popover sundress: free downloadable pattern

We initially developed the Popover Sundress for Issue 6 of Sew Hip, the British sewing magazine. Now you can download it for free!

Great for pursuing all sorts of naturalist adventures, or just spending a lazy summer day enjoying the sun, this loose-fitting A-line sundress has a contrast yoke with bias ties at the shoulder.

The Popover Sundress makes an excellent first project for a new seamstress–or a quick project that provides almost instant gratification for someone with a bit more experience.

The pattern comes in sizes 2-8 and provides many opportunities for customization. One early sewer even discovered that it can easily be made into a fully reversible dress.

Download a copy of the pattern today and make a little girl very happy with a new dress for the last days of summer.

Printing instructions: the pattern is provided as a PDF file sized specifically for 8.5 x 11 inch paper. Pages 1-3 should print in portrait mode while pages 4-11 should print in landscape. To provide accurate sizing of the pattern when printing the file, ensure that the option for Page Scaling in Acrobat Reader’s print dialogue box is set to “None.”

Updated, August 2010: we’ve now released a version of this pattern suitable for an 18 inch doll. You may download that pattern as well to make matching dresses for a little girl and her favorite doll.




  1. Hooray! Thank you!!

  2. … adorable … more adorable … the most adorable … merci liesl …

  3. sews4kla

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I've looked for Sew Hip in my area and have not been able to find it.

  4. Hooray! I immediately forwarded this link to a friend who is learning to sew.

    The dress looks adorable on S!!!

  5. I'm all giddy inside just thinking about the memory of being there in Vermont watching you stitch this up for little S. It looks precious on her! Was she happy about the *pink* detailing?

  6. Adorable. Thank you for sharing. I have two little girls who would love this.

  7. I just love your patterns, free or paid for! Thank you!

  8. Thanks so much. My little girl will love this when summer comes to our part of the world!

  9. Nora's Room

    My six year old son says "the real S" has a really nice smile. Great pics, and thanks for sharing the pattern!

  10. Tece

    Thanks so much for the Popover pattern. I've been wanting to make this dress for my granddaughter using her great-great grandma's pillowcase with hand crocheted edge. (I have been trying to track down this pattern for a while!)

  11. Thank you Liesl! You are so generous!

  12. Thank U so much! Looking forward to the new fall patterns and already getting excited about fabrics!

  13. It's very sweet and I love the idea of making it reversible for one of my girls who is at the 'wear one dress every day' stage.

  14. Cute dress…I've saved the pattern for my Christmas sewing- I have 3 nieces!

  15. How beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing, I'll be linking to this.

  16. Thank you for being so generous!!

  17. liz

    thanks! can't wait!

  18. Thank you so very much!

  19. Thanks for the pattern, I've been looking for something like this for a while!

  20. Thank you for this nice pattern!
    Are the seam allowances comprised or do I have to add them when I trace on the fabric? I couldn't find any precision on the pattern.

  21. Hi Celine,

    Seam allowances are always included in our patterns. Enjoy!


  22. Hello
    Thank you so much. I just made one for my two year old for summer. It's over at my blog, http://www.eeloh.wordpress.com

    This dress is so simple yet so swellegant that it will be my standby for gifts for relatives… love the big size range Just bought some more fabric today.

    Thank you once again!

    Oh, do feel free to post the photo of my creation on your Flickr pool if you have one.

  23. nehmah

    Thank you for being so generous with your skills. I'm the original "can't draw a straight line with a ruler" person. I also have 2 GDs young enough to wear this as a pinafore this fall. Cordially, Nehmah

  24. Wooooooo Hoooooooo! I can't wait to make my girls dresses! This is going to be so fun! Thanks!

  25. thanx for this beautiful free pattern!!!!
    I am sure i will make one or two…

  26. Any suggestions on how to modify it for an 18m size?

    Thanks for such a lovely free pattern:)


  27. Such a great pattern and so easy to follow for a newbie sewer like me. I made three of these so far! Will post pics to the FlickR group as soon as it is warm enough for my munchkin to wear them. Thanks so much! I just purchased a new Oliver and S pattern yesterday now that following the free ones has given me some confidence. I so appreciate the freebies and am looking forward to my next Oliver and S project.

  28. Thank you so much !

  29. I am so glad you posted something like this. This will be my first dress/clothing project with the two of my girls. Thanks for something so fashionable and chic!

  30. thanks for this great pattern. It was perfect for a beginner like me.

  31. I have made one for my daughter Emma.

  32. Thank you for this lovely pattern. I have just made a dress for my 3 year old with my Grandmother’s vintage Liberty lawn……
    Also…have made her a couple of lazy days skirts too – brilliant! Thank you again for such straight-talking patterns!

  33. Danelle

    LOVE this dress. I’ve made it up several times and it is HIT!

  34. Anna

    Thank you so much for this and the doll dress version. My daughter will be thrilled!

  35. Vicki Roland

    i just finished my first dress for my daughter. i love it! thanks for the pattern. i can not wait to make more.

  36. Yvette

    Love the Lazy day skirt. I cut two lenghts of fabric and made one for me!!!!!

  37. Danielle

    Thank you so much for this pattern. I sewed it up yesterday for my Miss5 and it was easy to follow and looks lovely. I have another one pinned up ready to cut out now. A great dress for the Queensland Summer 😉

  38. Sandy's Seams

    I will be happy to make a dress or two. I may have to use a different pattern since my printer doesn’t want to cooperate lately.

  39. Beth

    I would love to make a few of these! Thanks for the pattern. How do I get them to you?

  40. Nice pattern! Thx!
    My dress: http://bengels.tmedia.be/2011/7/23/een-zomers-jurkje!.aspx

  41. I think I saw that you had given permission for this pattern to be used for charity dresses……

    A group of women at church is about to embark on a project of dresses but I want to confirm before I pass on the link.


    1. Willa, yes that’s fine. Thanks for asking.

  42. Love the Lazy day skirt. I cut two lenghts of fabric and made one for me!!!!!

  43. Amanda

    Thank you so much for the printing instructions. I tried printing like 100 times from the website and it did not print. I had to not only download the pattern but choose portrait as stated for it to print!!! So glad I googled to find your site!!! Thanks so much. Happy sewing.

  44. Sophie ERIMA

    J’ai imprimé le patron Popover Sundress de oliver + s
    J’aimerai savoir comment faire pour avoir les explications en français.

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