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how i wear it: shelley’s city stroll wrap skirt

Today we have another visit from Shelley, our regular contributor from Down Under. She is here again with her great sense of humor. Take it away Shelley!

Hello Oliver + S sewers, Shelley here again. I feel a bit of a fraud doing a “how I wear it” post as I don’t really style my outfits, or curate a wardrobe, or follow trends. I just get dressed most days. (The other days either involve a work uniform or don’t bear mentioning!) Well, I made myself the new Liesl + Co. City Stroll Wrap Skirt and wore it to the ballet with the kids the very next day. I loved wearing it and here’s how it looked:



I was really happy with how the skirt worked as a practical everyday skirt. As much as I like the occasional flimsy, hard-to-walk-in frock, my day-to-day clothes need to work to suit my lifestyle. I commute by bicycle, I stand, walk and sometimes run, I sit down when I get the chance, and I play. In short, I do stuff, and I need my skirt to stick with me throughout the day’s activities.

Liesl assured us all that the skirt keeps you modestly covered and doesn’t flip about all over the place. Now that I’ve given my skirt a pretty thorough road test, I can say that she’s right (of course)! It’s the middle of winter here in Australia, so I’ve been wearing my plaid skirt with tights and boots, but I thought no-one will believe that I’m comfortable with my skirt coverage if I’m wearing tights….

So, I made another one and I pretended it was summer – on the day of these photographs that was exceedingly difficult! Brrrr!!

If your typical day includes stopping by a café for a coffee, riding your bike or kneeling down to look at a prizewinning duck then the City Stroll Wrap Skirt is the skirt for you. Just don’t sit cross legged to play LEGO!




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