Happy Friday! What a week it’s been, right? Here in New York we had a pretend snowstorm followed by a real snow day, and when all was said and done the week felt more like two weeks! I’m putting the finishing touches on three different spring pattern collections, preparing for two photo shoots, and designing a fabric collection. All at the same time. Why do deadlines come in groups like that?
I’m guessing you had a busy week, too. So let’s get down to the fun stuff!
First of all, I posted this to Instagram the other day but thought it deserved another mention. Did you know you can purchase a complete archive of Threads magazine in CD format for about $65? I highly recommend it as a valuable resource that you’ll refer to again and again, no matter what your sewing level.
OK, on to my Pinterest picks of the week!
Pinterest Picks
You could make a similar dress to this with the Garden Party Dress pattern, a cotton crinkle gauze, and pom pom trim. The pom poms are the key detail, of course.
This completely adorable Lullaby Layette Bodysuit. So sweet in this fabric.
I think I’m going to start printing out copies of this page to give my students at fit workshops. It’s a helpful guide to fixing fit problems, but you could also use it like a checklist to help you remember to look at every part of a muslin when you’re testing it. (By the way, I’ll be teaching a fit workshop in June, so if you’re interested in taking it–my only teaching engagement this year–stay tuned for details!)
It’s couture fashion week in Paris, and I like to keep a close eye on things for inspiration. Like this amazing woven bodice at Chanel. Wouldn’t this be fun to try making something like this with torn strips of fabric?
I was hunting for something yesterday and came across this darling giant cross-stitched sweatshirt. Wouldn’t this be fun to try with knitting yarn on a Field Trip Raglan Tee for Valentine’s Day? I know a nine-year-old who would love it. I think it’s cute for grown-ups, too! You could also try giant cross stitch on waffle knit (thermal knit) so the grid is build right in, sort of like this one.
Other Links
Last week’s links generated a lot of discussion, which was really fun to read!
- The Little Girls Sewing Book was published in 1915 and is available on-line via openlibrary.org. Most of us could probably learn a few stitching techniques from this book full of little projects. All of this chatter about stitching reminds me that I still haven’t taught S to cross-stitch. I think she would really enjoy it now that she’s almost 10.
- For your inner fabric geek (admit it–we’re all secretly fabric geeks): if you’ve ever wondered about the difference between a brocade and a jacquard, here’s really clear and thorough explanation.
- Long before Pantone existed, an artist developed this incredible book on color. What a labor of love!
- How a blizzard changed fashion and put an end to petticoats. Don’t you love history? I’m sure this story simplifies the situation quite a bit, but it’s a good tale nonetheless.
- Learning to drive as an adult.
Have a great weekend! You can follow me on Pinterest and on my personal Instagram account or the Oliver + S Instagram account. Have a great weekend!
That Jacquard loom article is FASCINATING!
Thanks so much for featuring my spotty bodysuit! I had lots of fun making it.