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weekend links

Hello, friends!

Madrid has been quiet this month because everyone is away on vacation. In Spain, most people don’t eat dinner until around 9:00 or 10:00 at night, and restaurants don’t open until 8:00. With many restaurants having outdoor seating on our block, it can get noisy in the evenings when the sun goes down and we open the french doors to let in the cool air. This month several restaurants on our block are closed, which means that the evenings have been unusually quiet. S and I have been moving a mattress out onto our roof deck to sleep at night, where we can enjoy the cool air. It’s been a real treat!

And this week has been extra-special because we’ve had some dear friends from New York visiting us, and it’s been fun to watch S show them around and translate for them. She’s developing a lovely accent. We always enjoy seeing good friends, especially since our apartment here is larger than our New York apartment and we have space to entertain. It’s been easy to adjust to life in Spain, that’s for sure.

In business news, we’re busy gearing up for the big launch of my book on September 15! I’ve been busy planning lots of fun activities and guests, and there will even be a U.S. book tour in November, after Quilt Market (which I’ll also be attending). I’ll be traveling across the country to teach classes in conjunction with the book, and I’d love to meet you if you have a chance to come. Stay tuned for details.

Also, next Monday and Tuesday I’ll finally introduce you to my two newest Lisette for Butterick designs. Can’t wait to tell you all about them! I’m really excited to sew them and hope you will be, too.

Pinterest Links

Here are a few images that have captured my attention recently.

I love the honeycomb smocking on this dress. You could do something similar using our Playtime Dress pattern. And while you’re at it, make a pair of striped Playtime Leggings to wear with it!

pinterest link

Noodlehead made these great Class Picnic Shorts, and the fabrics are just charming together, aren’t they? I love fabric with a visible texture. It adds so much to clothing.

pinterest link

And speaking of texture, what about this deconstructed, hand-stitched fabric? It’s so graphic and fascinating!

pinterest link

This dress reminds me of our Lisette for Butterick B6168 dress. The floral is really sophisticated, isn’t it?

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This quilt. Such a great pattern and palette!

pinterest link

Weekend Reading (and Listening)

Have a wonderful weekend. I’ll see you here next week.


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