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weekend links: an update

Hello friends!

You’ve all been so kind, inquiring about me and our friend after our joint kidney donation/recipient surgeries. I’m pleased to report that we’re both doing very well.

I’m back in Madrid and feeling nearly normal, and our friend is home and feeling better every day. I can start exercising again next week, which will be wonderful now that I’m feeling up to it. And our friend is also doing very well after a couple of rough weeks. Her new kidney is functioning better than my remaining kidney–which is working just fine, thank you. She says it’s the best she’s felt in years! It’s just the anti-rejection drugs that are difficult; she got an infection immediately after starting the drugs, but now she’s finally back home and quickly improving. Isn’t that fantastic? I’m really glad I did it. I’m also glad it’s over! I think we’re all relieved about that. It was sort of fun that we were surgery neighbors and went into the operating rooms within minutes of each other. Todd got a photo of the two of us wearing our matching surgical gowns, but we have been sworn to never share it.

So thank you for all your encouraging messages and inquiries. It’s wonderful to be back home again, and today I’m sitting down to work for the first time in a month.

I hope you’re also doing well. Thank you so much for the reading links some of you sent while I was recuperating. I really enjoyed them once I was feeling well enough to take a look. And since I had lots of time to read, I have lots of weekend links for you, too.

Pinterest Picks

Isn’t this a pretty embellishment? I love how each bead and sequin is triple-stitched.

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Fun DIY summer fairy light project! I love badminton birdies.

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I’ve got a white linen Cinema Dress cut out and ready to sew, complete with a bodice embellished with pintucks and entredeux. I hope I can find time to sew it soon! This photo makes me even more eager to find the time.

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We made these vegan fudge popsicles the other day. Delicious! I will confess to eating one for breakfast this morning.

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I told you my sister and I were headed on a short visit to Marrakech just before we left for New York, right? We had a fantastic time. So many memorable adventures and people we met. I really enjoyed the museum at Yves St. Laurent’s Jardin Majorelle, which focuses on Berber culture and their wonderful costume. It’s so layered in texture and rich in detail! I especially love the jewelry and head coverings. It’s easy to see how St. Laurent was influenced in his own designs from this magnificent culture.

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And speaking of head coverings and jewelry, how great is this Sikh turban? Amazing. I fear for this man’s neck, however. It must weigh a lot!

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Weekend Reading

Alright, it’s time for me to get back to work on the fall Liesl + Co. patterns or they’ll never be finished. They’re already very late. But I’ll try to check in again soon. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Oh, and since you’ve made it all the way to the bottom of this post, here’s a special deal for you. This weekend (August 5-7, 2016) Craftsy is running a special 50% off their newest classes sale. There are some apparel sewing classes included. You can see details here (affiliate link).







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