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    Justine J @justmejay

    I read an article about the snow storm yesterday – the accompanying pictures were amazing. I can’t imagine what it would be like to live somewhere where it snows (I shall confess here – I have never seen snow!)

    It was Harry’s birthday on Friday (12) – so my weekend has been a huge party fest – we had my parents and my FIL for dinner in Friday, and then yesterday he took 4 friends to SkyZone (a trampoline place), then back home for a play & dinner, and then three of them had a sleepover….they have all been lovely, but am looking forward to them all going home. Think I deserve to claim some time for sewing this afternoon 😉

    Tamara @justsewit

    Justine, seeing snow would be a treat – it was for me. But masses of snow such as what our forums friends (and strangers) are experiencing would be quite a shock.

    I am assuming you live no where near snow fields? Well neither do I but I have a hankering to take the family over to just experience snow in the way I remember it. Lovely soft white and cold! And great for making snowmen with.

    Happy Birthday to Harry! One year before he gets to officially call himself a teenager (this is where you have to sit down and contemplate where the time went). I know my twelve year old can’t wait but I very definitely can!

    Birthday parties and sleepovers are such fun but they are also exhausting so, yes! I do believe you have earned some sewing time this afternoon.

    I was very lazy last night! I just didn’t have the energy to cook! So we had jam sandwiches for tea instead! Nice for a novelty but certainly not for everyday.

    Nicole @motherof5

    We are off to a wedding and Tildy is a lat minute flower girl.
    My sister knew she would be needed last night but she only asked this morning as she knew I would sit up all night sewing something 😉

    I thought you chaps may have liked to see what has been eating my Jack Russell, Rupert, dog nuts https://www.flickr.com/photos/motherof5/15715731389/

    Tamara @justsewit

    Hope you enjoy yourselves at the wedding Nicole and that Tildy makes a lovely last minute flowergirl (bit of a treat I shouldn’t wonder). As for the Bobby, better a bobby than a snake but then do snakes eat dog biscuits?

    We have one hiding in the little shed outside the house gate at the moment. Our worker “Flo” found it when getting something out or putting something in. It is one of those “leave me alone” types – thankfully.

    I do love Bobbys in the garden. And love the name Rupert for the Jack Russell.

    We were pelted with more rain this week. Harvest has become a never ending period of stops and starts. We even had hail which is very rare and it wiped out some of the thinner crop (which is nothing to write home about).

    I am just so happy we have a cooler spell of weather even if it doesn’t last that long. And I am even happier I can actually get to sew!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Our school is tiny (only 130 students) but I am very proud to share that my son, Hugo, won the Student of the Year award last night, at our Presentation Night.

    He made a brilliant off-the-cuff speech, so very very proud of him.

    runciblespoon @runciblespoon

    How wonderful, Nicole! Huge congratulations to Hugo.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Excellent news! It is so satisfying when they have the pat on the back from teachers and peers. Congratulations! You must be so proud.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Congratulations to Hugo! (and the family behind him 🙂

    BeckyinFL @BeckyinFL

    I’m sure he deserves it. Congrats!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Thank you!
    I was so proud!

    KarenK @KarenK

    Congrats, Hugo! So very deserved!!

    Masha Richart

    Congratulations to Hugo!

    The big news over here (accompanied by a coming-out photo on Flickr) is that I am expecting our fourth. About 17 weeks now and feeling much better now that I’m out of the icky first trimester. I’ve heard the transition from 3 to 4 is much easier than 2 to 3 … counting on those of you with large lovely families to reassure me of this!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Oh, wow!
    Congratulations Masha, so excited for you!
    The more you have the easier it gets, in my opinion. You focus on important issues, nurturing and nutrition, and less on perfect floors.

    Thank you Ladies, Hugo is very grateful for your congratulations.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Masha! That’s such wonderful news! On home soil (and no need to fly home for a birth because you are already there) surrounded by family. What a blessing! I hope everything is progressing beautifully. How are you feeling?

    I have been having strange dreams of being wheeled in a hospital bed down the road from one hospital to the other! I know it sounds strange but the reason was because I was told the hospital I was booked into was having its operating theatres refurbished when I was due to have my baby and that I would have to have the procedure at the public hospital and then be transferred.

    It was a huge miscommunication thankfully. I saw my doctor (she is a gp who can do c sections) and she asked did I really want to do this? Of course you don’t! If you book into somewhere you expect to not be transferred because of hospital renovations. Strings have been pulled and my imagined huge ambulance transfer bill will no longer manifest. The date is set for the 30th at 9.30 am – second caesar of the day. I’m quite happy! Its due date!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Argh, I have a Puppet Show cut out for the puppet show we’re going to tomorrow and the storm knocked out my sewing machine. I hope it’s resettable and not really fried.

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