Oliver + S

New here? Introduce yourself!

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    Deepa @DeepaThomas

    Hello to all the wonderful ladies in this group, and as far as I can detect, the only man, the brilliant Todd who made this forum possible. I am one of a remarkably tiny clan , that of Moms in India Who Sew Oliver and S Patterns For Their Children ! I know of one other member , Elephantinthestudy, in this group. To tell the truth, I only recently joined the clan myself ,when my sister bought me the Afterschool, Seashore and Sketchbook patterns last month. I sewed up the Seashore sundress twice and straightaway realised why O & S patterns cost more: they are that good ! ( I have sewn the free patterns on the website : the halter top, the hat and the sundress )
    A little more about myself : I have been sewing for myself since I was in school, mostly skirts and tops as a teenager and then kurta-pyjamas (loose fitting tunic and pant ensemble) . Now that I have 3 kids, sewing is a lot more varied and fun. I was already sewing a lot of shirts for the boys in the family( that’s including dad) when the arrival of baby girl completely changed the sewing scene in our house. The boys haven’t said anything yet, but I’m sure they’ll soon start complaining , because the 2 year old has currently the largest wardrobe of all !
    I would like to say that this forum and Flickr group are marvellous and a great source of inspiration . I am a great admirer of Mcholley1 ‘s shirts for her little boy , and the fabulous Nicole and her blog are well …fabulous ! That’s just to name a couple. All the ladies on this forum are amazing , with their creativity and generosity in sharing their knowledge. Glad to be a part of it.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Deepa, you are very welcome. I have admired your very snappy sons and your dear little girl in the Flickr pool.

    Thank you for your kind comments, you have made my evening.

    How lovely to have new people.

    Deepa @DeepaThomas

    Thank you for the kind welcome, Nicole. As far as I’m concerned, you’re Superwoman ! The sewing and blogging you do , not to mention all the care and attention that 6 children need
    .. And I ‘m certain you don’t have a magic wand that you wave to get the household work done either.

    Rhythm @rhythmtyagi

    Hello everyone. Deepa, make that three members from India! I am a newbie sewist who fell in love with Oliver and s. I have a two year old daughter for whom I love to sew. About myself- I have a master’s degree in engineering in computer science and worked as a software developer for ten years. After my daughter was born, my husband and I took an early retirement and slowed down our lives. We moved to a small town in India. I pursue my hobbies full time now along with enjoying life my daughter!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Aww @Deepa, you are a sweetheart!

    Welcome @Rhythm, I get so excited to see new people post here. How wonderful to be able to spend such a lot of time with your daughter.
    (And sewing, that is second best)

    Rhythm @rhythmtyagi

    Thanks a lot Nicole! I love your blog!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Welcome, and what a charming photo of your family. I hope our India members will write about the types of local fabrics and supplies they use, it would be fascinating!

    Rhythm @rhythmtyagi

    Thank you for the warm welcome! We do get a lot of interesting fabric here. I will try to post information on any interesting stuff I come across. In fact added a picture in the flickr pool yesterday of an onstage tutu skirt in ivory net fabric with brasso work – beautiful fabric!

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    @Rhythm, I would also love to hear any of your meal ideas on this thread http://oliverands.com/community/forums/topic/whats-for-tea-today-mum !

    Nicole @motherof5

    @dubhels200, oh yes.

    Yes please @Rhythm.

    Renee @Renee

    Hi, my name is Renee and I have been a long-time lurker. I decided to introduce myself finally because I have learnt so much from these forums. As a teenager, my mum taught me how to use my grandmother’s treadle sewing machine, which I mainly used to make straight-sided bags. Clothes sewing mainly started while on maternity leave about 5 years ago when I was looking for non-pink, non-sparkly nor frilly little girl’s clothes. I first found out about Oliverands through a blog now long forgotten and I bought ‘Little Things to Sew’. The bucket hat was the first pattern sewn. I have made a few more things since then and have been pretty impressed with how easy the instructions are to follow and how nicely the clothes all come out. I have just moved from Cairns, Australia to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (hello, anyone here?) with my husband, daughter 5 and son 2.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Hi Renee, pleased to ‘meet’ you!

    I completely agree about the lack of stylish little girls clothing in the RTW market. I am have a blast dressing my littlest two girls (the older ones are nice too but the little ones still wear whatever I like).

    I also agree that the patterns are failsafe, which is so nice when we are all far too busy to waste precious sewing time on a no go garment.

    Is the treadle still your machine of choice?

    Renee @Renee

    @Nicole- I’d love to still be sewing on the treadle (its motion is so soothing), but sadly I haven’t lived with one for more than 20 years. I’m now on a Bernette.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I have an old treadle in my sitting room, I keep a block of wood under the foot pedal to stop the babies pinching their fingers. 🙂

    Renee @Renee

    And pinch them they would! I remember being very intrigued by them as a littlie.

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