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weekend links

Hello friends!

How is your October so far? We’re about to go into a modified second lock down, so that’s how my month is going! Actually, I’m really thrilled that we managed to complete our photo shoot last week, especially since you might remember that last season’s shoot was delayed by several months due to our first lock down. This lock down is nothing like last time, but I’m still relieved I don’t need to worry about it. We hope to have new patterns for you very soon, and I’m really excited about how these turned out. I’ll have some sneak peeks for you shortly.

Photos by S.

Also, a few of you have asked about our Lisette for Butterick designs. Some of those patterns have been delayed due to Covid as well, but they are still coming in future seasons!

Pinterest Picks

This looks to me like a Natalie Chanin hand-stitched pattern, but I can’t say for sure. Isn’t it pretty?

pinterest link and pinterest link

It’s almost soup weather! The evenings here in Madrid are cool enough that we’re already made a few soups, but I’m looking forward to many more.

pinterest link and pinterest link

Autumn wardrobe inspiration: love the colors, below left, and I’m definitely taking a lesson from this chic woman on how to style my checked tweed Chaval Coat.

pinterest link and pinterest link

What are your thoughts on pockets with fringe?

pinterest link and pinterest link

Weekend Links

OK, have yourself a great weekend! We’ll be back next week with some inspiring blog posts for you. What are you sewing in the meantime?


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