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Alabama Tea Party

A few months ago, I wrote a post about Natalie Chanin’s Alabama Stitch Book on my personal blog. I adore Natalie’s work, her book, and her sustainable approach to clothing and design.

Following my post, I received a very kind email from Natalie, which started a lengthy series of conversations via email and phone. It’s been a pleasure to get to know her, and we’ve started to collaborate on a few ideas which I’ll tell you about when the time is right.

In the meantime, I was thrilled to open this month’s issue of Cookie magazine and discover a feature article about Natalie, her family, and her company. And there was an additional little surprise in the article: a Tea Party sundress, made using Natalie’s own fabric and construction techniques.

You can see another photo of the dress (and her adorable daughter) and read more about it on Natalie’s blog. Thanks, Natalie!


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