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weekend links

Hello friends,

I’ve been rather quiet on social media lately, and it’s probably time to tell you why. After almost 27 years together, Todd and I are divorcing. We’re both heartbroken by this change in our lives because we’ve worked hard on our relationship, but it’s time for us to part. A couple of weeks ago S and I moved to a new apartment here in Madrid where we plan to stay until S finishes high school in five years. Todd will find a place near us so we can continue to work and parent together despite not living together.

I’ve needed some time to accept this change and get settled into our new apartment, not to mention start to re-build my life. It’s been difficult, but I know that in the end everything will be OK. We are all doing well, working through the sadness and moving toward acceptance. Some days are harder than others, of course. But I’m starting to feel like I’m ready to get back to work and “normal” life. A huge thank-you to Rachel and to the Advisors Circle members, who have stepped up to fill the void here on the blog during my absence.

With regard to our business, you probably won’t see any changes here and we plan to carry on largely as things were. Todd and I are both very proud of what we’ve built and believe we can continue to work together in the future. After all, we worked together before we started dating, so it’s not unfamiliar territory for us.

Thanks for your support and your understanding as we transition our personal lives. We think of you as part of our extended family and friends, so I wanted to be sure that you know about this change.

Pinterest Picks

I love pencil skirts and wear them year-round, but spring and summer are especially great for this style because, bare legs! The skirt below, left, is particularly pretty, I think, especially with the fuzzy boxy sweater. I really want to try sewing our Extra-Sharp Pencil Skirt in the Alabama Chanin style with reverse applique on jersey, and the skirt below, left, reminds me of that style.

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Such good colors!

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Something to try out this weekend, perhaps?

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I’ve been collecting fabrics for a couple of new Gallery Tunics or Dresses. Such an easy summer style!

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And here is some inspiration for an Oliver + S Playtime Dress and an Ice Cream Dress, both of which are great summer styles.

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Weekend Reading

Have a great weekend, and I hope you’re planning to sew something fun! I’m working on a couple of things for S, which I’ll share soon.


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