Divided by a common language
10 years ago LINK
Reeni @Reeni
Jinx is a big thing in this house, and there is “jinx again, double-jinx, no givebacks.”
I laughed when Anna and Hans did it in Love Is an Open Door.
Snap is for card games, I thought?
I grew up (in the Philippines) with them being called soft drinks, but refer to them now as soda (NY). I had a chef who called it bubble juice (in reference to the unflavored but fizzy Pellegrino :D).10 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
I tried to adopt ‘pop’ because I thought it sounded sort of cool and James Dean-ish, like somebody from an S.E. Hinton novel (or more specifically, from one of the Coppola films) but I couldn’t get it to stick. It’s really interesting to see how my kid’s idiolect is developing. She’s familiar with so many phrases and characters from shows she’s never seen, I assume from water cooler chat at school.
So what’s the story behind ‘jinx, I’ll buy you a soda’? I could google it but don’t want to cheat. Reeni, where’s your chef from?
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10 years ago LINKhoneymadeit @honeymadeit
Here’s one for you. We carry our groceries in a bag and carry them into the house from our van. My sister in the North West puts her groceries in a tote and totes them into the house from her rig. I always thought that was funny. She drinks pop and we drink soda. We are in Texas and She is in Alaska.
10 years ago LINKRobin @Robin
Ok Australians, it took me a bit to figure out maccas, but what is “dag”. Justine used it the other day.
10 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
And what are maccas?
10 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Nicole has said Tildy is a dag, I think it means cute/funny — she was doing a cute pose in a photo. I’m not sure if it’s something you call your own kid, but it would be too familiar to call somebody else’s kid a dag? Can it apply to animals or nonliving objects?
10 years ago LINKcybele727 @cybele727
Jinx the buy me a coke/soda thing is from SNL???
We are a house divided that cannot stand…
I am a pop girl (from Buffalo, NY which qualifies itself as midwest when it comes to accent and other speech -isms) and my husband is from Syracuse, a mere 3 hour drive east, where they have some sounds that are suspiciously downstate and use the word soda. I told my husband that he better not teach the kids soda.
10 years ago LINKKarenK @KarenK
Here’s one,
Are your Crayola crayons called:
a) colors
b) crayons
c) color crayons
d) “crans”
e) something else ______________10 years ago LINKcybele727 @cybele727
D. Sometimes… cray-uns, emphasis on cray.
10 years ago LINKbrenda1652 @brenda1652
here in upstate NY, we drink soda as we did in CT, NH, VT, and ME. But, here they eat subs. In CT we launched subs at the naval yard in Groton(!) and ate grinders. Here we get booze at the liquor store or beer store, in CT it is the packy or package store. When I lived in TX we carried our groceries in paper sacks, paper bags up here in the north. My husband is a southern boy and I am a Yank so we are always dickering over the “right” way to say things. Oh, in the south, Yank is always proceeded by the word d-mn ! I make dumplings for my soups, husband makes “pastries” when he makes them,like his Cherokee gram did. (she raised him). I wear slippers indoors, he relaxes in bedroom shoes. I turn off lights, he cuts them off. Growing up, my gram in CT (from ME, a reservation) wore housedresses as did all the other older women in CT, husband’s granny wore frocks at home. His granny wore bloomers, we wore (still do, blush) panties. With my New England accent and his southern hillbilly one it is pretty funny here, or so folks have remarked. The one southern word we share is yawl (or written y’all) which I picked up living down south and find it very handy to use. Of course young folks everywhere have their own language. Bear with me on this once: I was talking about making beans in my cast iron Dutch Oven and the kids, (in their 20’s-30’s) were hysterical and asked my why I would call a pot that and please not to use that term. I showed them pics from the internet calling said pots Dutch Ovens, and I have used that term many times I think when they were growing up (guess they weren’t paying attention).. So, they proceed to tell me that the “real” meaning is farting(their term, husband’s as well)/passing gas(my term) under the covers and pulling the blanket over your bedpartner’s head. I kid you not and that is what they insist is a Dutch Oven. Off to sew up some Thanksgiving napkins, a meal in which I will probably use said pot and again incite hysteria if I forget and mention its name.
10 years ago LINKJustine J @justmejay
Robin, the colloquial meaning of ‘dag’ here can mean a few thing – it can describe someone’s dress style (negative), it can refer to an ‘uncool/nerdy type’ person, or it can be used in an affectionate way (also suggesting a nerdy type, but lovingly!). Btw – DO NOT Google it to check it’s more formal meaning
Sarvi – Macca’s is McDonald’s (we do love to shorten names – however, in the case of short names, we tend to give them a longer nickname…)
Karen – b. Crayons.
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Justine is spot on with dag.
The dress style of ‘daggy’ is less complimentary, ‘dag’ is more affectionate.A true dag is a product of sheep waste and wool, don’t google image it.
Crayon here.
We now regularly use ‘amaze balls’ and ‘awesome sauce’ in our current vernacular. We call them ‘britterism’s’ from the awesome Brittney.
I definitely use ‘hold’ the baby rather then ‘nurse’ now. I may even swop to serge rather then over lock but I could never say cookie instead of biscuits.
That would feel like I was going over to the dark side….10 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
b) crayon
We definitely call it Maccas!What do you call what you wear swimming?
a) swimmers
b) togs
c) bathers
d) other?
This is one which changes across Australia depending on which state you are from! Thankfully both the states I’ve lived in call them bathers10 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Swimsuit or bathing suit for swimming, crayons for coloring, and I think I’ll avoid saying ‘dag’ until I’ve spotted it in the wild a few more times, I don’t want to inadvertently offend.
It’s interesting the way meanings change over time, too. Both geek and punk were once things you’d never want to call yourself.
10 years ago LINKvothgirl @vothgirl
I say:
– crayons (2 syllables)
– soda (my husband is from Ohio and usually says ‘pop’)
– swimsuit or bathing suit– my husband says “crick” instead of “creek”
– my mother-in-law “warshes” her dishes as opposed to washing them. Another Midwest-ism, I think.How do you say “roof” and “mirror”? For me:
– ‘roof’ pronounced “rufe”
– ‘mirror’ has two distinct syllablesI’m American but due to having a Canadian mum and living in Australia for 3 years, I think many words look better with the “u” (eg ‘colour’). But since I went to university in the U.S. and spent 6 years in the Air Force, I had to use Americanized spelling.
I love enunciating and reading aloud clearly – probably bc of my wonderful Years 11/12 English teacher and her love of Shakespeare, which always sounds better when read well.
And as far as using “rig” to mean your vehicle, that makes sense in Alaska – you’d need a big rig in many parts of the state in winter to be able to get around! I keep hoping one day the AF will give us an assignment there…
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