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weekend links with sinclaire


Today your weekend links are presented by me, Sinclaire, formally known as the S from Oliver + S. I’m so excited to be doing this, so let’s go!

My mom inspired me a while ago to start doing something similar to weekend links on Instagram. One of the less-known and kind of hidden features that Instagram offers is called “guides.” You can save photos you like from you favorite accounts and then make a little blog post in Instagram with them. I’ve done it a couple times and I think it’s super fun, but nothing compares to the famous weekend links over here.

Now, if you know me, you know I’m obsessed with Pinterest. I love to make mood boards for different parts of the year: the start of school, Christmas, summer, etc. I love having a little collage as my computer wallpaper.

So with this, I consider myself more than ready to host.

I have to admit, there probably won’t be as much fashion in this week’s weekend links as there usually is, but I promise to be very entertaining.

Pinterest Picks

It’s been very cold in Madrid lately and I’m counting the days left until spring. In the meantime I’m loving these PJs with little hearts on them. They remind me of the Lisette pattern that my mom used to make me some pajamas a while ago. They’re perfect for that in-between weather.

In Spain, it’s a tradition to go on a vacation with your friends after you finish your last year of high school. My friends and I are planning to go to Greece at the end of June to live out our Mamma Mia dreams, and I am very much already thinking about outfits.

I’ve had my eye on these super cute earrings for a while. I love anything heart shaped, and these are just so pretty.

And last, but not least to conclude my Pinterest picks, is this beautiful room inspiration I’m definitely going to be referencing next year at college.



Thanks for reading my weekend links,



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