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weekend links

Hello friends!

A great big Happy New Year to you! I hope you had a wonderful holiday, filled with friends and family and maybe also a little sewing time.

I just realized that I’ve worn the same sweater for the past 10 days or so, which definitely means I’ve been either relaxing or very distracted. A little of both, really. (But don’t worry; I haven’t been wearing the same shirt under it this entire time!) S just got her first braces and we’re busy packing for her class ski trip to Andorra next week, plus we’re shooting the first of several photo shoots for the spring patterns this morning and I just finished sewing the samples yesterday afternoon. So I guess that’s my sartorial excuse. But we also got some time to relax, and I think I’m reading about eight different books at the same time, I’m so busy cramming as much relaxation into my free time as possible! Can you relate?

the book and my guilty sweater

Speaking of books, Todd gave me this one for Christmas and I got all teary-eyed when I opened it. I’ve been feeling a little homesick for New York lately, but not for that cold weather! Stay warm, everyone.

Pinterest Picks

When January comes, do you look forward to New Year’s resolutions and starting the year with a clean slate? I mostly look forward to the limited color palettes of January, with light, clean colors like these.

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I also look forward to January’s cozy textures, like these. (Isn’t that ombre sleeve wonderful?)

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Speaking of texture, S and I are planning a cozy faux fur sweatshirt for her. If there is any leftover fabric it will definitely become a throw pillow or two.

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My mom sewed S a really beautiful twin-sized version of the quilt from my Little Things to Sew book, and it looks so wonderful on the bed in her room–which is truly the best room in the house, right on the corner with inspiring views of Madrid from two sets of French doors. But I digress; what I really meant to say is that this orange-and-red quilt reminded me of the overlapping transparent colors in S’s quilt.

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This dress and interior reminded me of SFGirl’s Wear This There series. The dress would look perfect in this interior, wouldn’t it? Makes me want to assemble shoes and accessories to match, but more pressing matters await.

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Weekend Reading

Since a new year often inspires a new start, here is a collection of links to inspire you (and me):

Oh, we have so many great posts lined up for you next week, I can hardly wait! Be sure to come back, or we can come to you if you sign up to have blog posts emailed to you. In the meantime, I hope you have a wonderful weekend. We’re looking forward to the arrival of Three Kings Day tomorrow. Do they visit your house, too?


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