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Happy Friday, friends!

S has been counting down the days until school ends and summer vacation begins. It’s still about three weeks away, but she can hardly wait! Every day I get an update, and I’m afraid that soon it will evolve into more frequent count-downs regarding the number of hours remaining. I know I’m not alone in this game.

Speaking of time, the end of the school year means it’s been nine months since we arrived in Madrid, and it’s passed so quickly. S and I are both feeling more confident with our Spanish, but we still have a long way to go. When I start to feel discouraged I remind myself that I didn’t know any Spanish when we arrived, and now I can understand quite a bit even though I spend my days working in English. It’s a slow process, but our new friends are helping by speaking slowly and by gently correcting us when we make mistakes. And also by insisting that we, and they, speak Spanish even when it seems easier to speak English. We went to the cinema for the first time a couple of weeks ago and did pretty well following the dialogue. Learning a new language is a lot of work!

Wearing a Maritime Knit Top for Me Made May

Meanwhile, how is Me Made May going for you? Or Kid’s Clothes Week? Also, have you looked at the Oliver + S Flickr group lately? And #oliverands on Instagram? Wow, you’ve been a busy bunch! So many cute outfits. I’ve added two of your photos to this week’s Pinterest picks. You astonish me with your sewing talents and with your cute kids!

Pinterest Picks

Here’s a little inspiration for an Oliver + S Sailboat Top and Pants. The kerchief is adorable and might even be practical for a teething/drooling baby. Or maybe just for the cool/cute factor for older kids. (Just be careful with babies re: the choking hazard thing.)

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Sharon has already been busy sewing a Sailboat Top and Skirt for her daughter and the top and pants converted to shorts for her little guy. Love the embroidered seersucker and the contrast buttons.

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I also love this cute set of sister Seashore Sundresses sewn by Auschick. (Hey, that was almost a tongue twister! Try saying it three times, fast: “sewn set of sister Seashore Sundresses”) The print and piping are so sweet, aren’t they?

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A simple unbleached linen Gallery Dress like this would be so chic and cool for summer.

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It’s T-shirt weather! (But then again, when isn’t it T-shirt weather?) I plan to sew a few Metro T-shirts using Shelley’s fantastic V-neck T-shirt tutorial. I just noticed that Mood has linen jersey in stock in some really beautiful colors. Save some for me, will you? The rose and sunflower are particularly pretty.

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Obviously this photo was pinned to our mother-daughter Animals for S Pinterest board. So sweet. I hope S doesn’t get any ideas from this photo when we swim this summer. I’m not a polar bear.

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Weekend Reading

OK, have a great weekend! I’m off to shoot some swimsuit photos for our sew-along. Gah, when I decided to become a clothing designer I never imagined it would involve being photographed in a swimsuit! You’re joining me in this crazy adventure, right?


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