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kcw august 2016

Make clothes for your kids alongside your virtual sewing pals during Kid’s Clothes Week which will be taking place August 8-14. There’s a new leader for KCW; her name is Julie and she is here today to give you the scoop.

Hey everyone! It’s that time again…. Time for the summer season of Kid’s Clothes Week! This season marks my official first season as the new head of KCW, and the official signing off of Meg and Dorie. And our theme goes hand in hand…. Celebration.

This season is about celebrating new beginnings and farewells, celebrating all those little things in life that make our child unique and our moments memorable, and of course there’s always those big life events that we attend, like weddings and showers! As always, the theme is optional!

Now a little bit about me and the switch over… I’m Julie, and I write over at Our Chez Nous. I’ve participated in KCW for as long as I’ve been able to sew, and even contributed once! And I’ll be honest, I’m super excited to be able to continue this and offer that seasonal sewing boost that we all seem to need. (I’m not the only one right?!?) And I’m also a tad nervous and hope that I can do all KCWers proud! After all, Meg and Dorie’s shoes are big ones to fill.

I hope that you join me, and so many others in this wonderful community for this season! If you haven’t already, you can sign up here! And you can check out the blog here for all the inspiration that will be posted coming up to the big week to help you get inspired!


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