
Inspired to read on-line magazines? Here’s a list: Decor8

Drooling over this beautiful sewing kit: Van Eijk & Van der Lubbe

Such a beautiful party: LMNOP

Chloe Sevigny takes you on a walk through New York’s East Village and visits some of our favorite neighborhood shops: Bust Magazine

We would love for our paper dolls to have backs, too: LMNOP

A brilliant solution for piecing of tiny patchwork squares: Sew Mama Sew

Cutest tape measure ever: Betz White

They certainly know how to do rush hour in the Netherlands: How We Drive

And, speaking of the Netherlands, these are the most adorable store windows ever: Design Sponge




  1. sahmcolorado

    Re: piecing tiny patchwork squares – this is brilliant! If you didn’t want the added interfacing for a quilt to be used as a blanket, I bet you could use water soluble iron-on paper instead. I’ve been using some from Beth Ferrier and it’s great for applique!

  2. sahmcolorado

    Re: Netherlands rush hour – I wonder if they ride their bikes in the winter??

  3. Perfect timing, I have been looking for inspiration to make a portable sewing kit. This couldn’t be any better.

  4. hi there,

    You made me laugh about the dutch rush hour. It is actually like that and is really normal! I even have a child in front of the bike, a child at the back and groceries in a basket in front as well. So normal for us! Last i was in the US and was amazed how you go about going for a bikeride, with a helmet, drinks, sportswear and even the bike on the car to drive somewhere else….. so strange…. hihi…
    Greetz from The Netherlands

  5. Sahmcolorado: here’s rush hour in the Netherlands in the winter:

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