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our testers’ photos

Hello friends!

Whenever we release new patterns we hear from some of you who want to see the new styles in a variety of sizes and fabrics, which I know helps you to anticipate how they’ll look on you and which fabrics you’ll want to use. I’ve asked our lovely testers if they would be willing to share their photos with you, and a few of them have agreed. (This isn’t a requirement for testing, so I’m always grateful when they’re generous like this.)

Let’s start with the Liesl + Co. Terrace Dress, shall we? I love how Jeanne and Beth both wore a wide belt with their dresses, yet they both look so different from each other! (And let’s not neglect to appreciate how Beth’s phone case matches her Rifle print fabric.)

Ana Sofia’s version of the Terrace Dress looks so fresh and springy, doesn’t it? So does the dress Stephanie sewed for her sister. You’ll notice that the darts need to be moved down for this dress to fit a little better, although Stephanie said her sister was delighted with it nonetheless. (By the way, have I showed you how easy it is to move a dart down–or up–yet? If not, we’ll do a tutorial soon.)

Then, on to the Liesl + Co. Extra-Sharp Pencil Skirt! Jeanne did such a good job of matching up the stripes on her print I thought I should highlight her masterful sewing here. And how great are Emily’s sleeves with that beautifully-fitted skirt?

I love the fabric Crystal chose for her skirt. So fancy!

If you want to see more of these styles, keep an eye on Instagram for #lcterracedress and #extrasharppencilskirt for more photos, and of course you can also follow hashtags on Instagram now, so you might want to consider adding #lieslandco to your feed. You can also see photos of our pattern in our Liesl and Co. Flickr group!


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