Oliver + S

Help! Missing pattern piece!

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    thesimpson5 @thesimpson5

    I have the printed copy of this pattern, and as I was laying out my pattern pieces to begin cutting last night I discovered that I don’t have piece 8, the neck tie pattern piece. I have no clue how this happened. I cut my pattern page down to fit it in the large format copier at my office, and all I can figure is I accidentally cut away that piece and trashed it. Is there anyone who can tell me the dimensions of that piece? Thank goodness it’s basically a rectangle with a pointed end! I’m needing a size 8, but would also love to know the length of the tie for the other sizes in that range as well. Thanks in advance SO much to anyone who can help me!

    JEB O’Barr @markjebobarr@hotmail.com

    You don’t state which pattern.

    thesimpson5 @thesimpson5

    Sorry, I thought I was in the Apple Picking Dress forum. Thank you!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    And indeed you are! I don’t have my copy handy but can check for you when I get home. Jeb, look up at the top of the page and you will see it says discuss>Apple-picking — that will help identify which pattern is being discussed. Also there is only one pattern which has a neck tie, or am I forgetting one?

    thesimpson5 @thesimpson5

    Thanks so much, Sarvi 🙂

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    There is very little difference in length among the sizes 5-8, looks like about 1/8 to 1/4 inch difference between sizes. They’re all 3.25 inches wide. The size 8 has notches on both long sides at the same point, 9.25 inches from the straight end. The length is 26 and 3/8 for the size eight, measured along the long edge, and the pointy tip is 3/4 inch longer. That’s a lot of numbers, hope the one you need is there!

    thesimpson5 @thesimpson5

    That is exactly what I needed, @sarvi. I can’t thank you enough! Now for a fun weekend of sewing 🙂

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Have fun! As I was looking for this pattern, I noticed the 2+2 blouse has ties at the neckline, and one of the views of the Birthday Party has ties at bodice — might like to check those out, you too, Jeb 🙂

    Happy sewing, folks!

    Nicole @motherof5

    You posted just right @thesimpson5.

    Just a wee tip, if you are short on fabric, you *can* cut the tie in three pieces. The back neck section on bias so it fits nicely and the tie sections on straight of grain. It is a bit fiddly but saves a lot of fabric if you are pushing things. https://www.flickr.com/photos/motherof5/6191602513/in/album-72157627620818735/

    I did it here as I only had a scrap of silk.

    Good luck, and Sarvi, you are a Rock Star, I so wanted to help but couldn’t log in for love nor money yesterday.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    I’ll look out for your picture of your AP dress, Simpson5. I’d love to do it with both skirts – just for fun.

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