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weekend links, S edition

Hello friends!

Gobble gobble.

Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s S here with weekend links today!

A few weeks ago I asked my mom if I could do the weekend links. I wanted to because I really like to write. My friend and I have our own blog/newspaper. (You can see it here! Haha. Self promotion….) We try to write every weekend.

We have also found a really cool app called Wattpad that lets you write stories. All of my friends and I use that, and we write stories during classes when our teachers don’t come.

The cool thing about our school is that instead of textbooks, we use tablets! They are really cool because they somehow found out how to install software so that we can only have specific apps during school hours and when we get home then our tablet has any apps we want it to have!

I recommend Wattpad if you like to write, and (once again self promotion) if you get it make sure to follow me! I’m @tsiagibson.

I hope you like my weekend links!

Pinterest Picks

A few days ago we went to an art exhibition by a friend of ours and he told us about some really cool markers he uses. They’re called Posca and they have paint in them. I’m looking forward to using them because you can layer one color over another. I want to try to draw something like these. (But not on the walls since my mom won’t let me.)

pinterest link and pinterest link

My mom and I have a Pinterest board called Animals for S and these are some of my favorites. I really like this artist, Dominique Le Bagousse.

pinterest link and pinterest link

Also, I like to make arts and crafts on the weekends with my friends. I found these cute ideas to try, and I thought you might like them also.

pinterest link and pinterest link

And lastly, for Thanksgiving we need something to do with autumn leaves right? They are so pretty! Here is a funny GIF of two trees playing catch.

pinterest link

Weekend Reading (and Watching)

I hope you have a great Thanksgiving weekend! In the comments tell us what you are thankful for! I’m thankful for friends, family, all the usual stuff and something strange might be… the Metro! So that I can get to school easily. They keep it so clean here!

Thanks for reading!



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