
It’s always fun to get a peek into a designer’s process: Tula Pink, via True Up

How to convert a pattern into a downloadable pdf: BurdaStyle

I really need to get myself a subscriptions to Uppercase

Photos of the volcano in Iceland: Boston Globe and The Telegraph (be sure to click through the whole slide show on the second link)

Wear what you’ve made in May: the Me Made Challenge

One of these days Gertie and I will run into each other on a shopping trip to the Garment District: Gertie’s New Blog for Better Sewing (via Colette)

Where I’d like to spend an afternoon: Posie Gets Cozy

Enjoying the Collection a Day blog

Excellent advice on mixing prints: The New York Times

I remember shopping here: The Sartorialist




  1. I’d be delighted to run into you in the Garment District!!!

  2. Hye just to say the Lazy challenge is over ! You can watch it here

    And there is a blog of oliverands french fans over there

    Thanks for all that dream for our child’ !!! Christine

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