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weekend links

Hello friends!

I’m headed to London next weekend for a short trip with some new sewing friends, so I won’t be here with my usual weekend links on Friday. But I hope to come back with lots of new fabrics and trims. I have quite a shopping list!

Speaking of which, several of you have asked for tips on shopping for swimwear fabrics for the new Lisette swim patterns. For a little change of pace, I thought it might be nice to crowdsource a list from all of you! Do you have any favorite sources, either local or on-line, for swim fabrics? If you know a good source, please leave a comment on this post and we’ll compile them into a single list so you’ll have a nice reference guide for your personal shopping.

My personal favorite place to find great swimwear fabrics is Spandex House in Manhattan where I found this fun print last year. Spandex House has an enormous variety of fabrics, and it’s really fun to browse their selection in person or on-line. But many stores carry swimwear fabrics, so don’t be afraid to go shopping. It’s always nicest when you can touch and feel the fabrics yourself so you know how tightly knit they are and what sort of stretch recovery they have.

Shelley will have a little swimwear-based information and inspiration for you next week as well, with a special guest post about sewing swimwear for kids. (I’m so excited about her post!)

OK, off we go with this weekends picks.

Pinterest Picks

If you were inspired by Meredith’s pleated Fairy Tail Dress, have you considered doing a similar effect with the yoke of a Hide-and-Seek Dress? Or even a Cinema Dress for yourself?

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I can’t wait for the weekend so we can try making apricot salsa quesadillas for lunch!

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I’ve realized there’s a gap in my wardrobe: I own very lightweight spring coats and a warm winter coat, but nothing in between. So I think I might solve that problem by making a warm trench coat based on my Lisette for Butterick trench coat pattern B6331. I’ll be watching for just the right fabric in London next weekend. I’ll need to add a lining, but I’m tired of being cold every time it rains!

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I love the neutral-colored details of this interior shot. The combination of ornate and clean and simple is so refreshing.

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And that simple, elegant furniture in the photo above would look so perfect in this glass house, wouldn’t it? (This is actually the Palacio de Cristal in the middle of Retiro Park here in Madrid.

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Weekend Reading (and Watching)

OK, see you next week! Have a great weekend.


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