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weekend links

Hello friends!

My time in the U.S. is drawing to a close, but it’s been great to be back and to spend time with family and friends. I’ve enjoyed quiet morning runs, shady bike rides, visits to the theater, and time to recover and regroup after an extremely stressful year. I hope you’ve also had a chance to take some time off and, maybe, do some travel.

Quite a few of you have already posted (adorable) first-day-of-school photos to the Facebook group, so clearly summer is wrapping up. We’ve still got a few weeks before school starts at our house, but keep those photos coming! I love seeing all those first-day outfits.

Speaking of travels and sewing, we stopped in to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum on our way to visit my sister a couple of weeks ago and I snapped this photo. So interesting to see how mother-of-pearl buttons are stamped out of a shell isn’t it?

Pinterest Picks

I couldn’t survive summer without a hat, so I’m always on the lookout for cute ones. After telling S I want to find a conical rice hat I stumbled across the one below, left, which is pretty close. And the black ribbon is quite charming, isn’t it?

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Love these black and white quilts.

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Here are two ideas for our Liesl + Co. Terrace Dress. This striped linen from would be perfect for the dress on the right, wouldn’t it?

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I wear my tropical wool City Stroll Wrap Skirt all year long, and if you lengthened the pattern by a few inches using the lengthen/shorten line on the pattern you could make it look almost exactly like this one, below left. Also, the dress on the right reminds me of our Lisette for Butterick B6482 if only I could find the right fabric. (Why is it so difficult to find oversized prints? When I design them the manufacturers never want to print them that large.)

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How fun are these textures?

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Weekend Reading

Have a great weekend, and we’ll be back next week with some extra-special sewing tutorials and a few other treats. See you then!


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