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weekend links

Hello friends!

Right now we’re in the process of looking at schools for S. This summer we’ll either be returning to New York where she’ll start middle school or we’ll be staying in Madrid for much longer and she’ll start the equivalent of middle school here. No matter where we end up, it’s a tough decision! I think we’re all leaning toward staying here in Madrid for longer, but if we stay we need to give up our Manhattan apartment since we can’t legally keep it for more than two years without living there. What do you think we should do?

No matter what we decide, we’re still enjoying Madrid. The light is so pretty this time of year. I told myself I’d use our digital SLR camera more often this year, but most of the time I just use my phone. You never know when you’re going to be passing through Plaza Mayor or Retiro Park and the light is just right….

What do you have planned for the weekend? I’ve got all sorts of sewing projects half finished that I want to complete. The Thinsulate for my Lisette coat finally arrived, so I’d like to get that done before spring!

Pinterest Picks

Speaking of light and photos, the dramatic lighting in this photo of a pomegranate reminded of me of one of my very favorite ad campaigns ever, from Valentino.

pinterest link and pinterest link

A few Building Block Dress book ideas. (You can see many more ideas in my Building Block Pinterest folder.)

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I just love the architectural details of these two photos. Isn’t the smocking gorgeous? I’d love to try something like this.

pinterest link and pinterest link

Did you catch our sashiko Valentine tutorial and free download? It reminded me of this oversized cross-stitch heart as well as our free Valentine ornament.

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Stunning stitched insects and their (formerly) living counterparts.

pinterest link and pinterest link

Weekend Reading (and Watching)

We’ll be back next week with lots of fun things for you, including an special hemming tutorial I’m eager to share. Have a great weekend!


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