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What are you sewing now?

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    Dawn R @dpaddy

    I am working on Lullably Layette pieces. I am doing a long sleeve, snap crotch top in a RealTree fabric. Not my choice of fabric, but my niece loves the stuff. I have brown fine wale corduroy for the pants. I want to do a jacket also but I am not sure what fabric to use.

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    I had to google what RealTree fabric is. Are you sewing it for a girl or boy, and is it meant to be worn soon? I was thinking a layette jacket out of sherpa or berber fleece (if meant to be worn while it’s still winter) with bias trim in leftover RealTree or hunting orange fabric would look nice (if for a girl, you could trim it in a rose pink or something fun). Alternately, you could hack the jacket pattern and remove the sleeves (except for the shoulder portion) to make a fleece vest, and bind the armholes with bias trim like the rest of the jacket. Just an idea, but I think it would be cute and would go well with the corduroy pants too ;-).

    I’m getting started today on an Explorer Vest I’ve had cut out since before Christmas but didn’t have time to get to. After that, I will cut out a Grainline Archer for myself out of AMH flannel, sew Ellie a Lunch Box top to go with her new culottes, and start working on Ben’s “wearable muslin” Thread Theory Goldstream coat – I just got the fabric in the mail yesterday. Silver/light grey canvas for the body, the upper lapel and outer hood in ‘cement’ colored finewale corduroy, and the hood and coat lined with this stuff: https://www.fabric.com/buy/0364488/kaufman-shetland-flannel-herringbone-redwood . the color is even more lovely in person :-).

    And @sarvi thanks to you, I’ve been poring over the Brooklyn Tweed website the last few days drooling over the patterns and yarn. I’ve decided that my “goal sweater” (what I’m shooting for and will treat myself to when I have enough experience/skill) is the ‘Keel’ in the lovely ‘Almanac’ blue it’s pictured in on the website ;-). I need to tackle some less challenging knitting projects first tho!

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by vothgirl.
    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by vothgirl.
    Dawn R @dpaddy

    It’s a boy and winter. I think that sherpa or berber fleece would b perfect!! Thank you for the suggestion. I was serching and knit just seems so average.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Yay @vothgirl.
    @Dawn R, that will look so cute.

    Don’t you love it when a experiment works?
    I made Trixie a Hopscotch top and skirt today but I adapted the skirt to have the Tea Party bloomers built in.
    And it worked!

    It was not with out a few head scratching moments though. As I have said in the past, I take my hat off to pattern designers, definitely NOT something I could do.

    Dawn R @dpaddy

    I love when something I try works out.

    I am not a pattern designer but I do enjoy sewing without patterns sometimes…mostly for myself. I have a dress form that I use.

    My all time favorite things to sew is little girls dresses.

    Nicole @motherof5

    No sewing, it was a washing and ironing day, but I did prep some cornflower blue cotton poplin for Music Class school blouses (short sleeves and pin tucks) for Lid’s and Tildy.

    I *was* going to cut navy Badminton skorts as bottoms but I am seriously considering Lunch Box culottes with all the lovely versions popping up in the Flickr pool…..

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I haven’t done much sewing in the last week between visitors and being sick 🙁 But i just need to add snaps to the lullaby jacket I made from the leftovers from the Swoon Cardigan I made myself. I love the lullaby pattern because I can use up pieces of fabric that would otherwise be to small. Espically if I cut it out at the same time as the main garment!

    Masha Richart

    Lots and lots of baby stuff. I was certain that #3 would be our last and so I gave everything away. Right now I have 10 newborn fitted diapers in progress and I am also working through the Lullaby Layette. I’ve determined to make most everything from stash fabric, which is requiring a little creativity in the matching department. I know from experience that if I don’t take advantage of the nesting urge theverysecond it hits, it will flee, never to return, and I won’t do anything. SO I’m trying to sew while I am inspired to!

    Heidi – what snaps do you use for your layettes?

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I use size 20 KAM snaps because I have a snap press and that’s the only size I have! I’m thinking of getting the size 16 die set next time I order as I think the size 16’s are smaller and flatter.
    I made 2 sleep sacks/baby gowns from the hopscotch pattern yesterday, black with contrasting animal print yoke for a friend having twins soon.
    Maybe sew something for myself today!

    Tamara @justsewit

    @roundtheworldgirl, I know a neighbour who was determined her number three would be the last and did exactly the same thing. Because she doesn’t sew she had the purchase everything when her surpise number 4 (and only son) came along. You can’t go wrong with the layette pattern but I would use number 16 kams if you were going to use them as they are a little smaller and not too big to fit on the plackets – just go easy in undoing them though as I had one pop off the crotch yesterday and was a little over enthusiastic in my undoing them. That’s two that need replacing now.

    Been spending a little time each day handstitching the hem on a wip baby dress. I have buttons to do and then the knickers and the outfit will be complete.

    Masha Richart

    @withloveheidi that is good to know – I also have the press and size 20 snaps. Yours look ok so perhaps I’ll just use what I already have. I am considering getting the size 16 die but I’ve also thought about just ordering the Snap Source snaps and setter here in the O+S store. I have a few months before I need to have those snaps in place 🙂

    also good information. I’ve had a few of the size 20 Kam snaps come off diapers I made, but those were the snaps I installed using the pliers, before I acquired the press. Do you have a press or pliers?

    Tamara @justsewit

    @roundtheworldgirl I have a press but must not have applied those two parts correctly – the has to be allowance for stuff ups.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I downloaded Kitschy Coo’s Penny pinafore for me this morning. I think I’m nearly through the alterations. Although I’m comparatively short waisted for my 6′ in height I still end up adding like 4″ above the waist to get it in the right position! Hopefully all the extra length and the FBA gives me a good fit.
    Then I need to find enough fabric to test it out. I think I need a bolt of basic knit fabric to test my alterations!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Have to add redoing the elastic in one leg of the heather ross bubble I made Chloe – dont ask me what happened because it was working last time she wore it! First though it needs to be washed ans soaked in napisan!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I think I made all the changes I need to the Penny Pinafore pattern yesterday! now I need to trace off the modified pieces and make up the first go. I’m hoping I’ll get a TNT tshirt/knit dress to make design changes to, even if it takes a couple of goes.

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