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weekend links

Hello friends!

We’ve decided to extend our stay in Madrid for a second year, and we’re so excited about it! A longer stay will allow us to improve our Spanish and explore more of Spain and Europe, but really we just love it here and want to stay longer. Madrid has many charms, not least of which are its many small businesses like our neighborhood bakery, patisseries, and local markets, most of which have disappeared from New York over the 25 years that we’ve lived there. But more than that, we love our new friends, and we’re really enjoying the slower pace of life here. This year has certainly had its challenges, but they’ve been well worth the frustration and inconveniences during our time of adjustment.

prado-textiles-in-artTextiles in art at the Prado Museum (from my Instagram account)

But we do miss our New York friends, which is why we’re headed back for a visit in July! It will be wonderful to catch up with everyone since we’ve been gone for nearly ten months now. S is going to spend time with both sets of grandparents, which has become a tradition since she was very little, and she is going to spend a day with her New York classmates before they all graduate and depart for middle school. (Whoa, can that be happening? Middle school doesn’t happen in Spain until after next year, so I feel like I just dodged a bullet. I’m not ready for it yet!)

Next weekend we’re headed to the Netherlands to meet up with my family and to visit my college roommate, so I won’t have my usual weekend links post for you, but maybe I can find someone to fill in for me. Any volunteers or special guest requests?

Pinterest Picks

This outfit has Everyday Skirt with Bento Tee written all over it, doesn’t it? I love the stripes. If you make this for yourself, maybe you’d like to try cutting the side panels of the Everyday Skirt on bias like I did with my gingham version.

inspiration for an Everyday Skirt with a Bento Teepinterest link

Speaking of reversing the direction of stripes, I think I might have to make S a Book Report Dress similar to this style. I love the addition of the buttons here.

inspiration for a Book Report Dresspinterest link

And here are the shoes to wear with the above dress.

pinterest link

Cute summer ice cream-themed (my favorite!) birthday party favors with a downloadable print-out to make them (additional supplies needed).

pinterest link

We’re hoping to take a trip through Spain into southern France this August. I’ve never been to the south of France, but in my imagination it looks a lot like this photo from Provence. That cool color palette looks so welcoming right now.

pinterest link

Weekend Reading (and Watching)

OK, have a wonderful weekend! And if you find yourself with a little time to sew, don’t forget our 20 summer sewing tutorials round-up!



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