free pattern: bow hair ties

Here is a really quick and easy project that uses only a couple of little fabric scraps. You know those Liberty of London bits that you’ve been saving for just the right project? This is that project: bow hair ties.


Bow Hair Ties


You’ll need two 5″ x 5″ fabric scraps, thread, an elastic hair tie, and about five minutes, tops. So you can make one to coordinate with each outfit, or make a set for a birthday gift. Or for an I-forgot-your-birthday-gift. Whatever.

I made this one out of tie silk, not to be confused with Thai silk. This silk was left over from back when I worked at Tommy and we were using tie silk for everything one season: shoes, trim on men’s shirts, you name it. You could recycle an old tie for the same effect. The shine of the silk and vibrancy of the colors make it look really special. Quilting cotton works fine, too, but you know. Liberty lawn, tie silk. Little scraps of luxury fabrics to make a little hair bow. It doesn’t take much.


Bow Hair Tie


I’m here in the studio by myself today. Not a bad photo of the bow in action for just holding the camera over my head and shooting, no?




You can download this free pattern in the free patterns section of our website. Have fun with it!



  1. Jenny

    Omg. This is a perfect thing to do with hubby’s ties when they get a snag, if I can get enough fabric out of one or use two for fun contrast!

  2. Oh, how cute! This is great for my nearly 11 year old who claims she is too old for traditional bows, boo hoo!

  3. Sandi

    I can’t believe you got that pic while holding the camera over your head! It looks great. I’m definitely going to try making these. Clara’s hair is getting long.

  4. Love it!
    This might just be the project I’ve been looking for! It will be perfect for all the tiny scraps of Liberty that live in my cupboard!
    Thanks, Ana Sofia

  5. Jennifer

    Thank you! I will make one tomorrow.

  6. Love it! Thanks! 🙂

  7. Thank you so much, I have already made three hair ties this morning, and nothing can stop me!
    I think that air accessories for children are too expensive, considering the fact that they lost or break them.

  8. This is absolutely perfect! I’m cleaning out scrap bins now, so this is just the right thing. Thanks for this project.

  9. I just saw this last night – and my daughter went off today to her first day of kindergarten wearing one. Made, worn, blogged. Very cute and quick! Thanks for the perfect project at the perfect time.

  10. Love them – Kitty is very keen on pretty hair bobbles so I’ll have to go digging in the scraps.

  11. Helen

    This is great, but I have one technical question. On the pdf, the pattern is about 7″ by 4″. Am I doing something wrong o should it actually be this size?

    1. Helen, the sheet of paper is 8 1/2 x 11″. If it is not printing out to fill a whole standard sized sheet, something is off in your print settings.

  12. Helen

    OK, thanks!

  13. brenda eden

    Did anyone else have print issues? My pattern piece is also 7 inches long. I have checked my print settings and it is still not in proportion. Thanks.

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