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weekend links

Hello friends!

It’s hard to believe our two weeks in New York are almost over! We’ve had a whirlwind visit but have managed to see so many dear friends. It’s been lovely to be back. I always expect it to take a little time for me to adjust to the pace and the changes of the city, but each time I return it feels almost as though I had never left. The city is changing rapidly, but not so rapidly that I don’t feel like I still belong. I love the pace of New York and feel so comfortable here. Plus, it’s nice to speak English again!

Rather than Pinterest picks this week, I’ll leave you with images from the Heavenly Bodies exhibit at the Met. I’m still hoping to see the portion at the Met Breuer, but the main museum and the Cloisters were absolutely spectacular, especially the Cloisters! Apologies for the crummy images; it’s past time for me to upgrade my phone.

Weekend Reading (and Watching)

Have a terrific weekend, everyone. We’re headed to my parents’ place late Sunday night, and I’ll be here on the blog again next week once I’ve caught my breath. Lots to tell you; we need to catch up!


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