Oliver + S

Cooking and Baking

'Big' Cake Recipes

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    lattemama @lattemama

    Cake flour can apparently be made at home – http://joythebaker.com/2009/09/how-to-make-cake-flour/ from the looks of the directions in the link it’s all-purpouse flour mixed with a bit of cornflour/cornstarch.

    Thanks for posting those recipes and instructions @reeni! I’m bookmarking for reference.

    katybellabug @katybellabug

    (just moving this as it went onto a different page..)

    If anyone is after a sugar free carrot cake recipe then have a look at this one:


    I promised to post this for Sharon and I am sure you will all want to have a go too. It was on the Great British Bake Off Masterclass the other night and I baked it this morning. It is delicious!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Yum, can you get agave at the supermarket?

    katybellabug @katybellabug

    @motherof5 Nicole, yes I found it in the ‘free from’ section of my supermarket along with all the other special diet ingredients. I know it is in health food shops as well.
    I really enjoyed the cake and didn’t miss the sugar. My husband said it wasn’t sweet enough for him. But he has 3 sugars in his tea and sugar on his cereal so his expectations are high! I don’t have extra sugar in anything and it was fine for me. Although I would like more maple syrup in the frosting, only because I like the taste.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Thank you all so much for your advice and help. I made the cake and saved a small fortune!

    , I used your excellent idea of two cakes. Whilst Hugo and Co were making speeches and ‘cutting the cake’ a good friend and I were cutting and plating up the other cake, close by.
    By the time speeches were done, cake was ready to be eaten.

    Thank you!

    Liesl Gibson

    Nicole, I hope you’ll post photos of everything so we can see! And I hope it was a fun party for everyone, especially the parents! xo

    Nicole @motherof5

    Thank you @liesl Gibson , I will, it was a lot of fun.

    My favourite moment was one of the uncles dragging Hugo’s old go-cart up and down the track with passenger after passenger while 30 odd whooping children ran after them, like a noisy parade.

    The no gifts/bring a salad worked beautifully. The mix of delicious food was wonderful and we ate the leftovers for two days. ( I left a pile of take away containers out in my kitchen and many people happily put their leftovers in them and then popped it in my fridge)

    It had its hairy moments such as when some likely lads lit the bonnie and we had 40 foot flames shooting up in the sky.
    My brother swagged in the fire unit ute, over night, so he could keep an eye on it for me.

    It was too warm for much dancing so Jed and my brother took a couple of ute loads out for a drive around the farm. it was a moonlit night and they saw a lot of animal night life.

    At 3:30 am a bunch of teens decided to go swimming in the pool so I snuck out on my bedroom verandah with a book and a cup tea to keep an eye on them.

    I started breakfast at 9 am the next day. Bodies emerged from swags like bedraggled butterflies for bacon, eggs, pancakes and Buck’s Fizz for those old enough ( several neighbours dropped in as well)

    We all had a blast but I am quite glad I have a two year gap before I have to do it all again.

    nzsewist @Ann-Maree

    It sounds like it was such a great celebration @nicole. 🙂

    I’m not sure it was me who suggested the two cakes, but regardless I am very glad for you that the cake (and all the other catering) went well. I can’t wait to see more photos.

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