerve, a dress for myself. I love this line and I can imagine at least a few of the above items made from some of these designs.

  634. I am planning to make the Liverpool shirt and a fall coat for myself.
    There are more babies on their way to friends of mine so I see some Oliver + S in my near future as well.
    Oh, and I am going to whip up a dozen or so little gift bags for a special project of mine.

  635. kate g.

    i fear that i’m being a bit ambitious but so far my list consists of: 2 tea party dresses for the little girls of friends, a few pairs of sandbox pants for my little guy, a music box dress per daughter’s request, kimono flannel pjs for both in time for christmas and hopefully a top for me. i guess that’s it:)

  636. Brigit Dermott

    I plan to make a quilted cover for my sewing machine and a full size quilt. I have the ice cream dress pattern that I plan to use in the spring, too. I usually sew some Christmas tree ornaments and I think I might try to make drawstring bags for gifts instead of using wrapping paper!

  637. I want to sew a dress for my newest baby girl!

  638. CherylK

    I’m working on a winter coat for my daughter, quilts for my nieces, and a quilt for my sister’s wedding.

  639. sharon

    my FAVE colours! yes 🙂 thank you for this offer!
    innovating aprons right now…
    and creative banding on shower and window coverings…

  640. Elley

    Beautiful fabrics!
    Right now I am sewing two sets of the Music Class Blouse and Skirt pattern for my two youngest daughters. The blouses are matching, but they chose two different colors for the skirts – they are turning out really cute. I have to say, this is the first time I have tried one of your patterns and I love all the time saving tips you have used! (love being able to cut strips of interfacing with the rotary cutter!) lol – and other projects? I have a few quilts on the burner as well as an embroidered pillow, a table runner, and some appliqued towel sets. . .and I would love to try another Oliver + S pattern. 🙂

  641. Shannon Burchard

    I am looking at a shirt and maybe a coat for my son as well as a dress and a skirt for my little girl…and costumes for both:)

  642. Tracey

    Gorgeous colours!
    I’ll be making another pair of the todder pjs and will attempt to make some tshirts for my nearly 2yr old daughter.

  643. amy

    oooh, beautiful fabrics! after I’m done with the Halloween costumes, I plan on making a few critters from Wee Wonderfuls new book, some practical napkins and food baggies for lunch boxes and eventually new stockings for the family this holiday season.

  644. Mmmm… So pretty. I started sewing when I had my youngest, a girl, as I was so inspired by the cute little girl dresses I knew I could make. This season, I plan to sew more for my oldest, a boy.

  645. So much I want to make! A fall dress, bags and bags, baby clothes for pregnant friends…

  646. CarolineB

    a skirt or two for my daughter plus she would probably make a little stuffed animal and some doll clothes with any smaller pieces.

  647. Many more dresses and skirts for my little fashionista!

  648. Jenn Gray

    I’m working on a number of Ottobre patterns including a pinafore and a pair of overalls. I only just started sewing so I don’t have a lot on my plate to begin with. I’ve just started working with knits for the first time and would love to give these a try. Thanks.

  649. Lots of house items to give as holiday gifts, a rain parka for myself, and some clothes for my daughter and son. Can’t wait to dig in to the O & S patterns.

  650. Kat

    Having just finished sewing a tent for my daughter’s reading nook, getting matching pillows on her bed is a high priority.

  651. sang

    I love that there are so many basic stripes and dots in this collection. I will def be making clothes for both my kids.

  652. Wow! Nearly 650 comments. There’s a lot of people who love that fabric. 🙂

  653. bettina

    These fabrics are beautiful! I’d use them for little projects, like bags and purses, great for christmas gifts, too. Also for embellish some simple solid projects. Or they would inspire me to try myself on quilts, who knows? 🙂

  654. ileen

    I like to sew quilts and clothes and the occasional over-the-shoulder bag. Just started the Jump Rope dress. thanks

  655. Beth

    I plan on sewing for my toddler grandson!

  656. LauraJ

    I hope I’m not too late to enter. I sew quilts and bags and pillows too! 🙂 I have a City Weekend Layer Cake and I’m still sitting on it as to what I’ll be working it into. It’s just beautiful!

  657. This season I plan to sew a couple of winter dresses for my little girls.

  658. sylvia

    Me too, on the I hope its not too late… I have a Christmas quilt started last year that I really need to get finished :>) Love these fabrics for a quilt!

  659. Thanks to everyone who entered the drawing. Because we had such a large number of entries, we decided to sweeten the pot a little and added one more jelly roll and one more layer cake to the prize pool.

    Congratulations to our five winners, selected with the assistance of random.org:

    Jelly Roll: Julie
    Jelly Roll: Judy
    Layer Cake: Cricket
    Layer Cake: Natalie
    Yardage: Jennifer

    Our winners have been notified by email.

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