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weekend links

Hello friends!

Everything seems to be moving so quickly now that it’s December and we’re nearing the end of the year, doesn’t it? Todd and S spent the better part of yesterday and today baking and decorating Christmas cookies to give to friends while I tried to get some work done. I still need to finish writing and illustrating one spring pattern, which is really late compared to our usual schedule, and then I can think about gifts and decorating. But somewhere in the middle of it all I’m hoping to escape for an hour or two on Sunday afternoon to see the Modus. A la manera de España show that’s just gone up here in Madrid. It includes a mixture of traditional and contemporary pieces, so I think it will be interesting. I’m already in love based on this photo.

How are you holding up against the holiday madness?

Pinterest Picks

We made this pear custard for a class that meets in our apartment on Saturday mornings, and it was so well-received that we quickly baked another and brought it to our friends at the market! It’s really quick and easy to make and is truly delicious. Also, I’m considering making a rolled pork tenderloin for Christmas. Anyone have a favorite recipe I should try? This looks so good.

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It seems like everywhere I’ve turned this week, I’ve seen Hollywood Trousers, or at least photos that remind me of our Hollywood Trousers. I especially love these monochrome, dressy looks.

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But speaking of the Hollywood Trousers, the photo below, left, reminds me of Erica’s tuxedo stripe version. And Kate’s are looking particularly elegant, aren’t they?

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And hurray for corduroy! The denim trousers, below left, remind me of Camilia’s denim trousers.

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Weekend Reading

What are you doing this weekend? Any sewing plans? I hope you get a chance to play with your sewing machine in between the holiday prep activities, at least. Meanwhile, we’ll be back next week with a trip to Barcelona and some holiday sewing ideas for the kids. Happy weekend!


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