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building block dress book tour: oonaballoona

Oliver + S Building Block Dress book tour

We have just a few more posts to go before our Building Block Dress book tour is over. I wanted to remind you to print out the dress planning worksheet and the design worksheet when you start planning your next design. They are helpful tools.

Please join me in welcoming Marcy to the blog today! She blogs at Oonaballoona and she sewed up not one but three dresses! We are delighted to have her here today.

Head on over to her blog post to read all about the adorable little dresses she designed and made.

Marcy: Blog, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest

Howdy fellow sewists! Pleased to be here for Liesl’s beautiful new book release!

If we haven’t met yet, I’m Marcy, an actress, singer, and dancer. I stomp around New York with my husband and soulmate, Rob. My alter ego, oonaballoona, sews up craziness, to stay sane when the city stomping gets rough.

I started blogging eight years ago, at the same time I taught myself to sew via the internet. In those first few years of web guided stitching, I quickly became used to tossing instructions I didn’t understand, and fixing impending disasters by going off the beaten path. Now, I know way more about the rules, but that stubborn mindedness is often what makes me push through and make changes when something in a commercial pattern is not quite to my liking!

Those who know me will be surprised to see me here, as I normally only sew for a slim list of adults. But this book is right up my customizable alley, and it just so happens there are several of the younger set roaming around the outer perimeters of my technicolor life, worthy of my sewing time. So I was tickled hot pink when Liesl asked me to join the tour. And as promised, the instructions on pattern customization are a fantastic aid for my own garment sewing as well. If only I’d had it eight years ago….

We’ll be back here on Monday, have a good weekend everyone!


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