Hi, after many sewing fails due to bust issues, I finally decided to use this pattern to learn how to properly do a SBA. Who better than to teach me than Liesl, right? 
I’ve completed the pattern piece alteration and taped it back to the skirt piece. Since I did a 1/2″ SBA, my skirt piece is now wider than my bodice piece by 1/2″. The instructions say to blend either the bodice side seam or the skirt side seam so the two edges will match. For those of you who’ve done this already, what is the best way to blend these two pieces together? Since I put the same size waist dart back in place, have I effectively reduced the waist amount and would I need to blend so that I get that 1/2″ back in the waist? I sure hope this makes sense to someone! Thanks so much!