vermont sewing weekend #2

Goodness, that last Vermont post was long! Sorry. I’ll try to make this one a little bit shorter. But I’ve got lots of photos to show you.

This is Joni. Her husband drove with her from Kentucky to Vermont and then stayed in the campground down the road from the inn while his adorable wife sewed with her new friends for a couple of days. What a guy, huh? And take a closer look at Joni:

Notice the matching Heather Ross bag and sneakers? Love them!

It’s terrific to get to know everyone who attends these weekends. The one thing they have in common, besides an interest in sewing, is that they are all fantastic people! It’s an honor to hang out with them for a couple of days and get to know each of them better.

Everyone who attended the second sewing weekend got a special surprise. First, they had a chance to visit the costume barn. Here is Rae wearing a vintage beaded dress that fit her almost perfectly. She looked ready for teepee cocktail hour!

And the second surprise was that Denyse Schmidt came to give a special Sunday morning workshop! What could be better?

And Heather, Denyse, and I got a little surprise at the end of the weekend, ourselves. Jean, a veterinarian, was inspired by a story Heather told (I hope she’ll re-tell it on her blog) about the dead mice she and her sister used to dress and pose. Jean doesn’t mind handling dead mice, and she happened to come across a little dead mouse in the garden outside the inn. So she fashioned a tiny Ice Cream Dress for it from Liberty of London scraps and presented it to Heather with a tiny Denyse Schmidt-inspired quilt.




  1. Emily

    Okay, I thought the dead kids in car story was gross…dead mice (with a picture to boot?)…you’ve topped yourself, and not in a good way!

  2. Emily

    Ha, I really sound like a cranky old lady…sorry to sound so harsh…i couldn’t think of a funny way to say “ew.” Apparently I need the “delicate flower” warning on your posts…I’d just pass on reading your blog, but I really enjoy and appreciate the sewing-specific ones, particularly the ones on your patterns. I’d write more now but I have to go yell at some kids to get off my lawn.

  3. OHmyword – me! me! I’m raising my hand in a yes vote for Heather’s dead mice story! (here’s hoping Heather will read this and post it to her blog) She has the most gifted way of telling a morbid story into something totally hilarious – and I will always vote for a good laugh.

    I enjoyed seeing all the photos, Liesl – thanks for sharing. I must say, Laura looks awfully cute at her sewing machine.

  4. Karen

    I love the expression on Heather’s face in that picture. I read it as a little humor and a little chagrin. She’s such a good sport.

    If I’d read this a year sooner I would have thought to make a little necktie for my son’s hamster when he died. How awesome would that have been?

    Thanks for the giggle today.

  5. aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!! I just realized that the mouse was photographed, too! I thought it was the dress and quilt and the idea of using it for a dead mouse.


  6. Sarvi

    Aw, I thought it was very sweet to give Mrs. Mouse a lovely dress and quilt! She’ll be so chic and cozy in the afterlife.

  7. sahmcolorado

    I just have to say – yuck

  8. Emily, this is your official heads up. Avoid my blog for a few days.

  9. nicole keller

    Reminds me of when the Twins found a dead penguin on the beach and wanted to take it home and wash it and put it on their bed ! ( We live on a farm, dead things are a part of life, just wash your hands !)

  10. I’m dreaming of a weekend like this. I’ve been a SAHM for 10 years, and I’ve never done a girls weekend away. Any suggestions on how to find something like this? I would love to have someone else take care of all the details for once.

  11. Rae

    ooh yay! I’ve obviously been out of the loop here because I’m just now catching up on my blog-reading…so much fun to read about our wonderful weekend!

    Also just read your Calvin College “guess where?” post on disdressed (totally bummed I missed out on that fun, hee!)

    Anyway it’s always great to read your blog(s). I will get you back later for posting that picture of me in those shoulderpads! 😛

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