News and Current Affairs
9 years ago LINK
Tamara @justsewit
I love school holidays also. It means not having to travel in to town everyday. We have been having a few issues with our bus driver and so I have resorted to taking the kids to school. On one hand it beats having to be on the bus for an hour and a half from 7.10am but on the other hand it takes a huge toll on fuel and car wear and tear. My kids seem happier though and that is probably because they get an hour more sleep a night.
We have just returned from a city trip where we spent much of the time shopping. We did manage to go to the zoo though which is always a huge treat. Perth zoo have done up the orangutan enclosure and have included a beautiful interactive walkway. They should have done it years ago when they first did it up.
I have been trying to find Noah some dress pants for a special event coming up in two weeks. We are having Chloe baptised and he is going to be one of her godparents (it is something I witnessed as a child, family friends had six children and the three eldest were each a god parent to the three youngest). It makes me very thankful that I can sew because I just cannot justify a nearly ten year old boy having to wear men’s trousers! So we bought fabric and i will spend the next few days getting this outfit sorted. I saw Roundtheworldgirl’s photo of her son wearing his outfit and was completely blown away. The shirt he is wearing is practically the same colour as what we have chosen to make a shirt from also.
With the baptism coming up it makes me miss my mil so much. She was very good at making cakes and made our wedding cake and the christening cakes for the two older kids. I went to organise a cake for Chloe’s christening celebration and the bakery we had used previously now doesn’t do them! I now have to go searching for somewhere to get a cake made at a reasonable price that doesn’t require 4 weeks notice!
9 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
A baby girl for the Duchess of Cambridge, so exciting!
9 years ago LINKneedlewoman @needlewoman
Really looking forward to hearing what names have been chosen; a good friend and I are punting for Alice, and/or Helena. I think that there is also a reasonable chance of ‘Margaret’ being included in the “string”. (This was the name of the current Queen’s sister, and only sibling, dear Republicans).
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Elizabeth has to be in there somewhere! And if they were to use a name from Diana, I tip Frances not Diana.
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9 years ago LINKneedlewoman @needlewoman
We’ll see. Their are so many lovely royal girls’ names to choose from. The child was 8lbs 3oz – very sturdy.
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I still love Alexandra or Charlotte for her though. And I would think they may even use Catherine as this would have ties to not only Catherine herself but to her maternal family.
9 years ago LINKdubhels2003 @dubhels2003
Selfishly I hope it isn’t Helena! And my sister’s name is Alice, maybe my folks were choosing from Queen Vic’s kids’ names?! I really like my name and I like that it isn’t too strange but isn’t an everyday name, and I would rather it didn’t become too commonplace. Not that it really matters in the bigger scheme of things I don’t suppose!
9 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
@dubhels2003 You got your wish! She’s a Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.
I think the Diana-part was a given, more or less. I’m a Charlotte myself (well, Charlotta to be honest, but close enough) and I don’t mind.
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I adore the name! I wanted Chloe to be a Charlotte! Elizabeth was a given for me I think because its Catherine’s middle name and Carol’s and also ties to Her Majesty. I think they chose beautifully.
Although I do hope that the next generation choose versions of the old names, like Elise instead of Elizabeth, just to mix things up slightly.
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9 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
The new Swedish princesses got rather unusual names. Estelle was born 3 years ago to the Crown Princess and Leonore last year to princess Madeleine.
Leonore will become a big sister on June – I wonder what they pick for him/her.
Oh and June will also see another Royal wedding (the last one for a while now) when Prince Carl Philip weds miss Sofia Hellqvist.-
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9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Estelle is such a pretty name. I knew a little girl named Estella, who is about Imogen’s age.
9 years ago LINKcybele727 @cybele727
I love these older names. So pretty and elegant.
We are exhausted here at my home. Gigi has suffered from chronic constipation since birth- which led to difficulty controlling her bowel.
Next year is Kinder, so I wanted this under control and I was done with all the normal interventions, ala diet and over the counter meds. They weren’t working.
The specialist sent us home with an rx to get her completely empty. It didn’t work and they made me give her another drug. About 2 hours later, she started vomiting. We ended up in the ER, x-rays, and then admitted where she had a nasogastric tube pump horrible stuff into her to dissolve her blockage. It was a rough 48 hours for us both.
She’s all good and fine although refuses to even talk about the incident. I am scarred for life. There is something beyond what a parent can take when your child is plaintively begging, “Please mommy, don’t let them hurt me anymore.” While these hurts were necessary, it is beyond anything I could bear. I’d get her through it and take a break and find a quiet place to sob.
She’s doing really well now. Her skin has turned peachy, her hair is healthier, and her breath is so much better. Basically, she’s no longer filled with the poison of human waste.
Now the key is too keep her going regularly and work on preventing it.
This has been a rough spring, and I am looking forward to a summer hopefully problem free. I hope the sewing will help me feel better.
9 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya
Oh my goodness, the poor baby! Has she been checked for Chrohn’s? A little friend of ours was diagnosed just before Kindy. He has dealt with similar chronic constipation since birth as well. I hope she can stay regulated and not be subjected to that medicine again.
9 years ago LINKcybele727 @cybele727
They tested for celiac’s but not Crohn’s. I think I may have to go do some googling. Honestly, I am very unhappy with the specialists. Not because it went bad; the procedure they admitted her for in the ER was one that would have had to have happened anyways, just not on an emergency level. I am angry because the specialists were like… we didn’t order her to the ER, so we aren’t even going to check on her. I am currently looking for a new specialist.
But she is doing 1000x better than her parents are. LOL.
9 years ago LINKOh my goodness, poor child and poor mama! I hope that she stays on track and doesn’t have to go through any more torture!
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