What are you sewing now?
9 years ago LINK
Tamara @justsewit
The birthday party dress is complete. Such a cute little dress and what a fabulous pattern! I can see many more of these being made.
Photos are on their way!
Now on to the task of measuring myself up for a shirt! But first a cuppa with hubby as it’s smoko time.
9 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
I saw them on instagram @katybellabug, so sweet!
I finished Jed’s jeans, super heavy denim but they should wear well. I used some scraps from his Liberty shirt to make the pocket bags and line the back yoke.
Next up, a muslin of the Lisette Attache peplum top for Elsa’s 16th birthday sew.
9 years ago LINKkatybellabug @katybellabug
@motherof5 The twins are almost 16?!! Yikes!
9 years ago LINKcybele727 @cybele727
Wow. Everyone is so busy. I’m at a stand stil of sorts having broken my machine. I took it in yesterday and they said 2 weeks. I cut 4 hopscotch dresses last night from knits I got at Mood when I was there in August. So I will be ready.
But it’s ok because I have a trial on Friday. I’m not going to lie. I am anxious and nervous. But no lawyer I know doesn’t get that way for a trial. But trial prep is all consuming. Kids will eat lots of PBJ for dinner this week. The only thing that made me feel better is that opposing counsel called and I could hear the complete panic in her voice. I don’t blame her. If I had her client, I’d probably go to the court officer before trial and ask them to be extra intimidating. In our last appearance he threatened the judge. Not your best strategy. IMHO.
Nevertheless, as the machine gets repaired my pile grows bigger with cut patterns.
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I’ve been attempting to sew buttons on the puppet show and family reunion dresses but it is slightly difficult with a baby getting into mischief. I have four buttons to do on the puppet show and then I am done.
I am yet to alter patterns that are waiting for me on the dining table. Sleeptime is just around the corner so I will grab the chance then.
9 years ago LINKcybele727 @cybele727
OOOH I miss new babies and so glad I don’t have one.
Although in some respects they are easier than the older kids.
Enjoy your baby!!!
9 years ago LINKMaggie @Magonomics
I’m thinking about halloween costumes! Last year we did Paddington Bear and the year before was a peacock.
This year 3 year old wants to be the lorax. I’m thinking this means orange leggings, orange hoodie with eyes and mustache attached, and truffula shaped bag for candy.
Her sister is going to reuse a hand me down elephant costume and be Horton from ‘Horton Hears a Who’. I just need to make her a felt flower to carry around.
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9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
@cybele727 she is the best thing since sliced bread and more! She’s on my hip pretty much all the time so we get to do lots of things one handed together. Except helping with drafting sheep for shearing – she’s in the carrier then and really I need to employ it alot more than I do. But with her crawling and big kids having no concept of putting little things away, I am constantly chasing my tail when she is on the floor.
So that said, I managed to alter the metro tee pattern – it is now resembling my very strangely shaped body! I want to work on the shirt dress next and then it’s muslin time!
9 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
I finished Sofia’s chocolate biscuit shirt in time for Picture Day and she said all her friends wanted to eat her up when she wore it.
I have ordered more pink twill to make a new pair of Field Trip pants for her. She loved the old pair so much (as did I) I decided to track down some of that pink twill. It won’t be here for a few more days so I should get started on tracing the pattern. I think a proper fly would be needed as well. I’ll have to ask her preference.
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
After having the most frustrating pattern altering session, I have turned my attention back to the baby and her much needed summer wardrobe. I have cut out and am sewing a butterfly top and skirt and hope to have both complete tonight when I embark on an all night sewing stint seeing as neither the infant or myself are sleeping well right now!
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
One Butterfly top and two butterfly skirts complete!
I printed off a couple of Liesl and co patterns tonight, with a view of making them for my eldest. They may be a birthday gift depending on how fast I get them made.
9 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Maggie I loved your Paddington set so much. Makes me wish I’d tracked down a better lining fabric. I’m hoping to make a suitcase following your lead, to have as a backup costume for this year. Her plans are entering the change-every-second phase.
9 years ago LINKAnonymous @
I’m holding Clara to the kangaroo idea. We’ll be gone for the first two weeks in October, so no time for changing her mind! Ollie going to be a “floating pumpkin head”. I should probably get started on those!
9 years ago LINKvothgirl @vothgirl
Wow it’s been a while since I posted here! Summer has been busy and I’ve been sewing less. I’m finally starting on the Lisette Moto dress I cut out months ago in Cotton + Steel rayon, I need to finish it before the weather cools down!
Once that’s done I’ve got a couple Gallery tunics and Ben’s Goldstream pea coat next in the queue, along with some more sewing for hire for a mama who is starting up a hand-dyed cloth baby goods business (think swaddle blankets, etc). I don’t think I’ll have time to do Halloween costumes this year, but last year we didn’t even end up leaving the house so I don’t feel too bad about it. I’ve narrowed down what I think I will be doing for the girls’ Christmas dresses tho, I’m thinking Garden Party dresses, Ellie’s in this: http://www.moodfabrics.com/metallic-gold-floral-printed-cotton-voile-306471.html and Olivia’s in this: http://www.moodfabrics.com/fuchsia-royal-purple-floral-printed-cotton-voile-306343.html both fully lined of course. And I will buy a pretty cardigan for each of them to wear over it as well as stockings and shoes.
9 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
@katybellabug it is way too fast
I finished the Lisette Attache peplum top in neoprene (scuba knit) for Elsa.
It was a great fabric to sew but not fun to unpick, the stitches ‘sunk in’. I did make a calico muslin first and also did the petite adjustment and scooped out the neck line.
It looks great but I need sunshine to photograph it, being black.
@vothgirl , you will love sewing the Pea coat, it is a very satisfying sew.
I love your fabric choices for the little girls. -
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